- /*
- * node-rdkafka - Node.js wrapper for RdKafka C/C++ library
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Blizzard Entertainment
- *
- * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
- * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
- */
- var Producer = require('../lib/producer');
- var t = require('assert');
- // var Mock = require('./mock');
- var client;
- var defaultConfig = {
- 'client.id': 'kafka-mocha',
- 'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092',
- 'socket.timeout.ms': 250
- };
- var topicConfig = {};
- var server;
- module.exports = {
- 'Producer client': {
- 'beforeEach': function() {
- client = new Producer(defaultConfig, topicConfig);
- },
- 'afterEach': function() {
- client = null;
- },
- 'is an object': function() {
- t.equal(typeof(client), 'object');
- },
- 'requires configuration': function() {
- t.throws(function() {
- return new Producer();
- });
- },
- 'has necessary methods from superclass': function() {
- var methods = ['connect', 'disconnect', 'getMetadata'];
- methods.forEach(function(m) {
- t.equal(typeof(client[m]), 'function', 'Client is missing ' + m + ' method');
- });
- },
- 'has "_disconnect" override': function() {
- t.equal(typeof(client._disconnect), 'function', 'Producer is missing base _disconnect method');
- },
- 'does not modify config and clones it': function () {
- t.deepStrictEqual(defaultConfig, {
- 'client.id': 'kafka-mocha',
- 'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092',
- 'socket.timeout.ms': 250
- });
- t.deepStrictEqual(client.globalConfig, {
- 'client.id': 'kafka-mocha',
- 'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092',
- 'socket.timeout.ms': 250
- });
- t.notEqual(defaultConfig, client.globalConfig);
- },
- 'does not modify topic config and clones it': function () {
- t.deepStrictEqual(topicConfig, {});
- t.deepStrictEqual(client.topicConfig, {});
- t.notEqual(topicConfig, client.topicConfig);
- },
- 'disconnect method': {
- 'calls flush before it runs': function(next) {
- var providedTimeout = 1;
- client.flush = function(timeout, cb) {
- t.equal(providedTimeout, timeout, 'Timeouts do not match');
- t.equal(typeof(cb), 'function');
- setImmediate(cb);
- };
- client._disconnect = function(cb) {
- setImmediate(cb);
- };
- client.disconnect(providedTimeout, next);
- },
- 'provides a default timeout when none is provided': function(next) {
- client.flush = function(timeout, cb) {
- t.notEqual(timeout, undefined);
- t.notEqual(timeout, null);
- t.notEqual(timeout, 0);
- t.equal(typeof(cb), 'function');
- setImmediate(cb);
- };
- client._disconnect = function(cb) {
- setImmediate(cb);
- };
- client.disconnect(next);
- }
- }
- },
- };