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=== Kadence ===
Contributors: britner
Tags: translation-ready, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, footer-widgets, blog, custom-logo, custom-background, custom-menu, rtl-language-support, editor-style, threaded-comments, custom-colors, featured-images, wide-blocks, full-width-template, theme-options, e-commerce.
Requires at least: 6.2
Tested up to: 6.4
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: 1.1.50
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 (or later)
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

A progressive theme optimized and integrated with Gutenberg.

== Description ==
Kadence Theme is a lightweight yet full featured WordPress theme for creating beautiful fast loading and accessible websites, easier than ever. It features an easy to use drag and drop header and footer builder to build any type of header in minutes. It features a full library of gorgeous starter temples that are easy to modify with our intelligent global font and color controls. With extensive integration with the most popular 3rd party plugins, you can quickly build impressive ecommerce websites, course websites, business websites, and more.

== License ==
Kadence is released under GNU General Public License v3.0 (or later)

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Where do I report security bugs found in this theme? =
Please report security bugs found in the source code of the
Kadence Theme through the [Patchstack
Vulnerability Disclosure Program] https://patchstack.com/database/vdp/kadence. The
Patchstack team will assist you with verification, CVE assignment, and
notify the developers of this theme.

== Security Policy ==
= Reporting Security Bugs =
Please report security bugs found in the
Kadence theme's source code through the
Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure
Program https://patchstack.com/database/vdp/kadence. The Patchstack team will
assist you with verification, CVE assignment, and notify the
developers of this theme.

= Changelog =

== 1.1.50 | 18th December 2023 ==
* Update: add requests after content hook.
* Update: Google Fonts selection.
* Fix: possible css issue in footer column sizing.
* Fix: Possible css issue with product grid.
* Fix: css specificity issue with button.
* Fix: Issue with elementor cart and checkout widget.
* Fix: Possible logo size issue when shrinking in dark mode.
* Fix: Spacing issue with fullwidth in boxed mode on mobile.

== 1.1.49 | 9th November 2023 ==
* Fix: Issue with image select in customizer.
* Fix: Issue with gradient control in customizer.

== 1.1.48 | 18th October 2023 ==
* Add: Option to use logo icon.
* Update: Typography options to include inherit header.
* Fix: Possible issue where error could show in error log regarding cart contents.
* Fix: Issue with search styles if only used on mobile.
* Fix: Issue with navigation toggle aria label.
* Fix: Issue with Woocommerce 8.2 and star styles in blocks.

== 1.1.47 | 3rd October 2023 ==
* Add: Font family variables to live css in customizer.
* Fix: Possible issue with aria label.

== 1.1.46 | 26th September 2023 ==
* Fix: Issue with search icon designs css.

== 1.1.45 | 26th September 2023 ==
* Fix: Issue with archive design settings.

== 1.1.44 | 25th September 2023 ==
* Update: Optimize dynamic css generation.
* Update: Translations update.
* Update: My account css to work with elementor pro.
* Fix: Post Archive breadcrumb categories.
* Fix: CSS specificity with search block.

== 1.1.43 | 5th September 2023 ==
* Fix: Possible issue with navigation and some screen readers.
* Fix: Possible issue with logo aria label when tagline showing.
* Fix: Issue with custom social icon styling.

== 1.1.42 | 10th August 2023 ==
* Fix: Possible issue with social styles causing PHP error.
* Fix: Customizer styling for footer social.
* Fix: RankMath conflict with author profile social url.

== 1.1.41 | 7th August 2023 ==
* Update: Add Twitter X logo as option.
* Update: Optimize social icon brand css.
* Fix: Minfiy splide-init.min.js file.
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce cart fragments not loading.
* Fix: Box shadow color position.
* Fix: LearnDash Styling

== 1.1.40 | 5th June 2023 ==
* Fix: Possible issue with wide layout inside of wide layout breaking boxed layout.
* Fix: Align issue with inline images in table block.
* Fix: Issue with filter by rating.

== 1.1.39 | 16th May 2023 ==
* Fix: Possible issue with footer widgets spacing.
* Fix: Issue with product buttons style.

== 1.1.38 | 15th May 2023 ==
* Fix: Update not showing.

== 1.1.37 | 8th May 2023 ==
* Update: Animate body for mobile navigation setting default.
* Fix: Color picker in border controls.
* Fix: Pallet Color picker offscreen.
* Fix: Issue with warning when invalid link on page.
* Fix: CSS specificity with woocommerce styles.
* Fix: CSS specificity with comment styles.
* Fix: CSS specificity with social.
* Fix: Issue with quantity spinner.

== 1.1.36 | 27th March 2023 == 
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce dropdown scroll bars.

== 1.1.35 | 27th March 2023 == 
* Update: 6.2 css issue with editor title.
* Update: Editor style tweak.

== 1.1.34 | 22nd March 2023 == 
* Update: Splide JS to prevent conflicts.
* Fix: Issue with posts block.

== 1.1.33 | 20th March 2023 == 
* Update: Editor styling of form.
* Update: Support for thirdpary woo plugins and ajax cart.
* Update: Improve accessibility of tabing through dropdown navigation.
* Fix: Various RTL css issues.
* Fix: Inherit image ratio issue with featured images.
* Fix: LMS sidebar issue on archive template.
* Fix: Issue with css specificity in customizer. 
* Fix: Issue with mini cart dropdown when lots of products added.
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce single purchase products and custom quantity spinners.
* Fix: Issue with sticky header background possibly applied twice on mobile.
* Fix: Issue with tribe events css.
* Fix: Issue with css specificity in archive title.
* Fix: Issue with iframed editor and google fonts.
* Fix: Issue with possible php notice in archive title.
* Fix: Title Overlay issue with gradients.
* Fix: Classic editor embed issue.
* Fix: Mobile empty cart class.
* Fix: Role Landmark issue when using above content title.

== 1.1.32 | 31st January 2023 == 
* Update: CSS styling of some buttons.
* Update: Dropdown aria label for accessibility.
* Update: Mobile close js to ignore tabs.
* Update: bbpress integration, add subscribe in topic meta, tweak forms heading.
* Update: Global image styling options in customizer.
* Update: allow more decimal places in font sizing.
* Fix: Palette, type pairings popover in customizer.
* Fix: Issue possible issue with heading spacing in editor.

