- /**
- * @output wp-admin/js/widgets/text-widgets.js
- */
- /* global tinymce, switchEditors */
- /* eslint consistent-this: [ "error", "control" ] */
- /**
- * @namespace wp.textWidgets
- */
- wp.textWidgets = ( function( $ ) {
- 'use strict';
- var component = {
- dismissedPointers: [],
- idBases: [ 'text' ]
- };
- component.TextWidgetControl = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends wp.textWidgets.TextWidgetControl.prototype */{
- /**
- * View events.
- *
- * @type {Object}
- */
- events: {},
- /**
- * Text widget control.
- *
- * @constructs wp.textWidgets.TextWidgetControl
- * @augments Backbone.View
- * @abstract
- *
- * @param {Object} options - Options.
- * @param {jQuery} options.el - Control field container element.
- * @param {jQuery} options.syncContainer - Container element where fields are synced for the server.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- initialize: function initialize( options ) {
- var control = this;
- if ( ! options.el ) {
- throw new Error( 'Missing options.el' );
- }
- if ( ! options.syncContainer ) {
- throw new Error( 'Missing options.syncContainer' );
- }
- Backbone.View.prototype.initialize.call( control, options );
- control.syncContainer = options.syncContainer;
- control.$el.addClass( 'text-widget-fields' );
- control.$el.html( wp.template( 'widget-text-control-fields' ) );
- control.customHtmlWidgetPointer = control.$el.find( '.wp-pointer.custom-html-widget-pointer' );
- if ( control.customHtmlWidgetPointer.length ) {
- control.customHtmlWidgetPointer.find( '.close' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- control.customHtmlWidgetPointer.hide();
- $( '#' + control.fields.text.attr( 'id' ) + '-html' ).trigger( 'focus' );
- control.dismissPointers( [ 'text_widget_custom_html' ] );
- });
- control.customHtmlWidgetPointer.find( '.add-widget' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- control.customHtmlWidgetPointer.hide();
- control.openAvailableWidgetsPanel();
- });
- }
- control.pasteHtmlPointer = control.$el.find( '.wp-pointer.paste-html-pointer' );
- if ( control.pasteHtmlPointer.length ) {
- control.pasteHtmlPointer.find( '.close' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- control.pasteHtmlPointer.hide();
- control.editor.focus();
- control.dismissPointers( [ 'text_widget_custom_html', 'text_widget_paste_html' ] );
- });
- }
- control.fields = {
- title: control.$el.find( '.title' ),
- text: control.$el.find( '.text' )
- };
- // Sync input fields to hidden sync fields which actually get sent to the server.
- _.each( control.fields, function( fieldInput, fieldName ) {
- fieldInput.on( 'input change', function updateSyncField() {
- var syncInput = control.syncContainer.find( '.sync-input.' + fieldName );
- if ( syncInput.val() !== fieldInput.val() ) {
- syncInput.val( fieldInput.val() );
- syncInput.trigger( 'change' );
- }
- });
- // Note that syncInput cannot be re-used because it will be destroyed with each widget-updated event.
- fieldInput.val( control.syncContainer.find( '.sync-input.' + fieldName ).val() );
- });
- },
- /**
- * Dismiss pointers for Custom HTML widget.
- *
- * @since 4.8.1
- *
- * @param {Array} pointers Pointer IDs to dismiss.
- * @return {void}
- */
- dismissPointers: function dismissPointers( pointers ) {
- _.each( pointers, function( pointer ) {
- wp.ajax.post( 'dismiss-wp-pointer', {
- pointer: pointer
- });
- component.dismissedPointers.push( pointer );
- });
- },
- /**
- * Open available widgets panel.
- *
- * @since 4.8.1
- * @return {void}
- */
- openAvailableWidgetsPanel: function openAvailableWidgetsPanel() {
- var sidebarControl;
- wp.customize.section.each( function( section ) {
- if ( section.extended( wp.customize.Widgets.SidebarSection ) && section.expanded() ) {
- sidebarControl = wp.customize.control( 'sidebars_widgets[' + section.params.sidebarId + ']' );
- }
- });
- if ( ! sidebarControl ) {
- return;
- }
- setTimeout( function() { // Timeout to prevent click event from causing panel to immediately collapse.
- wp.customize.Widgets.availableWidgetsPanel.open( sidebarControl );
- wp.customize.Widgets.availableWidgetsPanel.$search.val( 'HTML' ).trigger( 'keyup' );
- });
- },
- /**
- * Update input fields from the sync fields.
