_selector ) { $this->add_selector_rules_to_output(); } $this->_selector = $selector; return $this; } /** * Wrapper for the set_selector method, changes the selector to add new rules * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @see set_selector() * @param string $selector the css selector. * @return $this */ public function change_selector( $selector = '' ) { return $this->set_selector( $selector ); } /** * Adds a pseudo class to the selector ex. :hover, :active, :focus * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @param $state - the selector state * @param reset - if true the $_selector_states variable will be reset * @return $this */ public function add_selector_state( $state, $reset = true ) { if ( $reset ) { $this->reset_selector_states(); } $this->_selector_states[] = $state; return $this; } /** * Adds multiple pseudo classes to the selector * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @param array $states - the states you would like to add * @return $this */ public function add_selector_states( $states = array() ) { $this->reset_selector_states(); foreach ( $states as $state ) { $this->add_selector_state( $state, false ); } return $this; } /** * Removes the selector's pseudo classes * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @return $this */ public function reset_selector_states() { $this->add_selector_rules_to_output(); if ( ! empty( $this->_selector_states ) ) { $this->_selector_states = array(); } return $this; } /** * Adds a new rule to the css output * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @param string $property - the css property. * @param string $value - the value to be placed with the property. * @param string $prefix - not required, but allows for the creation of a browser prefixed property. * @return $this */ public function add_rule( $property, $value, $prefix = null ) { $format = is_null( $prefix ) ? '%1$s:%2$s;' : '%3$s%1$s:%2$s;'; if ( $value && ! empty( $value ) ) { $this->_css .= sprintf( $format, $property, $value, $prefix ); } return $this; } /** * Adds browser prefixed rules, and other special rules to the css output * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @param string $property - the css property * @param string $value - the value to be placed with the property * @return $this */ public function add_special_rules( $property, $value ) { // Switch through the property types and add prefixed rules. switch ( $property ) { case 'border-top-left-radius': $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); $this->add_rule( $property, $value, '-webkit-' ); $this->add_rule( 'border-radius-topleft', $value, '-moz-' ); break; case 'border-top-right-radius': $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); $this->add_rule( $property, $value, '-webkit-' ); $this->add_rule( 'border-radius-topright', $value, '-moz-' ); break; case 'border-bottom-left-radius': $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); $this->add_rule( $property, $value, '-webkit-' ); $this->add_rule( 'border-radius-bottomleft', $value, '-moz-' ); break; case 'border-bottom-right-radius': $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); $this->add_rule( $property, $value, '-webkit-' ); $this->add_rule( 'border-radius-bottomright', $value, '-moz-' ); break; case 'background-image': if ( substr( $value, 0, strlen( 'var(' ) ) === 'var(' ) { $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); } else { $this->add_rule( $property, sprintf( "url('%s')", $value ) ); } break; case 'content': $this->add_rule( $property, sprintf( '"%s"', $value ) ); break; case 'line-height': if ( is_numeric( $value ) && 0 == $value ) { $value = '0px'; } $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); break; default: $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); $this->add_rule( $property, $value, '-webkit-' ); $this->add_rule( $property, $value, '-moz-' ); break; } return $this; } /** * Adds a css property with value to the css output * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @param string $property - the css property * @param string $value - the value to be placed with the property * @return $this */ public function add_property( $property, $value ) { if ( in_array( $property, $this->_special_properties_list ) ) { $this->add_special_rules( $property, $value ); } else { $this->add_rule( $property, $value ); } return $this; } /** * Adds multiple properties with their values to the css output * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @param array $properties - a list of properties and values * @return $this */ public function add_properties( $properties ) { foreach ( (array) $properties as $property => $value ) { $this->add_property( $property, $value ); } return $this; } /** * Sets a media query in the class * * @since 1.1 * @param string $value * @return $this */ public function start_media_query( $value ) { // Add the current rules to the output $this->add_selector_rules_to_output(); // Add any previous media queries to the output if ( $this->has_media_query() ) { $this->add_media_query_rules_to_output(); } // Set the new media query $this->_media_query = $value; return $this; } /** * Stops using a media query. * * @see start_media_query() * * @since 1.1 * @return $this */ public function stop_media_query() { return $this->start_media_query( null ); } /** * Gets the media query if it exists in the class * * @since 1.1 * @return string|int|null */ public function get_media_query() { return $this->_media_query; } /** * Checks if there is a media query present in the class * * @since 1.1 * @return boolean */ public function has_media_query() { if ( ! empty( $this->get_media_query() ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Adds the current media query's rules to the class' output variable * * @since 1.1 * @return $this */ private function add_media_query_rules_to_output() { if ( ! empty( $this->_media_query_output ) ) { $this->_output .= sprintf( '@media all and %1$s{%2$s}', $this->get_media_query(), $this->_media_query_output ); // Reset the media query output string. $this->_media_query_output = ''; } return $this; } /** * Adds the current selector rules to the output variable * * @access private * @since 1.0 * * @return $this */ private function add_selector_rules_to_output() { if ( ! empty( $this->_css ) ) { $this->prepare_selector_output(); $selector_output = sprintf( '%1$s{%2$s}', $this->_selector_output, $this->_css ); if ( $this->has_media_query() ) { $this->_media_query_output .= $selector_output; $this->reset_css(); } else { $this->_output .= $selector_output; } // Reset the css. $this->reset_css(); } return $this; } /** * Prepares the $_selector_output variable for rendering * * @access private * @since 1.0 * * @return $this */ private function prepare_selector_output() { if ( ! empty( $this->_selector_states ) ) { // Create a new variable to store all of the states. $new_selector = ''; foreach ( (array) $this->_selector_states as $state ) { $format = end( $this->_selector_states ) === $state ? '%1$s%2$s' : '%1$s%2$s,'; $new_selector .= sprintf( $format, $this->_selector, $state ); } $this->_selector_output = $new_selector; } else { $this->_selector_output = $this->_selector; } return $this; } /** * Generates the font family output. * * @param array $font an array of font settings. * @return string */ public function render_font_family( $font, $area = 'headers' ) { if ( empty( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $font['family'] ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $font['family'] ) ) { return false; } if ( 'inherit' === $font['family'] ) { $font_string = 'inherit'; } else { $font_string = $font['family']; } if ( isset( $font['google'] ) && true === $font['google'] ) { $this->maybe_add_google_font( $font, $area ); } if ( strpos( $font_string, '"') === false && strpos( $font_string, ',') === false && ( strpos( $font_string, ' ' ) !== false || strpos( $font_string, '.' ) !== false ) ) { $font_string = "'" . $font_string . "'"; } if ( isset( $font['google'] ) && true === $font['google'] && 'inherit' !== $font_string ) { if ( isset( $font['fallback'] ) && ! empty( $font['fallback'] ) ) { if ( 'display' === $font['fallback'] || 'handwriting' === $font['fallback'] ) { $font_string = $font_string . ', cursive'; } else { $font_string = $font_string . ', ' . $font['fallback']; } } else { $font_string = $font_string . ', var(--global-fallback-font)'; } } return apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_font_family_string', $font_string ); } /** * Generates the font output. * * @param array $font an array of font settings. * @param object $css an object of css output. * @param string $inherit an string to determine if the font should inherit. * @return string */ public function render_font_no_color( $font, $css, $inherit = null ) { if ( empty( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( isset( $font['style'] ) && ! empty( $font['style'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'font-style', $font['style'] ); } if ( isset( $font['weight'] ) && ! empty( $font['weight'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'font-weight', $font['weight'] ); } $size_type = ( isset( $font['sizeType'] ) && ! empty( $font['sizeType'] ) ? $font['sizeType'] : 'px' ); if ( isset( $font['size'] ) && isset( $font['size']['desktop'] ) && ! empty( $font['size']['desktop'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'font-size', $font['size']['desktop'] . $size_type ); } $line_type = ( isset( $font['lineType'] ) && ! empty( $font['lineType'] ) ? $font['lineType'] : '' ); $line_type = ( '-' !== $line_type ? $line_type : '' ); if ( isset( $font['lineHeight'] ) && isset( $font['lineHeight']['desktop'] ) && ! empty( $font['lineHeight']['desktop'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'line-height', $font['lineHeight']['desktop'] . $line_type ); } $letter_type = ( isset( $font['spacingType'] ) && ! empty( $font['spacingType'] ) ? $font['spacingType'] : 'em' ); if ( isset( $font['letterSpacing'] ) && isset( $font['letterSpacing']['desktop'] ) && is_numeric( $font['letterSpacing']['desktop'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'letter-spacing', $font['letterSpacing']['desktop'] . $letter_type ); } $family = ( isset( $font['family'] ) && ! empty( $font['family'] ) && 'inherit' !