== 1.1.31 | 3rd November 2022 == 
* Update: Popover css for customizer for 6.1
* Update: Gradient picker to allow global colors.
* Update: Secondary Product image in loop size.
* Fix: Issue with empty cart class on mobile.
* Fix: Editor Spacing of kadence buttons.
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce block image settings not being respected.

== 1.1.30 | 21th September 2022 ==
* Update: TEC styles.
* Fix: Issue with css specificity in footer widgets.

== 1.1.29 | 14th September 2022 ==
* Update: Tweak sticky header reveal on scroll js.
* Fix: Issue with custom link color styles in widget areas.

== 1.1.28 | 13th September 2022 ==
* Update: Language files and fix translation issues.
* Fix: Issue with button styles in widget areas.
* Fix: Possible issue with anchor smooth scroll offset.
* Fix: Possible issue importing elementor style kit.
* Fix: Possible css issue with woocommerce shipping order review.

== 1.1.27 | 24th August 2022 ==
* Fix: Shift issue popups and transparent header.
* Fix: Issue with dropdown navigation behind sticky.

== 1.1.26 | 18th August 2022 ==
* Update: Sticky header reveal on scroll js.
* Update: Aria Label for author image.
* Fix: Issue with core button block styling in widget areas.
* Fix: Possible issue where you can't use 4 column with CPT archive settings.
* Fix: Possible issue where google fonts loading through Google instead of local.
* Fix: Issue with header search icon size.
* Fix: Possible alignment issue with align full.
* Fix: Issue with mobile header button margin preview.

== 1.1.25 | 15th July 2022 ==
* Fix: Possible JS issue.

== 1.1.24 | 15th July 2022 ==
* Fix: Fullwidth issue.

== 1.1.23 | 14th July 2022 ==
* Fix: Safari overflow issue.
* Fix: RTL footer social.

== 1.1.22 | 22nd June 2022 ==
* Add: Option to show caption with featured image.
* Fix: Margin showing on body.

== 1.1.21 | 22nd June 2022 ==
* Fix: Footer social alignment

== 1.1.20 | 21st June 2022 ==
* Add: Option to hide comments in meta if 0.
* Update: Allow clearing in typography settings.
* Update: CSS for social icons to use flex gap.
* Fix: Small issue with TutorLMS archives.
* Fix: Issue with single column layouts unboxed.
* Fix: Issue with related posts carousel rewind.
* Fix: Issue with PHP 7.2
* Fix: Issue with width reflow when opening cart modal.

== 1.1.19 | 31st May 2022 ==
* Add: Option to enable font smoothing.
* Update: All available google fonts.
* Update: Tutor template.
* Update: Add Scroll to id offset filter.
* Fix: Possible issue with layout settings not following events archive when setting main events page as home page.
* Fix: Possible issue with Polylang that created a php notice in logs.
* Fix: possible issue with Page Title background.
* Fix: Missing titles for payment icons.
* Fix: Small css tweak for buttons in woocommerce.
* Fix: Issue with scroll to ID and reveal on scroll up header.
* Fix: Issue with possible missing font weights.
* Fix: Styling for inline images.
* Fix: Instagram brand color.

== 1.1.18 | 27th April 2022 ==
* Add: Option to turn off body shift when menu toggles.
* Update: Related posts carousel to use splide.
* Update: CSS in cases where sidebar overflows.
* Update: Scroll to ID back support to move to top of page.
* Fix: Issue with GeoDirectory pages and page settings.
* Fix: Issue with background positioning not outputting 0.
* Fix: Issue with columns overflowing when using four.
* Fix: Issue with transparent header mobile settings not following header mobile breakpoint.
* Fix: Issue with header row content width settings not following header mobile breakpoint.
* Fix: Issue with menu flash and IOS 15.4.1

== 1.1.17 | 5th April 2022 ==
* Fix: Deprecation notice for elementor.
* Fix: Issue with anchor scroll when id requires scrolling up.
* Fix: Styling issue with woocommerce product grid blocks.
* Fix: Styling issue with woocommerce archive output.

== 1.1.16 | 25th March 2022 ==
* Add: Option to show update date only if different from publish date.
* Add: Support for Tutor 2.0
* Update: Password input in woocommerce.
* Update: Allow learndash assignments to have comments.
* Fix: Sticky Header at 1024px.

== 1.1.15 | 4th March 2022 ==
* Add: Option to show post time.
* Update: Link authors to profile website address.
* Update: Prevent related slider from using local storage.
* Fix: Possible issue with dropdown background.
* Fix: Issue with 0px not rendering properly.
* Fix: Issue with attribute archives not showing shop in breadcrumbs.
* Fix: Issue where scroll to id could cause the page to jump once user scrolled to the end.
* Fix: Issue with header mobile button css specificity.
* Fix: Issue with preview not showing correct background color.

== 1.1.14 | 2nd February 2022 ==
* Fix: Some situations where content was aligned left in editor.

== 1.1.13 | 31st January 2022 ==
* Add: Lightbox support for wepb files.
* Update: editor layout for 5.9
* Fix: Issue with custom Taxonomy meta area.
* Fix: Issue with Gradient missing in 5.9
* Fix: Issue with empty product search title color.

== 1.1.12 | 4th January 2022 ==
* Add: Option to upload custom social svgs.
* Add: Footer Widget area option for no underline on hover links.
* Update: Detect if dropdown rendering off screen.
* Fix: Aria Label with social icons.
* Fix: Social colors in footer in live preview.
* Fix: Social brand colors outline style.
* Fix: Issue with dutch translation.
* Fix: Breadcrumbs with galleries.
* Fix: RTL issue with checkout.
* Fix: Permissions issue with author causing an error in elementor.
* Fix: Taxonomy Title Custom Color when no posts.
* Fix: Event CSS.
* Fix: Role in related posts carousel.
* Fix: Issue with conditional display using Elementor Header and footer plugin?
* Fix: Search close when clicking outside modal form.

