Setup dev certificates deploying to Docker Desktop

  1. Create a self-signed certificate
  2. Install certificates
  3. Configure the services

1 - Create the self-signed certificate (.pem + .key) and its .pfx file

From WSL, run the script with a strong password for the certificate.

./ "secure-COMPLEX-and-SECRET-password"

The script creates a certificate for both host.docker.internal and localhost.

2 - Install the certificates

Run the install-docker-certificate.ps1 with the same password you used above:

.\install-docker-certificate.ps1 "secure-COMPLEX-and-SECRET-password"

The above script:

  1. Imports the certificate in the current user root CA store.
  2. Copies the certificate files to the %USERPROFILE%\.aspnet\https folder. Servers will serve the certificate from this folder.
  3. Copies the .pem file as .crt to the src\certificates folder to add it as a root CA when building the images for some services.

3 - Configure some services to serve the certificates

  1. Copy the src\docker-compose.certificates.sample.yaml file as src\docker-compose.certificates.yaml
  2. Configure the password you assigned to the certificates in the settings ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password


The src\docker-compose.certificates.yaml file is .gitignore'd to avoid pushing it to the repo with the certificate password.

To avoid security risks, DON'T FORCE PUSH the file.