== $font['family'] ? $font['family'] : '' ); if ( ! empty( $family ) ) { if ( ! empty( $inherit ) && 'body' === $inherit ) { $family = 'var(--global-body-font-family)'; } elseif ( ! empty( $inherit ) && 'primary_nav' === $inherit ) { $family = 'var(--global-primary-nav-font-family)'; } elseif ( strpos( $family, '"') === false && strpos( $family, ',') === false && strpos( $family, ' ' ) !== false ) { $family = "'" . $family . "'"; } if ( isset( $font['google'] ) && true === $font['google'] && 'var(' !== substr( $family, 0, 4 ) ) { if ( isset( $font['fallback'] ) && ! empty( $font['fallback'] ) ) { if ( 'display' === $font['fallback'] || 'handwriting' === $font['fallback'] ) { $family = $family . ', cursive'; } else { $family = $family . ', ' . $font['fallback']; } } else { $family = $family . ', var(--global-fallback-font)'; } } $css->add_property( 'font-family', apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_font_family_string', $family ) ); if ( isset( $font['google'] ) && true === $font['google'] ) { if ( ! empty( $inherit ) && 'body' === $inherit ) { $this->maybe_add_google_font( $font, $inherit ); } else { $this->maybe_add_google_font( $font ); } } } if ( isset( $font['transform'] ) && ! empty( $font['transform'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'text-transform', $font['transform'] ); } } /** * Generates the font output. * * @param array $font an array of font settings. * @param object $css an object of css output. * @param string $inherit an string to determine if the font should inherit. * @return string */ public function render_font( $font, $css, $inherit = null ) { if ( empty( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( isset( $font['style'] ) && ! empty( $font['style'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'font-style', $font['style'] ); } if ( isset( $font['weight'] ) && ! empty( $font['weight'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'font-weight', $font['weight'] ); } $size_type = ( isset( $font['sizeType'] ) && ! empty( $font['sizeType'] ) ? $font['sizeType'] : 'px' ); if ( isset( $font['size'] ) && isset( $font['size']['desktop'] ) && ! empty( $font['size']['desktop'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'font-size', $font['size']['desktop'] . $size_type ); } $line_type = ( isset( $font['lineType'] ) && ! empty( $font['lineType'] ) ? $font['lineType'] : '' ); $line_type = ( '-' !== $line_type ? $line_type : '' ); if ( isset( $font['lineHeight'] ) && isset( $font['lineHeight']['desktop'] ) && is_numeric( $font['lineHeight']['desktop'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'line-height', $font['lineHeight']['desktop'] . $line_type ); } $letter_type = ( isset( $font['spacingType'] ) && ! empty( $font['spacingType'] ) ? $font['spacingType'] : 'em' ); if ( isset( $font['letterSpacing'] ) && isset( $font['letterSpacing']['desktop'] ) && is_numeric( $font['letterSpacing']['desktop'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'letter-spacing', $font['letterSpacing']['desktop'] . $letter_type ); } $special_inherit = ( isset( $font['family'] ) && ! empty( $font['family'] ) && 'inherit' === $font['family'] ? true : false ); if ( $special_inherit ) { if ( ! empty( $inherit ) && 'heading' === $inherit ) { $this->maybe_add_google_variant( $font, $inherit ); } else { $this->maybe_add_google_variant( $font ); } } $family = ( isset( $font['family'] ) && ! empty( $font['family'] ) && 'inherit' !== $font['family'] ? $font['family'] : '' ); if ( ! empty( $family ) ) { if ( ! empty( $inherit ) && 'body' === $inherit ) { $family = 'var(--global-body-font-family)'; } elseif ( ! empty( $inherit ) && 'primary_nav' === $inherit ) { $family = 'var(--global-primary-nav-font-family)'; } elseif ( strpos( $family, '"') === false && strpos( $family, ',') === false && strpos( $family, ' ' ) !== false ) { $family = "'" . $family . "'"; } if ( isset( $font['google'] ) && true === $font['google'] && 'var(' !== substr( $family, 0, 4 ) ) { if ( isset( $font['fallback'] ) && ! empty( $font['fallback'] ) ) { if ( 'handwriting' === $font['fallback'] ) { $family = $family . ', cursive'; } elseif ( 'display' === $font['fallback'] ) { $family = $family . ', var(--global-display-fallback-font)'; } else { $family = $family . ', ' . $font['fallback']; } } else { $family = $family . ', var(--global-fallback-font)'; } } $css->add_property( 'font-family', apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_font_family_string', $family ) ); if ( isset( $font['google'] ) && true === $font['google'] ) { if ( ! empty( $inherit ) && 'body' === $inherit ) { $this->maybe_add_google_font( $font, $inherit ); } else { $this->maybe_add_google_font( $font ); } } } if ( isset( $font['transform'] ) && ! empty( $font['transform'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'text-transform', $font['transform'] ); } if ( isset( $font['color'] ) && ! empty( $font['color'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'color', $this->render_color( $font['color'] ) ); } } /** * Generates the font height output. * * @param array $font an array of font settings. * @param string $device the device this is showing on. * @return string */ public function render_font_height( $font, $device ) { if ( empty( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $font['lineHeight'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font['lineHeight'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $font['lineHeight'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $font['lineHeight'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } $font_string = $font['lineHeight'][ $device ] . ( isset( $font['lineType'] ) && ! empty( $font['lineType'] ) ? $font['lineType'] : 'px' ); return $font_string; } /** * Generates the font spacing output. * * @param array $font an array of font settings. * @param string $device the device this is showing on. * @return string */ public function render_font_spacing( $font, $device ) { if ( empty( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $font['letterSpacing'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font['letterSpacing'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $font['letterSpacing'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $font['letterSpacing'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } $font_string = $font['letterSpacing'][ $device ] . ( isset( $font['spacingType'] ) && ! empty( $font['spacingType'] ) ? $font['spacingType'] : 'em' ); return $font_string; } /** * Generates the color output. * * @param string $color any color attribute. * @return string */ public function render_color( $color ) { if ( empty( $color ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $color ) && strpos( $color, 'palette' ) !== false ) { $color = 'var(--global-' . $color . ')'; } return $color; } /** * Generates the color output. * * @param string $color any color attribute. * @return string */ public function render_color_or_gradient( $color ) { if ( empty( $color ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $color ) && 'palette' === substr( $color, 0, 7 ) ) { $color = 'var(--global-' . $color . ')'; } return $color; } /** * Hex to RGB * * @param string $hex string hex code. */ public function hex2rgb( $hex ) { if ( empty( $hex ) ) { return ''; } if ( 'transparent' === $hex ) { return '255, 255, 255'; } $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex ); if ( 6 === strlen( $hex ) || 3 === strlen( $hex ) ) { if ( 3 === strlen( $hex ) ) { $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 0, 1 ) ); $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 1, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 1, 1 ) ); $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 2, 1 ) ); } else { $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ); $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ); $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ); } } else { return '255, 255, 255'; } $rgb = $r . ', ' . $g . ', ' . $b; return $rgb; } /** * Generates the size output. * * @param array $size an array of size settings. * @param string $device the device this is showing on. * @param bool $render_zero if 0 should be rendered or not. * @return string */ public function render_range( $size, $device, $render_zero = true ) { if ( empty( $size ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $size ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $size['size'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $size['size'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $size['size'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( $render_zero ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $size['size'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } } else { if ( empty( $size['size'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } } $size_type = ( isset( $size['unit'] ) && is_array( $size['unit'] ) && isset( $size['unit'][ $device ] ) && ! empty( $size['unit'][ $device ] ) ? $size['unit'][ $device ] : 'px' ); $size_string = $size['size'][ $device ] . $size_type; return $size_string; } /** * Generates the size output. * * @param array $shadow an array of shadow settings. * @param string $default the default shadow settings. * @return string */ public function render_shadow( $shadow, $default = array() ) { if ( empty( $shadow ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $shadow ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $shadow['color'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $shadow['hOffset'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $shadow['vOffset'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $shadow['blur'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $shadow['spread'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $shadow['inset'] ) ) { return