== 1.1.11 | 30th November 2021 ==
* Add: Sidebar link style controls.
* Update: Improve screen reader navigation of menu.
* Update: Improve touch device menu navigation when in desktop header.
* Update: Facebook default icon to match facebook's latest guidelines.
* Update: Scroll to top navigation for screen readers.
* Update: Related posts carousel options.
* Update: Breadcrumbs markup.
* Update: Screenshot.
* Fix: Various RTL styling issues.

== 1.1.10 | 15th November 2021 ==
* Fix: Changelog not showing correct date.

== 1.1.9 | 15th November 2021 ==
* Add: Container Padding settings.
* Add: Post Grid vertical align option when image beside text.
* Update: Move scroll to top focus on click to body tag.
* Update: Increase Max font size option.
* Fix: issue with dokan and breadcrumbs.
* Fix: issue with scroll to id setting.
* Fix: issue with skip to content link not targeting main.

== 1.1.8 | 21st October 2021 ==
* Fix: issue with google display category font fallback.

== 1.1.7 | 20th October 2021 ==
* Fix: Typo in comments.
* Fix: Issue with some customizer settings.
* Fix: Issue in mobile nav styling.
* Fix: Issue with grammarly. 
* Fix: Possible issue with some plugins and ajax add to cart.
* Fix: Display category font fallback.

== 1.1.6 | 29th September 2021 ==
* Update: CSS opening sub-menus on mobile.
* Fix: Issue with mobile horizontal nav menu arrow.
* Fix: Issue with header mobile button styles.
* Fix: Issue with widget area settings.

== 1.1.5 | 21st September 2021 ==
* Fix: RTL order details issues.
* Fix: Mobile Button border radius and box shadow options.
* Add: Mobile nav close icon background and padding settings.
* Update: Better GiveWP integration.
* Update: Better TEC colors.

== 1.1.4 | 8th September 2021 ==
* Add: Footer widget spacing to separate from column spacing settings.
* Add: Mobile scroll up sticky header.
* Update: Change woocommerce shop page output filter.
* Fix: CSS issue with woo price filter.
* Fix: Issue with a few icons and the xmlns attribute.
* Fix: Live preview with navigation spacing.

== 1.1.3 | 27th August 2021 ==
* Add: Category font settings to custom post header options.
* Fix: Possible issue with navigation dropdowns and css specificity.

== 1.1.2 | 26th August 2021 ==
* Fix: Mobile Navigation issue.

== 1.1.1 | 26th August 2021 ==
* Add: Typography support for Give WP iframe forms.
* Fix: Header Cart Button style issue.
* Fix: Issue with footer navigation font settings for tablet and mobile.
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce stars in Windows.

== 1.1.0 | 23rd August 2021 ==
* Add: Option to switch product variations to label above selection.
* Add: Woocommerce archive title font settings.
* Add: Option to highlight parent menu item.
* Update: RTL Styling.
* Update: Use more specific menu link css to avoid conflict with custom elements.
* Update: Move cart empty class to total span for cart fragments.
* Update: Prevent site title and tagline settings from outputting if disabled.
* Update: Prevent widgets page notice.
* Fix: Woocommerce star styling.
* Fix: Woocommerce button css.
* Fix: Social item in the footer background color on hover.
* Fix: Scroll to top on mobile remaining in "focused" state.
* Fix: Issue with advanced heading paragraph spacing.
* Fix: Possible issue with Posts block and removing image.

== 1.0.30 | 22nd July 2021 ==
* Fix: Social Block spacing issue.
* Fix: Woocommerce Archive Description showing when it shouldn't by default.

== 1.0.29 | 20th July 2021 ==
* Add: Taxonomy options to custom post type.
* Fix: issue with product image hover css.

== 1.0.28 | 15th July 2021 ==
* Fix: Possible issue with ipad and navigation dropdown.

== 1.0.27 | 9th July 2021 ==
* Add: Header Row Padding Option.
* Update: language files.
* Update: sanity checks for direct access to files.
* Update: Change Getting started video to link.
* Update: Google Fonts.
* Update: Block/Widget area customizer padding.
* Fix: Issue with header row borders.
* Fix: Issue with spacing in error notices.
* Fix: Remove wrong text domain.
* Fix: Possible issue with singe item in stock.
* Fix: Issue with carousel nav showing shadow.
* Fix: Issue with local preload google fonts. 

== 1.0.26 | 14th June 2021 ==
* Update: Spacing around image in some situations.
* Update: Prep customizer for 5.8
* Fix: Minor Accessibility issue with navigation.
* Fix: Filter for woocommerce breadcrumbs.

== 1.0.25 | 11th June 2021 ==
* Update: spacing around image in some situations.
* Update: Block quote spacing css.
* Fix: Issue with border radius not applying in post archive.

== 1.0.24 | 9th June 2021 ==
* Update: Content Paragraph Spacing, fix Image & paragraph top align.
* Update: Tutor LMS template.
* Fix: RTL woo cart.
* Fix: Elementor Editor issue with tinymce styles.
* Fix: Issue with caption color in editor.

== 1.0.23 | 25th May 2021 ==
* Update: Changelog.

== 1.0.22 | 25th May 2021 ==
* Add: Anchor to Social options.
* Add: Google fonts in tinymce.
* Add: Option to select from font pairings in typography settings.
* Add: Starter Templates tab to settings page.
* Update: Tutor Course Archive settings.
* Fix: Issue with page title height for tablets.
* Fix: Issue with CLS desktop products.
* Fix: Spacing issue with cancel comment reply
* Fix: Visited Button styles.

== 1.0.21 | 11th May 2021 ==
* Add: Support for The Events Calendar
* Add: Option to style product archive buttons separately.
* Add: Option to toggle off woo product tab titles.
* Fix: Hide custom quantity input for items with only 1 left in stock.
* Fix: Issue with RTL in customizer with specific screen size.
* Fix: HTML box paragraph being added around shortcode.
* Fix: Sticky issue with store notice.
* Fix: Category Widget toggle child categories was not working with shop toggle disabled.
* Fix: Custom Post type excerpt showing instead of full content.
* Fix: Possible issue with meta file.
* Fix: Issue with footer html link styling.
* Fix: Padding for logo not applying on the front end.

