- /**
- * @output wp-admin/js/widgets/media-gallery-widget.js
- */
- /* eslint consistent-this: [ "error", "control" ] */
- (function( component ) {
- 'use strict';
- var GalleryWidgetModel, GalleryWidgetControl, GalleryDetailsMediaFrame;
- /**
- * Custom gallery details frame.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @class wp.mediaWidgets~GalleryDetailsMediaFrame
- * @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post
- */
- GalleryDetailsMediaFrame = wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets~GalleryDetailsMediaFrame.prototype */{
- /**
- * Create the default states.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @return {void}
- */
- createStates: function createStates() {
- this.states.add([
- new wp.media.controller.Library({
- id: 'gallery',
- title: wp.media.view.l10n.createGalleryTitle,
- priority: 40,
- toolbar: 'main-gallery',
- filterable: 'uploaded',
- multiple: 'add',
- editable: true,
- library: wp.media.query( _.defaults({
- type: 'image'
- }, this.options.library ) )
- }),
- // Gallery states.
- new wp.media.controller.GalleryEdit({
- library: this.options.selection,
- editing: this.options.editing,
- menu: 'gallery'
- }),
- new wp.media.controller.GalleryAdd()
- ]);
- }
- } );
- /**
- * Gallery widget model.
- *
- * See WP_Widget_Gallery::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- *
- * @class wp.mediaWidgets.modelConstructors.media_gallery
- * @augments wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetModel
- */
- GalleryWidgetModel = component.MediaWidgetModel.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.modelConstructors.media_gallery.prototype */{} );
- GalleryWidgetControl = component.MediaWidgetControl.extend(/** @lends wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors.media_gallery.prototype */{
- /**
- * View events.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @type {object}
- */
- events: _.extend( {}, component.MediaWidgetControl.prototype.events, {
- 'click .media-widget-gallery-preview': 'editMedia'
- } ),
- /**
- * Gallery widget control.
- *
- * See WP_Widget_Gallery::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports.
- *
- * @constructs wp.mediaWidgets.controlConstructors.media_gallery
- * @augments wp.mediaWidgets.MediaWidgetControl
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @param {Object} options - Options.
- * @param {Backbone.Model} options.model - Model.
- * @param {jQuery} options.el - Control field container element.
- * @param {jQuery} options.syncContainer - Container element where fields are synced for the server.
- * @return {void}
- */
- initialize: function initialize( options ) {
- var control = this;
- component.MediaWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.call( control, options );
- _.bindAll( control, 'updateSelectedAttachments', 'handleAttachmentDestroy' );
- control.selectedAttachments = new wp.media.model.Attachments();
- control.model.on( 'change:ids', control.updateSelectedAttachments );
- control.selectedAttachments.on( 'change', control.renderPreview );
- control.selectedAttachments.on( 'reset', control.renderPreview );
- control.updateSelectedAttachments();
- /*
- * Refresh a Gallery widget partial when the user modifies one of the selected attachments.
- * This ensures that when an attachment's caption is updated in the media modal the Gallery
- * widget in the preview will then be refreshed to show the change. Normally doing this
- * would not be necessary because all of the state should be contained inside the changeset,
- * as everything done in the Customizer should not make a change to the site unless the
- * changeset itself is published. Attachments are a current exception to this rule.
- * For a proposal to include attachments in the customized state, see #37887.
- */
- if ( wp.customize && wp.customize.previewer ) {
- control.selectedAttachments.on( 'change', function() {
- wp.customize.previewer.send( 'refresh-widget-partial', control.model.get( 'widget_id' ) );
- } );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Update the selected attachments if necessary.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @return {void}
- */
- updateSelectedAttachments: function updateSelectedAttachments() {
- var control = this, newIds, oldIds, removedIds, addedIds, addedQuery;
- newIds = control.model.get( 'ids' );
- oldIds = _.pluck( control.selectedAttachments.models, 'id' );
- removedIds = _.difference( oldIds, newIds );
- _.each( removedIds, function( removedId ) {
- control.selectedAttachments.remove( control.selectedAttachments.get( removedId ) );
- });
- addedIds = _.difference( newIds, oldIds );
- if ( addedIds.length ) {
- addedQuery = wp.media.query({
- order: 'ASC',
- orderby: 'post__in',
- perPage: -1,
- post__in: newIds,
- query: true,
- type: 'image'
- });
- addedQuery.more().done( function() {
- control.selectedAttachments.reset( addedQuery.models );
- });
- }
- },
- /**
- * Render preview.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @return {void}
- */
- renderPreview: function renderPreview() {
- var control = this, previewContainer, previewTemplate, data;
- previewContainer = control.$el.find( '.media-widget-preview' );
- previewTemplate = wp.template( 'wp-media-widget-gallery-preview' );
- data = control.previewTemplateProps.toJSON();
- data.attachments = {};
- control.selectedAttachments.each( function( attachment ) {
- data.attachments[ attachment.id ] = attachment.toJSON();
- } );
- previewContainer.html( previewTemplate( data ) );
- },
- /**
- * Determine whether there are selected attachments.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @return {boolean} Selected.