- *
- * This function is called at the widget-updated and widget-synced events.
- * A field will only be updated if it is not currently focused, to avoid
- * overwriting content that the user is entering.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- updateFields: function updateFields() {
- var control = this, syncInput;
- if ( ! control.fields.title.is( document.activeElement ) ) {
- syncInput = control.syncContainer.find( '.sync-input.title' );
- control.fields.title.val( syncInput.val() );
- }
- syncInput = control.syncContainer.find( '.sync-input.text' );
- if ( control.fields.text.is( ':visible' ) ) {
- if ( ! control.fields.text.is( document.activeElement ) ) {
- control.fields.text.val( syncInput.val() );
- }
- } else if ( control.editor && ! control.editorFocused && syncInput.val() !== control.fields.text.val() ) {
- control.editor.setContent( wp.oldEditor.autop( syncInput.val() ) );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Initialize editor.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- initializeEditor: function initializeEditor() {
- var control = this, changeDebounceDelay = 1000, id, textarea, triggerChangeIfDirty, restoreTextMode = false, needsTextareaChangeTrigger = false, previousValue;
- textarea = control.fields.text;
- id = textarea.attr( 'id' );
- previousValue = textarea.val();
- /**
- * Trigger change if dirty.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- triggerChangeIfDirty = function() {
- var updateWidgetBuffer = 300; // See wp.customize.Widgets.WidgetControl._setupUpdateUI() which uses 250ms for updateWidgetDebounced.
- if ( control.editor.isDirty() ) {
- /*
- * Account for race condition in customizer where user clicks Save & Publish while
- * focus was just previously given to the editor. Since updates to the editor
- * are debounced at 1 second and since widget input changes are only synced to
- * settings after 250ms, the customizer needs to be put into the processing
- * state during the time between the change event is triggered and updateWidget
- * logic starts. Note that the debounced update-widget request should be able
- * to be removed with the removal of the update-widget request entirely once
- * widgets are able to mutate their own instance props directly in JS without
- * having to make server round-trips to call the respective WP_Widget::update()
- * callbacks. See <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/33507>.
- */
- if ( wp.customize && wp.customize.state ) {
- wp.customize.state( 'processing' ).set( wp.customize.state( 'processing' ).get() + 1 );
- _.delay( function() {
- wp.customize.state( 'processing' ).set( wp.customize.state( 'processing' ).get() - 1 );
- }, updateWidgetBuffer );
- }
- if ( ! control.editor.isHidden() ) {
- control.editor.save();
- }
- }
- // Trigger change on textarea when it has changed so the widget can enter a dirty state.
- if ( needsTextareaChangeTrigger && previousValue !== textarea.val() ) {
- textarea.trigger( 'change' );
- needsTextareaChangeTrigger = false;
- previousValue = textarea.val();
- }
- };
- // Just-in-time force-update the hidden input fields.
- control.syncContainer.closest( '.widget' ).find( '[name=savewidget]:first' ).on( 'click', function onClickSaveButton() {
- triggerChangeIfDirty();
- });
- /**
- * Build (or re-build) the visual editor.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- function buildEditor() {
- var editor, onInit, showPointerElement;
- // Abort building if the textarea is gone, likely due to the widget having been deleted entirely.
- if ( ! document.getElementById( id ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // The user has disabled TinyMCE.
- if ( typeof window.tinymce === 'undefined' ) {
- wp.oldEditor.initialize( id, {
- quicktags: true,
- mediaButtons: true
- });
- return;
- }
- // Destroy any existing editor so that it can be re-initialized after a widget-updated event.
- if ( tinymce.get( id ) ) {
- restoreTextMode = tinymce.get( id ).isHidden();
- wp.oldEditor.remove( id );
- }
- // Add or enable the `wpview` plugin.
- $( document ).one( 'wp-before-tinymce-init.text-widget-init', function( event, init ) {
- // If somebody has removed all plugins, they must have a good reason.
- // Keep it that way.
- if ( ! init.plugins ) {
- return;
- } else if ( ! /\bwpview\b/.test( init.plugins ) ) {
- init.plugins += ',wpview';
- }
- } );
- wp.oldEditor.initialize( id, {
- tinymce: {
- wpautop: true
- },
- quicktags: true,
- mediaButtons: true
- });
- /**
- * Show a pointer, focus on dismiss, and speak the contents for a11y.
- *
- * @param {jQuery} pointerElement Pointer element.