== 1.0.20 | 16th April 2021 ==
* Update: WPML-config with social links.
* Fix: RTL CSS issues.
* Fix: Some center align issues.
* Fix: Issue with elementor buttons.
* Fix: Issue with product archive title font not showing change in customizer.
* Fix: issue with footer columns mobile align with two images.

== 1.0.19 | 8th April 2021 ==
* Fix: issue with social links and footer row colors conflicting.
* Fix: Issue with related posts overflowing sidebar.

== 1.0.18 | 30th March 2021 ==
* Add: Option to change read more text in customizer.
* Add: Option to make whole menu item expand the sub menu on mobile.
* Add: Option to disable mobile sub menu collapse.
* Update: Google font rendering with fallback.
* Update: HTML, remove aside tags from footer.
* Update: Read more links for better accessibility.
* Fix: Title > Logo layout for tablet.
* Fix: Styling issues with cover block.
* Fix: CLS issues for woocommerce.
* Fix: Woocommerce Highlight required css specificity issue.
* Fix: CSS issue with woocommerce block add to cart buttons.
* Fix: Issue where header responsive design settings don't match when breakpoint changed.

== 1.0.17 | 10th March 2021 ==
* Add: LearnDash Courses Post archive controls.
* Fix: CSS specificity with above content title styling.
* Fix: Issue with scroll to ID.
* Fix: Styling issue with mobile OffCanvas when using animation.
* Fix: Editor css for device preview.
* Fix: Mini Cart css.
* Fix: Buddyboss page layout issue.
* Fix: Possible issue with header builder and theme options header structure.

== 1.0.16 | 1st March 2021 ==
* Add: Option for vertical spacing only top or only bottom.
* Add: Center Tab Style for products.
* Add: Options for custom icons in product payment area.
* Add: Link style to footer html.
* Add: Option for 4 columns in post archive.
* Add: Lightbox gallery support for core gallery block.
* Update: Allow Gradient options in custom post type 
* Fix: Issue with classes when archive is empty. 
* Fix: Issue with post block on unboxed pages.
* Fix: Child theme breaking the css when using assets/css/ folder structure.

== 1.0.15 | 23th February 2021 ==
* Add: Option for last widget to be sticky.
* Add: Option to load italics version of based font if available.
* Add: Option to disable post archive thumbnail image link.
* Update: Fix social in footer if header is disabled.
* Update: Make author images off by default.
* Update: Social Email link output.
* Update: RTL css.
* Update: CSS for columns.
* Fix: Cartflows css conflict.
* Fix: Button display in editor.
* Fix: Issue with elementor select.
* Fix: Issue with Div device preview.

== 1.0.14 | 10th February 2021 ==
* Add: Option to turn off preloading local fonts.
* Fix: Breadcrumb styles.
* Fix: Preload font files when loading locally. Only preload main file not subset files.

== 1.0.13 | 9th February 2021 ==
* Add: Preload font files when loading locally.
* Add: Support for custom units.
* Add: 404 Page Layout settings in customizer.
* Update: Lifter Templates.
* Update: Remove Toolset config per toolset team.
* Fix: Issue with firefox showing number input spinners.
* Fix: Issue with sticky header background preview.
* Fix: Issue with WordBreak and tables.

== 1.0.12 | 1st February 2021 ==
* Add: Option to make related content carousel non-infinite loop.
* Add: Option for header rows to have a background when transparent header enabled.
* Add: Filter for related posts and comments title.
* Update: Core Widget Blocks CSS
* Update: Woocommerce cart css.
* Update: Font preview background.
* Update: Yoast Block CSS.
* Update: Filter for adding custom fonts, option to use beaver builder markup 'kadence_theme_add_custom_fonts'.
* Update: Google Fonts.
* Fix: Issue with custom post types and excerpts not hiding when set.

== 1.0.11 | 6th January 2021 ==
* Update: Single Product Elementor Template support.
* Update: Single Entry title actions.
* Fix: RTL tags issue.
* Fix: Issue with nested wide align items.
* Fix: Woocommerce block review stars.

== 1.0.10 | 5th January 2021 ==
* Add: Option to bottom align add to cart buttons on archives.
* Add: Option for product archives to have a hover image switch.
* Add: More Social Options: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Bandcamp, Flicker, 500PX
* Add: learndash quiz controls.
* Add: Helvetica as a font option.
* Update: Customizer accessibility labels.
* Fix: List Block Spacing issue in rows.
* Fix: Heading margin inside of a tab and top spacing.
* Fix: RankMath Primary Term Support.
* Fix: Issue with shrinking header size.
* Fix: Issue with link tap size for google.
* Fix: Possible issue with local not getting display swap correctly.

== 1.0.9 | 22nd December 2020 ==
* Update: CSS for CLS woocommerce products.
* Fix: Product Archive Toggle.
* Fix: Possible issue with Infinite scroll and elements.
* Fix: Some Woocommerce RTL styling.

== 1.0.8 | 7th December 2020 ==
* Update: Change to Font Display Swap for Local Loading google Fonts.
* Fix: Woocommerce widget styling issue on non woocommerce pages.
* Fix: Warning in Validator.

== 1.0.7 | 4th December 2020 ==
* Update: Changelog.

== 1.0.6 | 4th December 2020 ==
* Add: Post Footer area Boxed mode styling option.
* Add: Button to Flush Local Google Fonts Cache.
* Update: Breadcrumb home icon with link title.
* Update: Customizer Style Prep for WP 5.6
* Fix: Mobile sticky logo tied to desktop sticky logo.
* Fix: SVG Logo preview width in customizer.
* Fix: Mobile tagline font not changing in real time.
* Fix: Possible offset php bug.
* Fix: Possible conflict with footer forced to bottom of screen and elementor on scroll animations.
* Fix: Keyboard accessibility with related posts carousel.
* Fix: Mobile OffCanvas Menu Background Image selection.
* Fix: Issue with active filters and the X not being aligned properly.
* Fix: Issue with TutorLMS and scroll to top.

== 1.0.5 | 19th November 2020 ==
* Fix: Possible load order issue with defaults.
* Fix: Missing changelog entry.

== 1.0.4 | 17th November 2020 ==
* Fix: Possible PHP 7.2 issue.

