- "use strict";
- (self["__WordPressPrivateInteractivityAPI__"] = self["__WordPressPrivateInteractivityAPI__"] || []).push([[155],{
- /***/ 890:
- /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack___webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
- /* harmony import */ var _wordpress_interactivity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(754);
- /**
- * WordPress dependencies
- */
- const isValidLink = ref => ref && ref instanceof window.HTMLAnchorElement && ref.href && (!ref.target || ref.target === '_self') && ref.origin === window.location.origin;
- const isValidEvent = event => event.button === 0 &&
- // left clicks only
- !event.metaKey &&
- // open in new tab (mac)
- !event.ctrlKey &&
- // open in new tab (windows)
- !event.altKey &&
- // download
- !event.shiftKey && !event.defaultPrevented;
- (0,_wordpress_interactivity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .store */ .h)({
- selectors: {
- core: {
- query: {
- startAnimation: ({
- context
- }) => context.core.query.animation === 'start',
- finishAnimation: ({
- context
- }) => context.core.query.animation === 'finish'
- }
- }
- },
- actions: {
- core: {
- query: {
- navigate: async ({
- event,
- ref,
- context
- }) => {
- const isDisabled = ref.closest('[data-wp-navigation-id]')?.dataset.wpNavigationDisabled;
- if (isValidLink(ref) && isValidEvent(event) && !isDisabled) {
- event.preventDefault();
- const id = ref.closest('[data-wp-navigation-id]').dataset.wpNavigationId;
- // Don't announce the navigation immediately, wait 300 ms.
- const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
- context.core.query.message = context.core.query.loadingText;
- context.core.query.animation = 'start';
- }, 400);
- await (0,_wordpress_interactivity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .navigate */ .c4)(ref.href);
- // Dismiss loading message if it hasn't been added yet.
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- // Announce that the page has been loaded. If the message is the
- // same, we use a no-break space similar to the @wordpress/a11y
- // package: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/c395242b8e6ee20f8b06c199e4fc2920d7018af1/packages/a11y/src/filter-message.js#L20-L26
- context.core.query.message = context.core.query.loadedText + (context.core.query.message === context.core.query.loadedText ? '\u00A0' : '');
- context.core.query.animation = 'finish';
- context.core.query.url = ref.href;
- // Focus the first anchor of the Query block.
- const firstAnchor = `[data-wp-navigation-id=${id}] .wp-block-post-template a[href]`;
- document.querySelector(firstAnchor)?.focus();
- }
- },
- prefetch: async ({
- ref
- }) => {
- const isDisabled = ref.closest('[data-wp-navigation-id]')?.dataset.wpNavigationDisabled;
- if (isValidLink(ref) && !isDisabled) {
- await (0,_wordpress_interactivity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .prefetch */ .tL)(ref.href);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- effects: {
- core: {
- query: {
- prefetch: async ({
- ref,
- context
- }) => {
- if (context.core.query.url && isValidLink(ref)) {
- await (0,_wordpress_interactivity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .prefetch */ .tL)(ref.href);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- /***/ })
- },
- /******/ function(__webpack_require__) { // webpackRuntimeModules
- /******/ var __webpack_exec__ = function(moduleId) { return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = moduleId); }
- /******/ var __webpack_exports__ = (__webpack_exec__(890));
- /******/ }
- ]);