- * @return {void}
- */
- showPointerElement = function( pointerElement ) {
- pointerElement.show();
- pointerElement.find( '.close' ).trigger( 'focus' );
- wp.a11y.speak( pointerElement.find( 'h3, p' ).map( function() {
- return $( this ).text();
- } ).get().join( '\n\n' ) );
- };
- editor = window.tinymce.get( id );
- if ( ! editor ) {
- throw new Error( 'Failed to initialize editor' );
- }
- onInit = function() {
- // When a widget is moved in the DOM the dynamically-created TinyMCE iframe will be destroyed and has to be re-built.
- $( editor.getWin() ).on( 'pagehide', function() {
- _.defer( buildEditor );
- });
- // If a prior mce instance was replaced, and it was in text mode, toggle to text mode.
- if ( restoreTextMode ) {
- switchEditors.go( id, 'html' );
- }
- // Show the pointer.
- $( '#' + id + '-html' ).on( 'click', function() {
- control.pasteHtmlPointer.hide(); // Hide the HTML pasting pointer.
- if ( -1 !== component.dismissedPointers.indexOf( 'text_widget_custom_html' ) ) {
- return;
- }
- showPointerElement( control.customHtmlWidgetPointer );
- });
- // Hide the pointer when switching tabs.
- $( '#' + id + '-tmce' ).on( 'click', function() {
- control.customHtmlWidgetPointer.hide();
- });
- // Show pointer when pasting HTML.
- editor.on( 'pastepreprocess', function( event ) {
- var content = event.content;
- if ( -1 !== component.dismissedPointers.indexOf( 'text_widget_paste_html' ) || ! content || ! /<\w+.*?>/.test( content ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Show the pointer after a slight delay so the user sees what they pasted.
- _.delay( function() {
- showPointerElement( control.pasteHtmlPointer );
- }, 250 );
- });
- };
- if ( editor.initialized ) {
- onInit();
- } else {
- editor.on( 'init', onInit );
- }
- control.editorFocused = false;
- editor.on( 'focus', function onEditorFocus() {
- control.editorFocused = true;
- });
- editor.on( 'paste', function onEditorPaste() {
- editor.setDirty( true ); // Because pasting doesn't currently set the dirty state.
- triggerChangeIfDirty();
- });
- editor.on( 'NodeChange', function onNodeChange() {
- needsTextareaChangeTrigger = true;
- });
- editor.on( 'NodeChange', _.debounce( triggerChangeIfDirty, changeDebounceDelay ) );
- editor.on( 'blur hide', function onEditorBlur() {
- control.editorFocused = false;
- triggerChangeIfDirty();
- });
- control.editor = editor;
- }
- buildEditor();
- }
- });
- /**
- * Mapping of widget ID to instances of TextWidgetControl subclasses.
- *
- * @memberOf wp.textWidgets
- *
- * @type {Object.<string, wp.textWidgets.TextWidgetControl>}
- */
- component.widgetControls = {};
- /**
- * Handle widget being added or initialized for the first time at the widget-added event.
- *
- * @memberOf wp.textWidgets
- *
- * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event.
- * @param {jQuery} widgetContainer - Widget container element.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- component.handleWidgetAdded = function handleWidgetAdded( event, widgetContainer ) {
- var widgetForm, idBase, widgetControl, widgetId, animatedCheckDelay = 50, renderWhenAnimationDone, fieldContainer, syncContainer;
- widgetForm = widgetContainer.find( '> .widget-inside > .form, > .widget-inside > form' ); // Note: '.form' appears in the customizer, whereas 'form' on the widgets admin screen.
- idBase = widgetForm.find( '> .id_base' ).val();
- if ( -1 === component.idBases.indexOf( idBase ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Prevent initializing already-added widgets.
- widgetId = widgetForm.find( '.widget-id' ).val();
- if ( component.widgetControls[ widgetId ] ) {
- return;
- }
- // Bypass using TinyMCE when widget is in legacy mode.
- if ( ! widgetForm.find( '.visual' ).val() ) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Create a container element for the widget control fields.
- * This is inserted into the DOM immediately before the .widget-content
- * element because the contents of this element are essentially "managed"
- * by PHP, where each widget update cause the entire element to be emptied
- * and replaced with the rendered output of WP_Widget::form() which is
- * sent back in Ajax request made to save/update the widget instance.
- * To prevent a "flash of replaced DOM elements and re-initialized JS
- * components", the JS template is rendered outside of the normal form
- * container.