== 1.0.3 | 17th November 2020 ==
* Update: Post navigation filter.
* Update: Small css change for product archives.
* Update: Product Block Markup.
* Update: Dashboard, documentation and pro links.
* Update: SVG output.
* Fix: Small issue with toolset.
* Fix: Gutenberg Spacing issue.

== 1.0.2 | 7th November 2020 ==
* Update: language files.
* Fix: Possible issue with color palette.

== 1.0.1 | 4th November 2020 ==
* Add: Global Colors into elementor.
* Update: Small comment css change.
* Update: WooCommerce product single page product added css update.
* Update: Small CSS update for icon list.
* Fix: Changelog date.
* Fix: Scroll to ID and tabs not triggering to open.

== 1.0.0 | 1st November 2020 ==
* Update: Remove updater, live in WP.org!
* Fix: Mobile header screen size switch setting.
* Fix: Cart with long titles.

== 0.9.9 | 31st October 2020 ==
* Fix: Sticky header resize issue.

== 0.9.8 | 30th October 2020 ==
* Update: Getting started video in admin.
* Update: Screenshot.
* Fix: Customizer preview of footer social spacing

== 0.9.7 | 29th October 2020 ==
* Add: French Translation, Thanks Eric!
* Update: Screenshot.
* Update: For now remove accessibility-ready tag so theme can be approved.
* Fix: Customizer Gradient picker when transparent colors are used.
* Fix: Issue with product description in elementor.
* Fix: Dropdown menu vertical spacing, allow 0.
* Fix: Issue with author image focus.

== 0.9.6 | 23rd October 2020 ==
* Fix: Link Color Issue with elementor.

== 0.9.5 | 23rd October 2020 ==
* Add: Mobile OffCanvas align controls.
* Add: Related post controls.
* Update: Mobile Navigation Slide in Animation.
* Update: Add animation options to fullwidth mobile navigation.
* Update: Make builder row settings easier to see in customizer.
* Fix: Google Fonts subsets loading incorrectly.
* Fix: Transparent colors effecting mobile when set to not transparent.
* Fix: Muli name change issue in font selection.
* Fix: Cart header Padding Issue.

== 0.9.4 | 20th October 2020 ==
* Fix: Google Fonts Loading in footer.
* Fix: Sticky Header Background.
* Fix: Mobile orientation switch sticky header issue (topbar sticky).

== 0.9.3 | 20th October 2020 ==
* Add: Local Hosted Google Fonts Option.
* Add: Option for custom quantity plus and minus.
* Add: TikTok and Discord to social.
* Add: Option for scroll up sticky behavior.
* Add: Notice to not use Gutenberg Plugin.
* Add: Option to use an icon for home in breadcrumbs.
* Update: Support for social branding inside of the mobile off canvas area.
* Update: Basic support for Restrict Content Pro Registration.
* Fix: Elementor overriding above header title colors.
* Fix: Transparent header on 404 page.
* Fix: Flash with sticky header.
* Fix: Mobile orientation switch sticky header issue.
* Fix: Range controls in customizer.
* Fix: RTL issues in customizer.

== 0.9.2 | 13th October 2020 ==
* Add: Option to enable comments for lifter lessons and courses.
* Update: Google Fonts, re-pull in all available.
* Update: Footer alignment css for two widgets.
* Update: CPT Breadcrumbs for better archive support.
* Fix: Issue with some older gutenberg markup.
* Fix: Possible issue with sticky and changing device orientation.
* Fix: Issue with WPUM.

== 0.9.1 | 12th October 2020 ==
* Add: Option to enable Lightbox for images.
* Update: Underline for navigation items match text width.
* Fix: Extra title use h1 if product title is turned off.
* Fix: Issue with post date and google schema.
* Fix: Footer Navigation Align issue.
* Fix: Footer html colors being overridden by footer row colors.
* Fix: Sticky Header issues when custom breakpoint for header set.
* Fix: Font issues with custom breakpoint for header set.

== 0.9.0 | 8th October 2020 ==
* Add: Button Shadow settings.
* Add: Option to set switch to mobile header screen size.
* Add: CPT breadcrumbs, meta support.
* Add: CPT design controls.
* Add: Changelog in admin.
* Update: BBPress Support.
* Fix: Safari Customizer Bug.
* Fix: Menu toggle css issue.
* Fix: Footer Navigation stretched setting.
* Fix: Issue with mobile line height.
* Fix: Editor list style css.
* Fix: Spacing issue with table of contents

== 0.8.16 | 2nd October 2020 ==
* Fix: Escaping a few get_the_author() calls.
* Fix: Spacing in the admin.
* Fix: Issue with conditional Disqus and scroll to top.
* Fix: Some dark color palette styling for Woocommerce.

== 0.8.15 | 25th September 2020 ==
* Add: Initial bbpress support.
* Update: Title height vh max setting.
* Update: Issue editor with css issue.
* Update: Smarter sticky header with interacting with other elements.
* Update: Create workaround for Design Upgrade Pro for LearnDash.
* Fix: Bug in safari with header builder.
* Fix: Learndash comment avatar bug.
* Fix: Remove invalid css.

== 0.8.14 | 21st September 2020 ==
* Fix: Third level dropdown not showing with fade animation.
* Update: Change archive button to follow button rules.

== 0.8.13 | 18th September 2020 ==
* Update: Small CSS tweek.
* Fix: Cart icon.

== 0.8.12 | 18th September 2020 ==
* Add: Option for Cart dropdown in header.
* Update: add support for WooCommerce External Product New Tab.
* Update: Fixed sidebar allow overflow scroll.
* Fix: Issue with custom learndash css not loading for grid.
* Fix: SVG firefox logo issue.

== 0.8.11 | 16th September 2020 ==
* Fix: Issue with some popup plugins and scroll to id.
* Fix: Issue with remove image in customizer.
* Add: LearnDash Course Grid styles.

== 0.8.10 | 16th September 2020 ==
* Fix: Sticky Topbar issue.
* Fix: Possible dropdown menu issue.
* Fix: Safari issue in customizer selecting color.

== 0.8.9 | 14th September 2020 ==
* Add: Sticky Sidebar Option.
* Fix: Footer Widget Overflow issue.
* Fix: Learndash issue.