- */
- isSelected: function isSelected() {
- var control = this;
- if ( control.model.get( 'error' ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- return control.model.get( 'ids' ).length > 0;
- },
- /**
- * Open the media select frame to edit images.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @return {void}
- */
- editMedia: function editMedia() {
- var control = this, selection, mediaFrame, mediaFrameProps;
- selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( control.selectedAttachments.models, {
- multiple: true
- });
- mediaFrameProps = control.mapModelToMediaFrameProps( control.model.toJSON() );
- selection.gallery = new Backbone.Model( mediaFrameProps );
- if ( mediaFrameProps.size ) {
- control.displaySettings.set( 'size', mediaFrameProps.size );
- }
- mediaFrame = new GalleryDetailsMediaFrame({
- frame: 'manage',
- text: control.l10n.add_to_widget,
- selection: selection,
- mimeType: control.mime_type,
- selectedDisplaySettings: control.displaySettings,
- showDisplaySettings: control.showDisplaySettings,
- metadata: mediaFrameProps,
- editing: true,
- multiple: true,
- state: 'gallery-edit'
- });
- wp.media.frame = mediaFrame; // See wp.media().
- // Handle selection of a media item.
- mediaFrame.on( 'update', function onUpdate( newSelection ) {
- var state = mediaFrame.state(), resultSelection;
- resultSelection = newSelection || state.get( 'selection' );
- if ( ! resultSelection ) {
- return;
- }
- // Copy orderby_random from gallery state.
- if ( resultSelection.gallery ) {
- control.model.set( control.mapMediaToModelProps( resultSelection.gallery.toJSON() ) );
- }
- // Directly update selectedAttachments to prevent needing to do additional request.
- control.selectedAttachments.reset( resultSelection.models );
- // Update models in the widget instance.
- control.model.set( {
- ids: _.pluck( resultSelection.models, 'id' )
- } );
- } );
- mediaFrame.$el.addClass( 'media-widget' );
- mediaFrame.open();
- if ( selection ) {
- selection.on( 'destroy', control.handleAttachmentDestroy );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Open the media select frame to chose an item.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @return {void}
- */
- selectMedia: function selectMedia() {
- var control = this, selection, mediaFrame, mediaFrameProps;
- selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( control.selectedAttachments.models, {
- multiple: true
- });
- mediaFrameProps = control.mapModelToMediaFrameProps( control.model.toJSON() );
- if ( mediaFrameProps.size ) {
- control.displaySettings.set( 'size', mediaFrameProps.size );
- }
- mediaFrame = new GalleryDetailsMediaFrame({
- frame: 'select',
- text: control.l10n.add_to_widget,
- selection: selection,
- mimeType: control.mime_type,
- selectedDisplaySettings: control.displaySettings,
- showDisplaySettings: control.showDisplaySettings,
- metadata: mediaFrameProps,
- state: 'gallery'
- });
- wp.media.frame = mediaFrame; // See wp.media().
- // Handle selection of a media item.
- mediaFrame.on( 'update', function onUpdate( newSelection ) {
- var state = mediaFrame.state(), resultSelection;
- resultSelection = newSelection || state.get( 'selection' );
- if ( ! resultSelection ) {
- return;
- }
- // Copy orderby_random from gallery state.
- if ( resultSelection.gallery ) {
- control.model.set( control.mapMediaToModelProps( resultSelection.gallery.toJSON() ) );
- }
- // Directly update selectedAttachments to prevent needing to do additional request.
- control.selectedAttachments.reset( resultSelection.models );
- // Update widget instance.
- control.model.set( {
- ids: _.pluck( resultSelection.models, 'id' )
- } );
- } );
- mediaFrame.$el.addClass( 'media-widget' );
- mediaFrame.open();
- if ( selection ) {
- selection.on( 'destroy', control.handleAttachmentDestroy );
- }
- /*
- * Make sure focus is set inside of modal so that hitting Esc will close
- * the modal and not inadvertently cause the widget to collapse in the customizer.
- */
- mediaFrame.$el.find( ':focusable:first' ).focus();
- },
- /**
- * Clear the selected attachment when it is deleted in the media select frame.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @param {wp.media.models.Attachment} attachment - Attachment.
- * @return {void}
- */
- handleAttachmentDestroy: function handleAttachmentDestroy( attachment ) {
- var control = this;
- control.model.set( {
- ids: _.difference(
- control.model.get( 'ids' ),
- [ attachment.id ]
- )
- } );
- }
- } );
- // Exports.
- component.controlConstructors.media_gallery = GalleryWidgetControl;
- component.modelConstructors.media_gallery = GalleryWidgetModel;
- })( wp.mediaWidgets );