- /* global _wpmejsSettings, MediaElementPlayer */
- (function ($, _, Backbone) {
- 'use strict';
- /** @namespace wp */
- window.wp = window.wp || {};
- var WPPlaylistView = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends WPPlaylistView.prototype */{
- /**
- * @constructs
- *
- * @param {Object} options The options to create this playlist view with.
- * @param {Object} options.metadata The metadata
- */
- initialize : function (options) {
- this.index = 0;
- this.settings = {};
- this.data = options.metadata || $.parseJSON( this.$('script.wp-playlist-script').html() );
- this.playerNode = this.$( this.data.type );
- this.tracks = new Backbone.Collection( this.data.tracks );
- this.current = this.tracks.first();
- if ( 'audio' === this.data.type ) {
- this.currentTemplate = wp.template( 'wp-playlist-current-item' );
- this.currentNode = this.$( '.wp-playlist-current-item' );
- }
- this.renderCurrent();
- if ( this.data.tracklist ) {
- this.itemTemplate = wp.template( 'wp-playlist-item' );
- this.playingClass = 'wp-playlist-playing';
- this.renderTracks();
- }
- this.playerNode.attr( 'src', this.current.get( 'src' ) );
- _.bindAll( this, 'bindPlayer', 'bindResetPlayer', 'setPlayer', 'ended', 'clickTrack' );
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( window._wpmejsSettings ) ) {
- this.settings = _.clone( _wpmejsSettings );
- }
- this.settings.success = this.bindPlayer;
- this.setPlayer();
- },
- bindPlayer : function (mejs) {
- this.mejs = mejs;
- this.mejs.addEventListener( 'ended', this.ended );
- },
- bindResetPlayer : function (mejs) {
- this.bindPlayer( mejs );
- this.playCurrentSrc();
- },
- setPlayer: function (force) {
- if ( this.player ) {
- this.player.pause();
- this.player.remove();
- this.playerNode = this.$( this.data.type );
- }
- if (force) {
- this.playerNode.attr( 'src', this.current.get( 'src' ) );
- this.settings.success = this.bindResetPlayer;
- }
- // This is also our bridge to the outside world.
- this.player = new MediaElementPlayer( this.playerNode.get(0), this.settings );
- },
- playCurrentSrc : function () {
- this.renderCurrent();
- this.mejs.setSrc( this.playerNode.attr( 'src' ) );
- this.mejs.load();
- this.mejs.play();
- },
- renderCurrent : function () {
- var dimensions, defaultImage = 'wp-includes/images/media/video.png';
- if ( 'video' === this.data.type ) {
- if ( this.data.images && this.current.get( 'image' ) && -1 === this.current.get( 'image' ).src.indexOf( defaultImage ) ) {
- this.playerNode.attr( 'poster', this.current.get( 'image' ).src );
- }
- dimensions = this.current.get( 'dimensions' );
- if ( dimensions && dimensions.resized ) {
- this.playerNode.attr( dimensions.resized );
- }
- } else {
- if ( ! this.data.images ) {
- this.current.set( 'image', false );
- }
- this.currentNode.html( this.currentTemplate( this.current.toJSON() ) );
- }
- },
- renderTracks : function () {
- var self = this, i = 1, tracklist = $( '<div class="wp-playlist-tracks"></div>' );
- this.tracks.each(function (model) {
- if ( ! self.data.images ) {
- model.set( 'image', false );
- }
- model.set( 'artists', self.data.artists );
- model.set( 'index', self.data.tracknumbers ? i : false );
- tracklist.append( self.itemTemplate( model.toJSON() ) );
- i += 1;
- });
- this.$el.append( tracklist );
- this.$( '.wp-playlist-item' ).eq(0).addClass( this.playingClass );
- },
- events : {
- 'click .wp-playlist-item' : 'clickTrack',
- 'click .wp-playlist-next' : 'next',
- 'click .wp-playlist-prev' : 'prev'
- },
- clickTrack : function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.index = this.$( '.wp-playlist-item' ).index( e.currentTarget );
- this.setCurrent();
- },
- ended : function () {
- if ( this.index + 1 < this.tracks.length ) {
- this.next();
- } else {
- this.index = 0;
- this.setCurrent();
- }
- },
- next : function () {
- this.index = this.index + 1 >= this.tracks.length ? 0 : this.index + 1;
- this.setCurrent();
- },
- prev : function () {
- this.index = this.index - 1 < 0 ? this.tracks.length - 1 : this.index - 1;
- this.setCurrent();
- },
- loadCurrent : function () {
- var last = this.playerNode.attr( 'src' ) && this.playerNode.attr( 'src' ).split('.').pop(),
- current = this.current.get( 'src' ).split('.').pop();
- this.mejs && this.mejs.pause();
- if ( last !== current ) {
- this.setPlayer( true );
- } else {
- this.playerNode.attr( 'src', this.current.get( 'src' ) );
- this.playCurrentSrc();
- }
- },
- setCurrent : function () {
- this.current = this.tracks.at( this.index );
- if ( this.data.tracklist ) {
- this.$( '.wp-playlist-item' )
- .removeClass( this.playingClass )
- .eq( this.index )
- .addClass( this.playingClass );
- }
- this.loadCurrent();
- }
- });
- /**
- * Initialize media playlists in the document.
- *
- * Only initializes new playlists not previously-initialized.
- *
- * @since 4.9.3
- * @return {void}
- */
- function initialize() {
- $( '.wp-playlist:not(:has(.mejs-container))' ).each( function() {
- new WPPlaylistView( { el: this } );
- } );
- }
- /**
- * Expose the API publicly on window.wp.playlist.
- *
- * @namespace wp.playlist
- * @since 4.9.3
- * @type {object}
- */
- window.wp.playlist = {
- initialize: initialize
- };
- $( document ).ready( initialize );
- window.WPPlaylistView = WPPlaylistView;
- }(jQuery, _, Backbone));