== 0.8.8 | 11th September 2020 ==
* Add: Option to force footer on bottom (on by default).
* Add: Option to use SEO Press Breadcrumbs.
* Add: Lesson and Topic settings for LearnDash non focused mode.
* Update: Use Kadence theme colors by default for learndash.

== 0.8.7 | 10th September 2020 ==
* Add: Amp support for search modal.
* Add: Customizer Custom sanitize.
* Update: Move script for no-js class remove to wp_head call.
* Update: Classic meta sanitize to sanitize_key.
* Update: File cleanup.
* Update: Readme.txt with icon information.
* Update: Theme URI.
* Fix: Site title not showing on mobile by default.
* Fix: Anchor smooth scroll.
* Fix: Date translation for footer.
* Fix: Translation of footer credit.
* Fix: Author Meta filter for single posts.
* Fix: Issue with a few variables needing to be escaped.
* Fix: Issue with Footer Social Colors.
* Fix: Menu Keyboard navigation logic.
* Fix: Keep focus in modal.
* Remove: Customizer Import Export (Required by WordPress.org, now part of Kadence Starter Templates).
* Remove: Author Social Meta (Required by WordPress.org, now part of Kadence Starter Templates).

== 0.8.6 | 3rd September 2020 ==
* Add: Custom Post Type Archive loop contents control.
* Add: Control for products to be two columns on mobile.
* Add: Option for site name title for latest posts home page.
* Add: Option to use RankMath or Yoast Breadcrumbs.
* Add: Filter for Logo url.
* Add: Collapse control for footer columns. 
* Add: Filter for author output.
* Fix: Footer navigation overflow alignment not working correctly.
* Fix: Search Custom Excert Length.
* Fix: Rework smooth scroll for better support.
* Fix: Footer Social Colors.

== 0.8.5 | 24th August 2020 ==
* Add: Smooth anchor scroll (with sticky offset).
* Add: Option for brand color for social icons.
* Add: No underline option to link styles.
* Add: Tumblr to social.
* Add: Breadcrumb option to not show title.
* Fix: Learndash styling issue.
* Fix: TutorLMS Issue.
* Fix: Safari form css.
* Fix: Footer Navigation styles should override footer row styles.
* Fix: Issue with Dark Background in gutenberg editor.
* Fix: WooCommerce cart message css.
* Fix: Navigation js not minified.
* Fix: Undefined notice in nav widget.

== 0.8.4 | 18th August 2020 ==
* Fix: Bug with code block spacing in editor.
* Fix: Missing mobile html option.
* Add: HTML autowrap options.
* Update: use wp file system.
* Fix: Comments gravatar image size.

== 0.8.3 | 17th August 2020 ==
* Add: Option to move comments input above comments list.
* Add: Option to remove the "website" input from comments.
* Add: SoundCloud to social option.
* Add: Option for Nav Widget to have collapsed sub menu.
* Update: Internal hooks and code structure.
* Update: Setting preloading css to default to off. This equals better base 3rd party support while still giving the option for users that want it.
* Fix: Sticky Logo shrinking strange.
* Fix: Issue with general setting overriding post specific setting for title background.

== 0.8.2 | 14th August 2020 ==
* Fix: Sticky Logo Max width.
* Fix: Safari lazy load logo issue.

== 0.8.1 | 13th August 2020 ==
* Fix: Woocommerce filter css styling.
* Add: CSS for archive support for TI WooCommerce Wishlist.
* Fix: Issue builder popup offset.
* Fix: CSS content spacing styling.
* Fix: Yoast FAQ block styling.

== 0.8.0 | 7th August 2020 ==
* Add: Easier onboarding of starter sites.
* Update: Add check for class for possible issue with elementor pro.
* Fix: issue with top margin and headings.
* Update: Gradients in customizer to work better.
* Fix: Footer html spacing issue.
* Add: Import/Export/Reset.
* Add: Options for Custom post type archive settings.
* Update: Remove "archive:" from custom post archive titles.

== 0.7.16 | 1st August 2020 ==
* Add: Product catalog option for standard buttons on products.
* Sync: Product Blocks with archive settings.
* Add: Global Colors Import/Export.
* Add: Global Colors Preset Imports.
* Fix: Footer collapse issue.
* Fix: Issue with some web safe fonts.
* Fix: lifter grid issue with Elementor plugin.

== 0.7.15 | 24th July 2020 ==
* Fix: Page title issue.
* Fix: Full width issue.
* Update: Change header button nofollow logic.

== 0.7.13 | 24th July 2020 ==
* Add: Initial RTL support
* Add: Search Results Styling.
* Add: Box-shadow control for entry elements.
* Add: Border radius control for entry elements.
* Add: Nav Menu Dropdown Box shadow.
* Add: ARIA Landmark Roles.
* Add: Header Button Logged in or Logged out only visibility.
* Add: Rel nofollow for header button.
* Add: Title option for footer social media.
* Add: Tags to related posts carousel query for better "related".
* Add: Medium-Large button option for products.
* Tweak: Post header title overlay when contained to match image.
* Update: Better styling for Woo Tabs on mobile.
* Update: Better styling for Woo Reviews on mobile.
* Update: Move Groups, Essays for Learndash to Learndash area in customizer.
* Update: Better support for Kadence Galleries.
* Update: Better Woocommerce Blocks Support.
* Update: Better support for Real estate plugins.
* Update: Support line breaks in author bio.
* Update: Code changes for WP.org review guidelines.
* Fix: Issue border radius set to 0.
* Fix: Padding/Margin Controls, they were hard to type in.
* Fix: Single list beside image for posts with no image.
* Fix: Issue with ratio labels.
* Fix: Issue with Elementor Basic Gallery.
* Fix: Social media spacing not showing correctly in the customizer.
* Fix: Font family issue with font names that have a space, like exo 2.
* Fix: Blocks Wooocomerce Rating css.
* Fix: Safari product thumbnail issue.
* Fix: Yoast Scheme Block Issue.
* Fix: Issue with page title not showing when set to show in the meta.
* Fix: 0 not working for vertical padding.
* Fix: Qubely Demo content not working.
* Fix: issue with some grids overflowing.
* Fix: Margin top issue with some plugins.
* Fix: Site identity not showing under "design" state.
* Fix: Header Button margin not showing in live customizer

== 0.7.11 | 26th June 2020 ==
* Tweak: global palette into Elementor Pro dynamic colors.
* Fix: Customizer css.

