- /**
- * Thin jQuery.ajax wrapper for WP REST API requests.
- *
- * Currently only applies to requests that do not use the `wp-api.js` Backbone
- * client library, though this may change. Serves several purposes:
- *
- * - Allows overriding these requests as needed by customized WP installations.
- * - Sends the REST API nonce as a request header.
- * - Allows specifying only an endpoint namespace/path instead of a full URL.
- *
- * @since 4.9.0
- * @since 5.6.0 Added overriding of the "PUT" and "DELETE" methods with "POST".
- * Added an "application/json" Accept header to all requests.
- * @output wp-includes/js/api-request.js
- */
- ( function( $ ) {
- var wpApiSettings = window.wpApiSettings;
- function apiRequest( options ) {
- options = apiRequest.buildAjaxOptions( options );
- return apiRequest.transport( options );
- }
- apiRequest.buildAjaxOptions = function( options ) {
- var url = options.url;
- var path = options.path;
- var method = options.method;
- var namespaceTrimmed, endpointTrimmed, apiRoot;
- var headers, addNonceHeader, addAcceptHeader, headerName;
- if (
- typeof options.namespace === 'string' &&
- typeof options.endpoint === 'string'
- ) {
- namespaceTrimmed = options.namespace.replace( /^\/|\/$/g, '' );
- endpointTrimmed = options.endpoint.replace( /^\//, '' );
- if ( endpointTrimmed ) {
- path = namespaceTrimmed + '/' + endpointTrimmed;
- } else {
- path = namespaceTrimmed;
- }
- }
- if ( typeof path === 'string' ) {
- apiRoot = wpApiSettings.root;
- path = path.replace( /^\//, '' );
- // API root may already include query parameter prefix
- // if site is configured to use plain permalinks.
- if ( 'string' === typeof apiRoot && -1 !== apiRoot.indexOf( '?' ) ) {
- path = path.replace( '?', '&' );
- }
- url = apiRoot + path;
- }
- // If ?_wpnonce=... is present, no need to add a nonce header.
- addNonceHeader = ! ( options.data && options.data._wpnonce );
- addAcceptHeader = true;
- headers = options.headers || {};
- for ( headerName in headers ) {
- if ( ! headers.hasOwnProperty( headerName ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- // If an 'X-WP-Nonce' or 'Accept' header (or any case-insensitive variation
- // thereof) was specified, no need to add the header again.
- switch ( headerName.toLowerCase() ) {
- case 'x-wp-nonce':
- addNonceHeader = false;
- break;
- case 'accept':
- addAcceptHeader = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( addNonceHeader ) {
- // Do not mutate the original headers object, if any.
- headers = $.extend( {
- 'X-WP-Nonce': wpApiSettings.nonce
- }, headers );
- }
- if ( addAcceptHeader ) {
- headers = $.extend( {
- 'Accept': 'application/json, */*;q=0.1'
- }, headers );
- }
- if ( typeof method === 'string' ) {
- method = method.toUpperCase();
- if ( 'PUT' === method || 'DELETE' === method ) {
- headers = $.extend( {
- 'X-HTTP-Method-Override': method
- }, headers );
- method = 'POST';
- }
- }
- // Do not mutate the original options object.
- options = $.extend( {}, options, {
- headers: headers,
- url: url,
- method: method
- } );
- delete options.path;
- delete options.namespace;
- delete options.endpoint;
- return options;
- };
- apiRequest.transport = $.ajax;
- /** @namespace wp */
- window.wp = window.wp || {};
- window.wp.apiRequest = apiRequest;
- } )( jQuery );