- "use strict";
- (self["__WordPressPrivateInteractivityAPI__"] = self["__WordPressPrivateInteractivityAPI__"] || []).push([[222],{
- /***/ 534:
- /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack___webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
- /* harmony import */ var _wordpress_interactivity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(754);
- /**
- * WordPress dependencies
- */
- (0,_wordpress_interactivity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .store */ .h)({
- selectors: {
- core: {
- search: {
- ariaLabel: ({
- context
- }) => {
- const {
- ariaLabelCollapsed,
- ariaLabelExpanded
- } = context.core.search;
- return context.core.search.isSearchInputVisible ? ariaLabelExpanded : ariaLabelCollapsed;
- },
- ariaControls: ({
- context
- }) => {
- return context.core.search.isSearchInputVisible ? null : context.core.search.inputId;
- },
- type: ({
- context
- }) => {
- return context.core.search.isSearchInputVisible ? 'submit' : 'button';
- },
- tabindex: ({
- context
- }) => {
- return context.core.search.isSearchInputVisible ? '0' : '-1';
- }
- }
- }
- },
- actions: {
- core: {
- search: {
- openSearchInput: ({
- context,
- event,
- ref
- }) => {
- if (!context.core.search.isSearchInputVisible) {
- event.preventDefault();
- context.core.search.isSearchInputVisible = true;
- ref.parentElement.querySelector('input').focus();
- }
- },
- closeSearchInput: ({
- context
- }) => {
- context.core.search.isSearchInputVisible = false;
- },
- handleSearchKeydown: store => {
- const {
- actions,
- event,
- ref
- } = store;
- // If Escape close the menu.
- if (event?.key === 'Escape') {
- actions.core.search.closeSearchInput(store);
- ref.querySelector('button').focus();
- }
- },
- handleSearchFocusout: store => {
- const {
- actions,
- event,
- ref
- } = store;
- // If focus is outside search form, and in the document, close menu
- // event.target === The element losing focus
- // event.relatedTarget === The element receiving focus (if any)
- // When focusout is outside the document,
- // `window.document.activeElement` doesn't change.
- if (!ref.contains(event.relatedTarget) && event.target !== window.document.activeElement) {
- actions.core.search.closeSearchInput(store);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- /***/ })
- },
- /******/ function(__webpack_require__) { // webpackRuntimeModules
- /******/ var __webpack_exec__ = function(moduleId) { return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = moduleId); }
- /******/ var __webpack_exports__ = (__webpack_exec__(534));
- /******/ }
- ]);