== 0.7.10 | 26th June 2020 ==
* Add: telegram to social links
* Fix: Issue with elementor and product archives.
* Fix: tooltip with palette.
* Fix: possible issue with shop toggle.
* Fix: Header design tab not working.
* Fix: Possible styling issue if elementor used.
* Fix: Jetpack Infinite scroll.

== 0.7.9 | 24th June 2020 ==
* Add: global palette into Elementor Pro dynamic colors.
* Add: Option to add padding around the logo area. 
* Update: CSS for better mobile cart with other languages.
* Update: Sticky header to support boom bar.
* Fix: Styling when Lazy Load for comments is used.
* Fix: Initial live preview of Bottom Border for transparent and sticky header.

== 0.7.8 | 18th June 2020 ==
* Fix: Issue with scroll class.
* Fix: Footer issue.

== 0.7.7 | 17th June 2020 ==
* Fix: Issue with mobile anchor scroll.
* Fix: Typo in options.
* Fix: Toggle Search Margin.
* Fix: Product single background color.
* Fix: issue with meta comments showing in post loop.
* Fix: issue with WooCommerce Print Invoices/Packing Lists by SkyVerge.
* Add: Another Facebook Icon option.
* Update: css for issue with sticky topbar on mobile. 
* Add: support for 'scroll' class for scroll to id.
* Update: Meta options icon divider.
* Update: WPML support.

== 0.7.6 | 10th June 2020 ==
* Add: Initial Admin Menu page.
* Fix: Customizer preview of icon size for search.
* Fix: Beaver Margin top issue.
* Add: IMDB to social.
* Fix: Issue with Core Button outline.
* Fix: A little better styling for password protected when page is fullwidth.

== 0.7.5 | 5th June 2020 ==
* Fix: Align image css when elementor template is used.
* Fix: Issue with comments in firefox. 
* Add: Initial Tutor LMS support for courses.

== 0.7.4 | 3rd June 2020 ==
* Add: Footer link style.
* Add: Option for site title color hover/active.
* Update: Change comment form to show asterisk for required fields
* Update: tweak CSS load order as a workaround for some servers having issues with combining css. 
* Fix: Editor width if sidebar width is changed.
* Fix: Issue with behind featured image not showing in some instances.
* Fix: Issue with strong when body font is below 400.
* Fix: Footer column divider issue.

== 0.7.3 | 2nd June 2020 ==
* Add: Beaver Themer support.
* Add: Option for full post content in post archives.
* Add: Option to set excerpt length for post archives.
* Add: Auto-close popover if link selected in the mobile menu.
* Update: Fix list first shop so it works better.
* Update: add borders a reset option.
* Update: various code changes for better integration with pro.
* Fix: border-radius for scroll to top.
* Fix: issue with the text widget in customizer not showing correctly.
* Fix: Google Font loading issue.
* Fix: issue with footer css priority.

== 0.7.2 | 26th May 2020 ==
* Fix: Shop page content missing.
* Fix: Shop page not showing categories.
* Fix: Issue with scroll to top svg title.
* Add: Product Archive price size.

== 0.7.1 | 21st May 2020 ==
* Add: Better Editor Margin Spacing for Advanced heading block.
* Add: Better support woocommerce shortcodes.
* Fix: Google Reviews link not working.
* Fix: Classic editor font family when google font.

== 0.7.0 | 20th May 2020 ==
* Add: AMP first navigation settings.
* Add: Fullwidth option for featured image behind post.
* Add: Scroll To Top.
* Add: Performance Setting for preload (better compatibility with optimization plugins).
* Add: Styling options for post loop, title font, meta font, categories font.
* Add: Option to remove link from author meta.
* Add: Option to change author image size.
* Add: Option to add post excerpt to title area of single post.
* Add: Border Radius to header button.
* Add: Custom Padding option to header button.
* Fix: Related Posts Comment link.
* Fix: Product categories showing twice.

== 0.6.4 | 7th May 2020 ==
* Update: Shop page inherits page option for using featured image as page title background image.
* Fix: issue with colors assigned by class.
* Fix: issue with fullwidth cover block.
* Update: featured image for title area defaults.
* Add: option to set boxed padding and define for tablet and mobile.
* Fix: issue where some options were not showing.

== 0.6.3 | 4th May 2020 ==
* Update: HTML5 updates.
* Fix: Issue in the customizer that could lock down the background controls.
* Fix: Issue in the customizer that could make it so a header item could disappear.
* Fix: Dropdown width not showing changed in customizer.
* Add: Featured image size options in archive.

== 0.6.2 | 30th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Update Issue.

== 0.6.1 | 30th April 2020 ==
* Update: Even better product grid block support.
* Fix: Related posts slightly offpage with certain settings, certain screen sizes.
* Fix: Aria label in cart icon.
* Fix: Footer markup.
* Fix: Issue with Accessibility and tabindex.

== 0.6.0 | 30th April 2020 ==
* Add: More Store notice design options.
* Add: Single Product content visibility control.
* Add: Single Product option to show accepted payments.
* Add: Single Product category in content area.
* Add: Single Product price shipping excerpt.
* Add: Single Product extras list section.
* Add: Single product related products toggle.
* Add: Single product related products columns.
* Add: Single product option to hide weight and dimensions.
* Add: Archive product title font options. 
* Add: Option to turn off default sorting in woocommerce archives.
* Add: Option to turn off results count in woocommerce archives.
* Add: Better product block support.
* Fix: Description not showing for tag and categories.
* Fix: Align wide on certain screen sizes.

== 0.5.7 | 28th April 2020 ==
* Add: Better classic editor visual support.
* Fix: Issue with builder showing even after hide controls clicked.
* Fix: Bug with mobile toggle in customizer.
* Fix: Bug where scrolling was extended beyond controls in customizer.
* Fix: Context showing in read more translation that shouldn't.
* Fix: Sticky header issue when no logo is added.

