- var t = require('assert');
- var RefCounter = require('../../lib/tools/ref-counter');
- function noop() {}
- module.exports = {
- 'RefCounter': {
- 'is an object': function() {
- t.equal(typeof(RefCounter), 'function');
- },
- 'should become active when incremented': function(next) {
- var refCounter = new RefCounter(function() { next(); }, noop);
- refCounter.increment();
- },
- 'should become inactive when incremented and decremented': function(next) {
- var refCounter = new RefCounter(noop, function() { next(); });
- refCounter.increment();
- setImmediate(function() {
- refCounter.decrement();
- });
- },
- 'should support multiple accesses': function(next) {
- var refCounter = new RefCounter(noop, function() { next(); });
- refCounter.increment();
- refCounter.increment();
- refCounter.decrement();
- setImmediate(function() {
- refCounter.decrement();
- });
- },
- 'should be reusable': function(next) {
- var numActives = 0;
- var numPassives = 0;
- var refCounter = new RefCounter(function() {
- numActives += 1;
- }, function() {
- numPassives += 1;
- if (numActives === 2 && numPassives === 2) {
- next();
- }
- });
- refCounter.increment();
- refCounter.decrement();
- refCounter.increment();
- refCounter.decrement();
- }
- }
- };