- */
- fieldContainer = $( '<div></div>' );
- syncContainer = widgetContainer.find( '.widget-content:first' );
- syncContainer.before( fieldContainer );
- widgetControl = new component.TextWidgetControl({
- el: fieldContainer,
- syncContainer: syncContainer
- });
- component.widgetControls[ widgetId ] = widgetControl;
- /*
- * Render the widget once the widget parent's container finishes animating,
- * as the widget-added event fires with a slideDown of the container.
- * This ensures that the textarea is visible and an iframe can be embedded
- * with TinyMCE being able to set contenteditable on it.
- */
- renderWhenAnimationDone = function() {
- if ( ! widgetContainer.hasClass( 'open' ) ) {
- setTimeout( renderWhenAnimationDone, animatedCheckDelay );
- } else {
- widgetControl.initializeEditor();
- }
- };
- renderWhenAnimationDone();
- };
- /**
- * Setup widget in accessibility mode.
- *
- * @memberOf wp.textWidgets
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- component.setupAccessibleMode = function setupAccessibleMode() {
- var widgetForm, idBase, widgetControl, fieldContainer, syncContainer;
- widgetForm = $( '.editwidget > form' );
- if ( 0 === widgetForm.length ) {
- return;
- }
- idBase = widgetForm.find( '.id_base' ).val();
- if ( -1 === component.idBases.indexOf( idBase ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Bypass using TinyMCE when widget is in legacy mode.
- if ( ! widgetForm.find( '.visual' ).val() ) {
- return;
- }
- fieldContainer = $( '<div></div>' );
- syncContainer = widgetForm.find( '> .widget-inside' );
- syncContainer.before( fieldContainer );
- widgetControl = new component.TextWidgetControl({
- el: fieldContainer,
- syncContainer: syncContainer
- });
- widgetControl.initializeEditor();
- };
- /**
- * Sync widget instance data sanitized from server back onto widget model.
- *
- * This gets called via the 'widget-updated' event when saving a widget from
- * the widgets admin screen and also via the 'widget-synced' event when making
- * a change to a widget in the customizer.
- *
- * @memberOf wp.textWidgets
- *
- * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event.
- * @param {jQuery} widgetContainer - Widget container element.
- * @return {void}
- */
- component.handleWidgetUpdated = function handleWidgetUpdated( event, widgetContainer ) {
- var widgetForm, widgetId, widgetControl, idBase;
- widgetForm = widgetContainer.find( '> .widget-inside > .form, > .widget-inside > form' );
- idBase = widgetForm.find( '> .id_base' ).val();
- if ( -1 === component.idBases.indexOf( idBase ) ) {
- return;
- }
- widgetId = widgetForm.find( '> .widget-id' ).val();
- widgetControl = component.widgetControls[ widgetId ];
- if ( ! widgetControl ) {
- return;
- }
- widgetControl.updateFields();
- };
- /**
- * Initialize functionality.
- *
- * This function exists to prevent the JS file from having to boot itself.
- * When WordPress enqueues this script, it should have an inline script
- * attached which calls wp.textWidgets.init().
- *
- * @memberOf wp.textWidgets
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- component.init = function init() {
- var $document = $( document );
- $document.on( 'widget-added', component.handleWidgetAdded );
- $document.on( 'widget-synced widget-updated', component.handleWidgetUpdated );
- /*
- * Manually trigger widget-added events for media widgets on the admin
- * screen once they are expanded. The widget-added event is not triggered
- * for each pre-existing widget on the widgets admin screen like it is
- * on the customizer. Likewise, the customizer only triggers widget-added
- * when the widget is expanded to just-in-time construct the widget form
- * when it is actually going to be displayed. So the following implements
- * the same for the widgets admin screen, to invoke the widget-added
- * handler when a pre-existing media widget is expanded.
- */
- $( function initializeExistingWidgetContainers() {
- var widgetContainers;
- if ( 'widgets' !== window.pagenow ) {
- return;
- }
- widgetContainers = $( '.widgets-holder-wrap:not(#available-widgets)' ).find( 'div.widget' );
- widgetContainers.one( 'click.toggle-widget-expanded', function toggleWidgetExpanded() {
- var widgetContainer = $( this );
- component.handleWidgetAdded( new jQuery.Event( 'widget-added' ), widgetContainer );
- });
- // Accessibility mode.
- component.setupAccessibleMode();
- });
- };
- return component;
- })( jQuery );