== 0.5.6 | 24th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Logo expanding beyond shrinking header.
* Fix: Mobile logo layout settings.
* Fix: Conflict with bootstrap classes in menu.
* Fix: Issue with WPML menu.
* Add: New woocommerce notice placement settings.
* Add: Comment remove date.
* Add: Author Box remove author link.

== 0.5.5 | 17th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Mobile navigation overflow issue on safari.
* Add: Header html link style.
* Fix: Few css tweaks.
* Fix: Site Tagline font live customizer settings.
* Update: Start adding better learndash support.
* Add: Cart slide out direction.
* Fix: Edge browser issue.
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce subcategories.

== 0.5.4 | 15th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Issue with product table plugin.
* Add: Support for Kadence Custom Fonts.
* Add: Blog Archive Column support.
* Update: CSS for elementor, beaver while editing with transparent header.

== 0.5.3 | 15th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Update issue.

== 0.5.2 | 15th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Product Single page Sale mark alignment.
* Update: Theme updater to work more consistently.

== 0.5.1 | 14th April 2020 ==
* Add: Styling for latest posts grid block.
* Add: Better styling for product categories widget.
* Fix: Product and Product archive sidebar
* Fix: issue with bottom sticky.
* Add: Woo - My account Navigation options.

== 0.5.0 | 13th April 2020 ==
* Fix: issue with google font loading.
* Add: Polylang/WPML support for header elements.
* Add: Woocommerce Archive settings.
* Add: Classic Editor Meta Box.
* Fix: Footer Link color wrong in customizer.

== 0.4.9 | 11th April 2020 ==
* Add: Lifter Syllabus lesson style.
* Add: Column Controls for Lifter archives.
* Add: Lifter Dashboard Controls.
* Add: Global Button styles in Customizer

== 0.4.8 | 11th April 2020 ==
* Add: Featured Image options to LifterLMS lessons and courses
* Fix: Mobile drawer background setting.
* Add: Mobile drawer Close Color setting.
* Fix: Issue with safari and icons in customizer.
* Fix: Issue with header social icons styling not working in all situations.

== 0.4.7 | 10th April 2020 ==
* Update: CSS for fullwidth row.
* Update: Sanity checks for register post filter.
* Update: meta js had console log running.

== 0.4.6 | 10th April 2020 ==
* Update: Integration with Lifter LMS.
* Update: Woo Account CSS.

== 0.4.5 | 9th April 2020 ==
* Update: Better control for elementor templates.
* Update: Add Meta Box options for No Header, No Footer (AKA: Landing Page).
* Add: Mobile Header Cart Option.
* Add: Mobile Header Social Icons.
* Add: Product Layout Options.
* Fix: Mobile Nav showing extra arrow when defaulting to primary.
* Fix: Mobile Trigger and Search trigger not having correct focus styling.
* Fix: Yoast Bug.

== 0.4.4 | 8th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Footer Social Colors.
* Add: Fill stretch menu option.
* Add: Cart Header Item Sticky and Transparent Color options.

== 0.4.3 | 8th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Sidebar width/Main content width issue.
* Add: Cart Element for header.
* Fix: A few css bugs.

== 0.4.2 | 6th April 2020 ==
* Fix: Above Title Background not showing live preview.
* Fix: Gradients color selector off screen.
* Fix: Exclude Elementor Custom Post Type from Customizer settings.
* Fix: Issue with brainforce elementor header and footer plugin.
* Add: Elementor Pro Hooks.
* Add: Quick select for header footer builder settings.
* Add: Quick popover add for header builder elements.
* Update: CSS Fullwidth Overflow Issue.

== 0.4.1 | 3rd April 2020 ==
* Fix: Few Small CSS tweeks
* Fix: Sidebar width issue.

== 0.4.0 | 3rd April 2020 ==
* Fix: CSS specificity issue.
* Fix: CSS class conflict in customizer.
* Fix: Hide title elements when title off.
* Add: Sidebar Controls.
* Add: Sidebar Element.
* Add: Unique Support for Heroic Knowledge Base Plugin.

== 0.3.0 | 31st March 2020 ==
* Add: Basic Woocommerce Support.
* Add: Gradients to Background options.

== Copyright, Credits & Resources ==

= Credit =
The Kadence Theme is based from the Rig Starter Theme:

The theme uses the following third-party resources:

* Splide Javascript, Naotoshi Fujita
Splide licensed under the the MIT license.
Source: https://splidejs.com/

* css-vars-ponyfill Javascript, John Hildenbiddle
css-vars-ponyfill licensed under the the MIT license.
Source: https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/css-vars-ponyfill

* Feather icons, Feather.
Feather Icons is licensed under the MIT License.
Source: https://feathericons.com

* Free IcoMoon Icons, IcoMoon
FontAwesome licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1 
Source: https://icomoon.io/#icons-icomoon

* Free FontAwesome Icons, Dave Gandy 
FontAwesome licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1 
Source: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome

* Photos in screenshot from https://stocksnap.io/ under license Creative Commons Zero https://stocksnap.io/license and from https://pexels.com under license Creative Commons Zero https://www.pexels.com/creative-commons-images/ and from https://www.kadencewp.com/alogo/ under license Creative Commons Zero https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
** Mountains : https://stocksnap.io/photo/man-sun-I0CDZXUIR0
** Fashion Hat : https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-attractive-beautiful-blur-346255/
** Jean Jacket : https://stocksnap.io/photo/people-girl-VDJI24CX1X
** UC Sunglasses : https://stocksnap.io/photo/stairs-stairway-0FEC8ON5D1
** Woman at Seashore : https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-standing-on-seashore-1849999/
** Woman at Seashore 2 : https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-relaxing-at-the-beach-5383858/
** Surf Board Fin : https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-and-white-butterfly-on-green-surfboard-on-beach-4603876/
** Mock Logo 1 : https://www.kadencewp.com/alogo/
** Mock Logo 2 : https://www.kadencewp.com/alogo/
** Mock Logo 3 : https://www.kadencewp.com/alogo/
** Mock Logo 4 : https://www.kadencewp.com/alogo/
** Mock Logo 5 : https://www.kadencewp.com/alogo/
** Mock Logo 6 : https://www.kadencewp.com/alogo/

== Notes ==
This theme does not support legacy browsers.