79 lines
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79 lines
2.2 KiB
using Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Ordering.Domain.Seedwork;
using Ordering.Domain.Exceptions;
using System;
namespace Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Ordering.Domain.AggregatesModel.OrderAggregate
public class OrderItem
: Entity
// DDD Patterns comment
// Using private fields, allowed since EF Core 1.1, is a much better encapsulation
// aligned with DDD Aggregates and Domain Entities (Instead of properties and property collections)
private string _productName;
private string _pictureUrl;
private int _orderId;
private decimal _unitPrice;
private decimal _discount;
private int _units;
public int ProductId { get; private set; }
protected OrderItem() { }
public OrderItem(int productId, string productName, decimal unitPrice, decimal discount, string PictureUrl, int units = 1)
if (units <= 0)
throw new OrderingDomainException("Invalid number of units");
if ((unitPrice * units) < discount)
throw new OrderingDomainException("The total of order item is lower than applied discount");
ProductId = productId;
_productName = productName;
_unitPrice = unitPrice;
_discount = discount;
_units = units;
_pictureUrl = PictureUrl;
public void SetPictureUri(string pictureUri)
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pictureUri))
_pictureUrl = pictureUri;
public decimal GetCurrentDiscount()
return _discount;
public void SetNewDiscount(decimal discount)
if (discount < 0)
throw new OrderingDomainException("Discount is not valid");
_discount = discount;
public void AddUnits(int units)
if (units < 0)
throw new OrderingDomainException("Invalid units");
_units += units;