* node-rdkafka - Node.js wrapper for RdKafka C/C++ library
* Copyright (c) 2016 Blizzard Entertainment
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
* of the MIT license. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
module.exports = HighLevelProducer;
var util = require('util');
var Producer = require('../producer');
var LibrdKafkaError = require('../error');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var RefCounter = require('../tools/ref-counter');
var shallowCopy = require('../util').shallowCopy;
var isObject = require('../util').isObject;
util.inherits(HighLevelProducer, Producer);
var noopSerializer = createSerializer(function (v) { return v; });
* Create a serializer
* Method simply wraps a serializer provided by a user
* so it adds context to the error
* @returns {function} Serialization function
function createSerializer(serializer) {
var applyFn = function serializationWrapper(v, cb) {
try {
return cb ? serializer(v, cb) : serializer(v);
} catch (e) {
var modifiedError = new Error('Could not serialize value: ' + e.message);
modifiedError.value = v;
modifiedError.serializer = serializer;
throw modifiedError;
// We can check how many parameters the function has and activate the asynchronous
// operation if the number of parameters the function accepts is > 1
return {
apply: applyFn,
async: serializer.length > 1
* Producer class for sending messages to Kafka in a higher level fashion
* This is the main entry point for writing data to Kafka if you want more
* functionality than librdkafka supports out of the box. You
* configure this like you do any other client, with a global
* configuration and default topic configuration.
* Once you instantiate this object, you need to connect to it first.
* This allows you to get the metadata and make sure the connection
* can be made before you depend on it. After that, problems with
* the connection will by brought down by using poll, which automatically
* runs when a transaction is made on the object.
* This has a few restrictions, so it is not for free!
* 1. You may not define opaque tokens
* The higher level producer is powered by opaque tokens.
* 2. Every message ack will dispatch an event on the node thread.
* 3. Will use a ref counter to determine if there are outgoing produces.
* This will return the new object you should use instead when doing your
* produce calls
* @param {object} conf - Key value pairs to configure the producer
* @param {object} topicConf - Key value pairs to create a default
* topic configuration
* @extends Producer
* @constructor
function HighLevelProducer(conf, topicConf) {
if (!(this instanceof HighLevelProducer)) {
return new HighLevelProducer(conf, topicConf);
// Force this to be true for the high level producer
conf = shallowCopy(conf);
conf.dr_cb = true;
// producer is an initialized consumer object
// @see NodeKafka::Producer::Init
Producer.call(this, conf, topicConf);
var self = this;
// Add a delivery emitter to the producer
this._hl = {
deliveryEmitter: new EventEmitter(),
messageId: 0,
// Special logic for polling. We use a reference counter to know when we need
// to be doing it and when we can stop. This means when we go into fast polling
// mode we don't need to do multiple calls to poll since they all will yield
// the same result
pollingRefTimeout: null,
// Add the polling ref counter to the class which ensures we poll when we go active
this._hl.pollingRef = new RefCounter(function() {
self._hl.pollingRefTimeout = setInterval(function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!self._isConnected) {
// If we got disconnected for some reason there is no point
// in polling anymore
}, 1);
}, function() {
// Default poll interval. More sophisticated polling is also done in create rule method
// Listen to all delivery reports to propagate elements with a _message_id to the emitter
this.on('delivery-report', function(err, report) {
if (report.opaque && report.opaque.__message_id !== undefined) {
self._hl.deliveryEmitter.emit(report.opaque.__message_id, err, report.offset);
// Save old produce here since we are making some modifications for it
this._oldProduce = this.produce;
this.produce = this._modifiedProduce;
// Serializer information
this.keySerializer = noopSerializer;
this.valueSerializer = noopSerializer;
* Produce a message to Kafka asynchronously.
* This is the method mainly used in this class. Use it to produce
* a message to Kafka.
* When this is sent off, and you recieve your callback, the assurances afforded
* to you will be equal to those provided by your ack level.
* @param {string} topic - The topic name to produce to.
* @param {number|null} partition - The partition number to produce to.
* @param {Buffer|null} message - The message to produce.
* @param {string} key - The key associated with the message.
* @param {number|null} timestamp - Timestamp to send with the message.
* @param {object} headers - A list of custom key value pairs that provide message metadata.
* @param {function} callback - Callback to call when the delivery report is recieved.
* @throws {LibrdKafkaError} - Throws a librdkafka error if it failed.
* @return {boolean} - returns an error if it failed, or true if not
* @see Producer#produce
HighLevelProducer.prototype._modifiedProduce = function(topic, partition, message, key, timestamp, headers, callback) {
// headers are optional
if (arguments.length === 6) {
callback = headers;
headers = undefined;
// Add the message id
var opaque = {
__message_id: this._hl.messageId++,
var self = this;
var resolvedSerializedValue;
var resolvedSerializedKey;
var calledBack = false;
// Actually do the produce with new key and value based on deserialized
// results
function doProduce(v, k) {
try {
var r = self._oldProduce(topic, partition,
v, k,
timestamp, opaque, headers);
self._hl.deliveryEmitter.once(opaque.__message_id, function(err, offset) {
setImmediate(function() {
// Offset must be greater than or equal to 0 otherwise it is a null offset
// Possibly because we have acks off
callback(err, offset >= 0 ? offset : null);
return r;
} catch (e) {
function produceIfComplete() {
if (resolvedSerializedKey !== undefined && resolvedSerializedValue !== undefined) {
doProduce(resolvedSerializedValue, resolvedSerializedKey);
// To run on a promise if returned by the serializer
function finishSerializedValue(v) {
if (!calledBack) {
resolvedSerializedValue = v;
// To run on a promise of returned by the serializer
function finishSerializedKey(k) {
resolvedSerializedKey = k;
if (!calledBack) {
function failSerializedValue(err) {
if (!calledBack) {
calledBack = true;
function failSerializedKey(err) {
if (!calledBack) {
calledBack = true;
function valueSerializerCallback(err, v) {
if (err) {
} else {
function keySerializerCallback(err, v) {
if (err) {
} else {
try {
if (this.valueSerializer.async) {
// If this is async we need to give it a callback
this.valueSerializer.apply(message, valueSerializerCallback);
} else {
var serializedValue = this.valueSerializer.apply(message);
// Check if we were returned a promise in order to support promise behavior
if (serializedValue &&
typeof serializedValue.then === 'function' &&
typeof serializedValue.catch === 'function') {
// This is a promise. We need to hook into its then and catch
} else {
resolvedSerializedValue = serializedValue;
if (this.keySerializer.async) {
// If this is async we need to give it a callback
this.keySerializer.apply(key, keySerializerCallback);
} else {
var serializedKey = this.keySerializer.apply(key);
// Check if we were returned a promise in order to support promise behavior
if (serializedKey &&
typeof serializedKey.then === 'function' &&
typeof serializedKey.catch === 'function') {
// This is a promise. We need to hook into its then and catch
} else {
resolvedSerializedKey = serializedKey;
// Only do the produce here if we are complete. That is, if the key
// and value have been serialized.
} catch (e) {
setImmediate(function() {
calledBack = true;
* Set the key serializer
* This allows the value inside the produce call to differ from the value of the
* value actually produced to kafka. Good if, for example, you want to serialize
* it to a particular format.
HighLevelProducer.prototype.setKeySerializer = function(serializer) {
this.keySerializer = createSerializer(serializer);
* Set the value serializer
* This allows the value inside the produce call to differ from the value of the
* value actually produced to kafka. Good if, for example, you want to serialize
* it to a particular format.
HighLevelProducer.prototype.setValueSerializer = function(serializer) {
this.valueSerializer = createSerializer(serializer);