false; } if ( $shadow['inset'] ) { $shadow_string = 'inset ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['hOffset'] ) ? $shadow['hOffset'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['vOffset'] ) ? $shadow['vOffset'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['blur'] ) ? $shadow['blur'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['spread'] ) ? $shadow['spread'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['color'] ) ? $this->render_color( $shadow['color'] ) : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.0)' ); } else { $shadow_string = ( ! empty( $shadow['hOffset'] ) ? $shadow['hOffset'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['vOffset'] ) ? $shadow['vOffset'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['blur'] ) ? $shadow['blur'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['spread'] ) ? $shadow['spread'] : '0' ) . 'px ' . ( ! empty( $shadow['color'] ) ? $this->render_color( $shadow['color'] ) : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.0)' ); } return $shadow_string; } /** * Generates the measure output. * * @param array $measure an array of font settings. * @return string */ public function render_measure( $measure ) { if ( empty( $measure ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $measure ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $measure['size'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $measure['size'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $measure['size'][0] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_numeric( $measure['size'][0] ) && ! is_numeric( $measure['size'][1] ) && ! is_numeric( $measure['size'][2] ) && ! is_numeric( $measure['size'][3] ) ) { return false; } $size_unit = ( isset( $measure['unit'] ) && ! empty( $measure['unit'] ) ? $measure['unit'] : 'px' ); $size_string = ( is_numeric( $measure['size'][0] ) ? $measure['size'][0] : '0' ) . $size_unit . ' ' . ( is_numeric( $measure['size'][1] ) ? $measure['size'][1] : '0' ) . $size_unit . ' ' . ( is_numeric( $measure['size'][2] ) ? $measure['size'][2] : '0' ) . $size_unit . ' ' . ( is_numeric( $measure['size'][3] ) ? $measure['size'][3] : '0' ) . $size_unit; return $size_string; } /** * Generates the font size output. * * @param array $font an array of font settings. * @param string $device the device this is showing on. * @return string */ public function render_font_size( $font, $device ) { if ( empty( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $font['size'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $font['size'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $font['size'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $font['size'][ $device ] ) ) { return false; } $font_string = $font['size'][ $device ] . ( isset( $font['sizeType'] ) && ! empty( $font['sizeType'] ) ? $font['sizeType'] : 'px' ); return $font_string; } /** * Generates the background output. * * @param array $background an array of background settings. * @param object $css an object of css output. */ public function render_background( $background, $css ) { if ( empty( $background ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $background ) ) { return false; } $background_string = ''; $type = ( isset( $background['type'] ) && ! empty( $background['type'] ) ? $background['type'] : 'color' ); $color_type = ''; if ( isset( $background['color'] ) && ! empty( $background['color'] ) ) { if ( strpos( $background['color'], 'palette' ) !== false ) { $color_type = 'var(--global-' . $background['color'] . ')'; } else { $color_type = $background['color']; } } if ( 'image' === $type && isset( $background['image'] ) ) { $image_url = ( isset( $background['image']['url'] ) && ! empty( $background['image']['url'] ) ? $background['image']['url'] : '' ); if ( ! empty( $image_url ) ) { $repeat = ( isset( $background['image']['repeat'] ) && ! empty( $background['image']['repeat'] ) ? $background['image']['repeat'] : '' ); $size = ( isset( $background['image']['size'] ) && ! empty( $background['image']['size'] ) ? $background['image']['size'] : '' ); $position = ( isset( $background['image']['position'] ) && is_array( $background['image']['position'] ) && isset( $background['image']['position']['x'] ) && is_numeric( $background['image']['position']['x'] ) && isset( $background['image']['position']['y'] ) && is_numeric( $background['image']['position']['y'] ) ? ( $background['image']['position']['x'] * 100 ) . '% ' . ( $background['image']['position']['y'] * 100 ) . '%' : 'center' ); $attachement = ( isset( $background['image']['attachment'] ) && ! empty( $background['image']['attachment'] ) ? $background['image']['attachment'] : '' ); $background_string = ( ! empty( $color_type ) ? $color_type . ' ' : '' ) . $image_url . ( ! empty( $repeat ) ? ' ' . $repeat : '' ) . ( ! empty( $position ) ? ' ' . $position : '' ) . ( ! empty( $size ) ? ' ' . $size : '' ) . ( ! empty( $attachement ) ? ' ' . $attachement : '' ); $css->add_property( 'background-color', $color_type ); $css->add_property( 'background-image', $image_url ); $css->add_property( 'background-repeat', $repeat ); $css->add_property( 'background-position', $position ); $css->add_property( 'background-size', $size ); $css->add_property( 'background-attachment', $attachement ); } else { if ( ! empty( $color_type ) ) { $background_string = $color_type; $css->add_property( 'background-color', $color_type ); } } } elseif ( 'gradient' === $type && isset( $background['gradient'] ) && ! empty( $background['gradient'] ) ) { $css->add_property( 'background', $background['gradient'] ); } else { if ( ! empty( $color_type ) ) { $background_string = $color_type; $css->add_property( 'background', $color_type ); } } } /** * Generates the border output. * * @param array $border an array of border settings. * @return string */ public function render_border( $border, $inherit = false ) { if ( empty( $border ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $border ) ) { return false; } $border_string = ''; $style = ( isset( $border['style'] ) && ! empty( $border['style'] ) ? $border['style'] : '' ); if ( '' === $style ) { $style = isset( $inherit['style'] ) && ! empty( $inherit['style'] ) ? $inherit['style'] : ''; } if ( '' === $style ) { return false; } $width = ( isset( $border['width'] ) && ! empty( $border['width'] ) ? $border['width'] : '0' ); $unit = ( isset( $border['unit'] ) && ! empty( $border['unit'] ) ? $border['unit'] : 'px' ); $color = ( isset( $border['color'] ) && ! empty( $border['color'] ) ? $border['color'] : 'transparent' ); $border_string = $width . $unit . ' ' . $style . ' ' . $this->render_color( $color ); return $border_string; } /** * Generates the border output. * * @param array $border_array an array of border settings. * @param string $device a string with the device. * @return string */ public function render_header_responsive_border( $border_array, $device ) { if ( empty( $border_array ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $border_array ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $border_array[ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $border_array[ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $border_array[ $device ]['width'] ) ) { return false; } if ( isset( $border_array[ $device ]['width'] ) && ! is_numeric( $border_array[ $device ]['width'] ) ) { return false; } $border_string = ''; $style = ( isset( $border_array[ $device ]['style'] ) && ! empty( $border_array[ $device ]['style'] ) ? $border_array[ $device ]['style'] : '' ); if ( '' === $style && 'desktop' === $device ) { return false; } elseif ( '' === $style && 'tablet' === $device ) { $style = ( isset( $border_array['desktop']['style'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['desktop']['style'] ) ? $border_array['desktop']['style'] : '' ); if ( '' === $style ) { return false; } } elseif ( '' === $style && 'mobile' === $device ) { $style = ( isset( $border_array['tablet']['style'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['tablet']['style'] ) ? $border_array['tablet']['style'] : '' ); if ( '' === $style ) { $style = ( isset( $border_array['desktop']['style'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['desktop']['style'] ) ? $border_array['desktop']['style'] : '' ); if ( '' === $style ) { return false; } } } $fallback_unit = 'px'; if ( 'tablet' === $device ) { $fallback_unit = ( isset( $border_array['desktop']['unit'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['desktop']['unit'] ) ? $border_array['desktop']['unit'] : $fallback_unit ); } elseif ( 'mobile' === $device ) { if ( isset( $border_array['tablet']['unit'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['tablet']['unit'] ) ) { $fallback_unit = $border_array['tablet']['unit']; } else { $fallback_unit = ( isset( $border_array['desktop']['unit'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['desktop']['unit'] ) ? $border_array['desktop']['unit'] : $fallback_unit ); } } $fallback_color = 'transparent'; if ( 'tablet' === $device ) { $fallback_color = ( isset( $border_array['desktop']['color'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['desktop']['color'] ) ? $border_array['desktop']['color'] : $fallback_color ); } elseif ( 'mobile' === $device ) { if ( isset( $border_array['tablet']['color'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['tablet']['color'] ) ) { $fallback_color = $border_array['tablet']['color']; } else { $fallback_color = ( isset( $border_array['desktop']['color'] ) && ! empty( $border_array['desktop']['color'] ) ? $border_array['desktop']['color'] : $fallback_color ); } } $width = ( isset( $border_array[ $device ]['width'] ) && ! empty( $border_array[ $device ]['width'] ) ? $border_array[ $device ]['width'] : '0' ); $unit = ( isset( $border_array[ $device ]['unit'] ) && ! empty( $border_array[ $device ]['unit'] ) ? $border_array[ $device ]['unit'] : $fallback_unit ); $color = ( isset( $border_array[ $device ]['color'] ) && ! empty( $border_array[ $device ]['color'] ) ? $border_array[ $device ]['color'] : $fallback_color ); $border_string = $width . $unit . ' ' . $style . ' ' . $this->render_color( $color ); return $border_string; } /** * Generates the size output. * * @param array $size an array of size settings. * @return string */ public function render_half_size( $size ) { if ( empty( $size ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $size ) ) { return false; } $size_number = ( isset( $size['size'] ) && ! empty( $size['size'] ) ? $size['size'] : '0' ); $size_unit = ( isset( $size['unit'] ) && ! empty( $size['unit'] ) ? $size['unit'] : 'em' ); $size_string = 'calc(' . $size_number . $size_unit . ' / 2)'; return $size_string; } /** * Generates the size output. * * @param array $size an array of size settings. * @return string */ public function render_negative_size( $size ) { if ( empty( $size ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $size ) ) { return false; } $size_number = ( isset( $size['size'] ) && ! empty( $size['size'] ) ? $size['size'] : '0' ); $size_unit = ( isset( $size['unit'] ) && ! empty( $size['unit'] ) ? $size['unit'] : 'em' ); $size_string = '-' . $size_number . $size_unit; return $size_string; } /** * Generates the size output. * * @param array $size an array of size settings. * @return string */ public function render_negative_half_size( $size ) { if ( empty( $size ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $size ) ) { return false; } $size_number = ( isset( $size['size'] ) && ! empty( $size['size'] ) ? $size['size'] : '0' ); $size_unit = ( isset( $size['unit'] ) && ! empty( $size['unit'] ) ? $size['unit'] : 'em' ); $size_string = 'calc(-' . $size_number . $size_unit . ' / 2)'; return $size_string; } /** * Generates the size output. * * @param array $size an array of size settings. * @return string */ public function render_size( $size ) { if ( empty( $size ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $size ) ) { return false; } $size_number = ( isset( $size['size'] ) && ! empty( $size['size'] ) ? $size['size'] : '0' ); $size_unit = ( isset( $size['unit'] ) && ! empty( $size['unit'] ) ? $size['unit'] : 'em' ); $size_string = $size_number . $size_unit; return $size_string; } /** * Generates the border output. * * @param array $border an array of border settings. * @return string */ public function render_responsive_border( $border, $device ) { if ( empty( $border ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $border ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $border[ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $border[ $device ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $border[ $device ] ) ) { return false; } $border_string = ''; $new_style = ''; $style = ( isset( $border[ $device ]['style'] ) && ! empty( $border[ $device ]['style'] ) ? $border[ $device ]['style'] : '' ); if ( '' === $style ) { $continue = false; if ( 'desktop' === $device ) { $continue = false; } elseif ( 'tablet' === $device ) { if ( isset( $border['desktop'] ) && isset( $border['desktop']['style'] ) && ! empty( $border['desktop']['style'] ) && 'none' !== $border['desktop']['style'] ) { $new_style = $border['desktop']['style']; $continue = true; } else { $continue = false; } } elseif ( 'mobile' === $device ) { if ( isset( $border['tablet'] ) && isset( $border['tablet']['style'] ) && ! empty( $border['tablet']['style'] ) && 'none' !== $border['tablet']['style'] ) { $new_style = $border['tablet']['style']; $continue = true; } else if ( isset( $border['desktop'] ) && isset( $border['desktop']['style'] ) && ! empty( $border['desktop']['style'] ) && 'none' !== $border['desktop']['style'] ) { $new_style = $border['desktop']['style']; $continue = true; } else { $continue = false; } } if ( ! $continue ) { return false; } } $width = ( isset( $border[ $device ]['width'] ) && ! empty( $border[ $device ]['width'] ) ? $border[ $device ]['width'] : '0' ); $unit = ( isset( $border[ $device ]['unit'] ) && ! empty( $border[ $device ]['unit'] ) ? $border[ $device ]['unit'] : 'px' ); $color = ( isset( $border[ $device ]['color'] ) && ! empty( $border[ $device ]['color'] ) ? $border[ $device ]['color'] : 'transparent' ); if ( '' === $style ) { $border_string = $width . $unit . ' ' . $new_style . ' ' . $this->render_color( $color ); } else { $border_string = $width . $unit . ' ' . $style . ' ' . $this->render_color( $color ); } return $border_string; } /** * Add google font to array. * * @param array $font the font settings. * @param string $area the font use case. */ public function maybe_add_google_variant( $font, $area = null ) { if ( empty( $font['variant'] ) ) { return; } $maybe_add = false; if ( ! empty( $area ) && 'headers' === $area ) { $parent_font = kadence()->option( 'heading_font' ); if ( isset( $parent_font['family'] ) && 'inherit' === $parent_font['family'] ) { $parent_font = kadence()->sub_option( 'base_font' ); if ( isset( $parent_font['google'] ) && true === $parent_font['google'] ) { $maybe_add = true; } } elseif ( isset( $parent_font['google'] ) && true === $parent_font['google'] ) { $maybe_add = true; } } else { $parent_font = kadence()->sub_option( 'base_font' ); if ( isset( $parent_font['google'] ) && true === $parent_font['google'] ) { $maybe_add = true; } } if ( $maybe_add ) { if ( ! in_array( $font['variant'], self::$google_fonts[ $parent_font['family'] ]['fontvariants'], true ) ) { array_push( self::$google_fonts[ $parent_font['family'] ]['fontvariants'], $font['variant'] ); } } } /** * Add google font to array. * * @param array $font the font settings. * @param string $full the font use case. */ public function maybe_add_google_font( $font, $full = null ) { if ( ! empty( $full ) && 'headers' === $full ) { $new_variant = array(); if ( isset( $font['variant'] ) && ! empty( $font['variant'] ) && is_array( $font['variant'] ) ) { foreach ( array( 'h1_font', 'h2_font', 'h3_font', 'h4_font', 'h5_font', 'h6_font' ) as $option ) { $variant = kadence()->sub_option( $option, 'variant' ); if ( in_array( $variant, $font['variant'], true ) && ! in_array( $variant, $new_variant, true ) ) { array_push( $new_variant, $variant ); } } } if ( empty( $new_variant ) ) { $new_variant = $font['variant']; } } if ( ! empty( $full ) && 'body' === $full && 'inherit' === kadence()->sub_option( 'heading_font', 'family' ) ) { $new_variant = array( $font['variant'] ); if ( isset( $font['variant'] ) && ! empty( $font['variant'] ) && ! is_array( $font['variant'] ) ) { $current_variant = array( $font['variant'] ); foreach ( array( 'h1_font', 'h2_font', 'h3_font', 'h4_font', 'h5_font', 'h6_font' ) as $option ) { $variant = kadence()->sub_option( $option, 'variant' ); if ( ! in_array( $variant, $current_variant, true ) && ! in_array( $variant, $new_variant, true ) ) { array_push( $new_variant, $variant ); } } } if ( empty( $new_variant ) ) { $new_variant = array( $font['variant'] ); } } elseif ( ! empty( $full ) && 'body' === $full && 'inherit' !== kadence()->sub_option( 'heading_font', 'family' ) ) { $new_variant = array( $font['variant'], '700' ); } if ( ! empty( $full ) && 'body' === $full ) { if ( kadence()->option( 'load_base_italic' ) ) { $update_variant = array(); foreach ( $new_variant as $variant ) { if ( $variant === 'italic' ) { $update_variant[] = $variant; $update_variant[] = "regular"; } else { $variant = rtrim( $variant, 'italic' ); $update_variant[] = $variant; $update_variant[] = "{$variant}italic"; } } $new_variant = $update_variant; } } // Check if the font has been added yet. if ( ! array_key_exists( $font['family'], self::$google_fonts ) ) { if ( ! empty( $full ) && 'headers' === $full ) { $add_font = array( 'fontfamily' => $font['family'], 'fontvariants' => ( isset( $new_variant ) && ! empty( $new_variant ) && is_array( $new_variant ) ? $new_variant : array() ), 'fontsubsets' => ( isset( $font['subset'] ) && ! empty( $font['subset'] ) ? array( $font['subset'] ) : array() ), ); } else if ( ! empty( $full ) && 'body' === $full && 'inherit' === kadence()->sub_option( 'heading_font', 'family' ) ) { $add_font = array( 'fontfamily' => $font['family'], 'fontvariants' => ( isset( $new_variant ) && ! empty( $new_variant ) && is_array( $new_variant ) ? $new_variant : array() ), 'fontsubsets' => ( isset( $font['subset'] ) && ! empty( $font['subset'] ) ? array( $font['subset'] ) : array() ), ); } else if ( ! empty( $full ) && 'body' === $full && 'inherit' !== kadence()->sub_option( 'heading_font', 'family' ) ) { $add_font = array( 'fontfamily' => $font['family'], 'fontvariants' => ( isset( $new_variant ) && ! empty( $new_variant ) && is_array( $new_variant ) ? $new_variant : array() ), 'fontsubsets' => ( isset( $font['subset'] ) && ! empty( $font['subset'] ) ? array( $font['subset'] ) : array() ), ); } else { $add_font = array( 'fontfamily' => $font['family'], 'fontvariants' => ( isset( $font['variant'] ) && ! empty( $font['variant'] ) ? array( $font['variant'] ) : array() ), 'fontsubsets' => ( isset( $font['subset'] ) && ! empty( $font['subset'] ) ? array( $font['subset'] ) : array() ), ); } self::$google_fonts[ $font['family'] ] = $add_font; } else { if ( ! empty( $full ) ) { foreach ( $new_variant as $variant ) { if ( ! in_array( $variant, self::$google_fonts[ $font['family'] ]['fontvariants'], true ) ) { array_push( self::$google_fonts[ $font['family'] ]['fontvariants'], $variant ); } } } else { if ( ! in_array( $font['variant'], self::$google_fonts[ $font['family'] ]['fontvariants'], true ) ) { array_push( self::$google_fonts[ $font['family'] ]['fontvariants'], $font['variant'] ); } } } } /** * Resets the css variable * * @access private * @since 1.1 * * @return void */ private function reset_css() { $this->_css = ''; return; } /** * Returns the google fonts array from the compiled css. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @return string */ public function fonts_output() { return self::$google_fonts; } /** * Returns the minified css in the $_output variable * * @access public * @since 1.0 * * @return string */ public function css_output() { // Add current selector's rules to output $this->add_selector_rules_to_output(); // Output minified css return $this->_output; } }