NODE-GYP ?= node_modules/.bin/node-gyp # Sick of changing this. Do a check and try to use python 2 if it doesn't work PYTHON_VERSION_FULL := $(wordlist 2,4,$(subst ., ,$(shell python --version 2>&1))) PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR := $(word 1,${PYTHON_VERSION_FULL}) ifeq ($(PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR), 2) PYTHON = python else PYTHON = python2 endif NODE ?= node CPPLINT ?= BUILDTYPE ?= Release TESTS = "test/**/*.js" E2E_TESTS = $(wildcard e2e/*.spec.js) TEST_REPORTER = TEST_OUTPUT = CONFIG_OUTPUTS = \ build/ \ build/Makefile \ build/binding.Makefile build/config.gypi CPPLINT_FILES = $(wildcard src/*.cc src/*.h) CPPLINT_FILTER = -legal/copyright JSLINT_FILES = lib/*.js test/*.js e2e/*.js PACKAGE = $(shell node -pe 'require("./package.json").name.split("/")[1]') VERSION = $(shell node -pe 'require("./package.json").version') GYPBUILDARGS= ifeq ($(BUILDTYPE),Debug) GYPBUILDARGS=--debug endif .PHONY: all clean lint test lib docs e2e ghpages check all: lint lib test e2e lint: cpplint jslint cpplint: @$(PYTHON) $(CPPLINT) --filter=$(CPPLINT_FILTER) $(CPPLINT_FILES) jslint: node_modules/.dirstamp @./node_modules/.bin/jshint --verbose $(JSLINT_FILES) lib: node_modules/.dirstamp $(CONFIG_OUTPUTS) @PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY=0 $(NODE-GYP) build $(GYPBUILDARGS) node_modules/.dirstamp: package.json @npm update --loglevel warn @touch $@ $(CONFIG_OUTPUTS): node_modules/.dirstamp binding.gyp @$(NODE-GYP) configure test: node_modules/.dirstamp @./node_modules/.bin/mocha $(TEST_REPORTER) $(TESTS) $(TEST_OUTPUT) check: node_modules/.dirstamp @$(NODE) util/test-compile.js e2e: $(E2E_TESTS) @./node_modules/.bin/mocha --exit $(TEST_REPORTER) $(E2E_TESTS) $(TEST_OUTPUT) define release NEXT_VERSION=$(shell node -pe 'require("semver").inc("$(VERSION)", "$(1)")') node -e "\ var j = require('./package.json');\ j.version = \"$$NEXT_VERSION\";\ var s = JSON.stringify(j, null, 2);\ require('fs').writeFileSync('./package.json', s);" && \ git commit -m "release $$NEXT_VERSION" -- package.json && \ git tag "$$NEXT_VERSION" -m "release $$NEXT_VERSION" endef docs: node_modules/.dirstamp @rm -rf docs @./node_modules/jsdoc/jsdoc.js --destination docs \ --recurse -R ./ \ -t "./node_modules/toolkit-jsdoc/" \ --tutorials examples ./lib gh-pages: node_modules/.dirstamp @./ release-patch: @$(call release,patch) clean: node_modules/.dirstamp @rm -f deps/librdkafka/config.h @$(NODE-GYP) clean