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1 year ago
  1. var dir_f55a93227fda83d5dd4a3d796702467d =
  2. [
  3. [ "Estimators", "dir_96470401125dcf7b94020a7d1057712f.html", "dir_96470401125dcf7b94020a7d1057712f" ],
  4. [ "Types", "dir_104afe3ef84f31716f380b8a9fe62f28.html", "dir_104afe3ef84f31716f380b8a9fe62f28" ],
  5. [ "Def.h", "_def_8h.html", "_def_8h" ],
  6. [ "Exception.h", "_exception_8h_source.html", null ],
  7. [ "FaceEngine.h", "_face_engine_8h.html", "_face_engine_8h" ],
  8. [ "FSDKError.h", "_f_s_d_k_error_8h.html", "_f_s_d_k_error_8h" ],
  9. [ "FSDKVersion.h", "_f_s_d_k_version_8h_source.html", null ],
  10. [ "IAsyncContext.h", "_i_async_context_8h.html", [
  11. [ "IAsyncContext", "structfsdk_1_1_i_async_context.html", "structfsdk_1_1_i_async_context" ]
  12. ] ],
  13. [ "IDescriptor.h", "_i_descriptor_8h.html", "_i_descriptor_8h" ],
  14. [ "IDetector.h", "_i_detector_8h.html", "_i_detector_8h" ],
  15. [ "IFaceDetectionBatch.h", "_i_face_detection_batch_8h_source.html", null ],
  16. [ "IFaceEngineMobile.h", "_i_face_engine_mobile_8h_source.html", null ],
  17. [ "IHumanDetectionBatch.h", "_i_human_detection_batch_8h_source.html", null ],
  18. [ "IHumanDetector.h", "_i_human_detector_8h_source.html", null ],
  19. [ "IHumanWarper.h", "_i_human_warper_8h.html", [
  20. [ "IHumanWarper", "structfsdk_1_1_i_human_warper.html", "structfsdk_1_1_i_human_warper" ]
  21. ] ],
  22. [ "IIndex.h", "_i_index_8h_source.html", null ],
  23. [ "ILicense.h", "_i_license_8h_source.html", null ],
  24. [ "IObject.h", "_i_object_8h.html", null ],
  25. [ "IRefCounted.h", "_i_ref_counted_8h.html", null ],
  26. [ "IResultBatch.h", "_i_result_batch_8h_source.html", null ],
  27. [ "ISettingsProvider.h", "_i_settings_provider_8h.html", "_i_settings_provider_8h" ],
  28. [ "IWarper.h", "_i_warper_8h.html", [
  29. [ "Transformation", "structfsdk_1_1_transformation.html", "structfsdk_1_1_transformation" ],
  30. [ "IWarper", "structfsdk_1_1_i_warper.html", "structfsdk_1_1_i_warper" ]
  31. ] ],
  32. [ "LaunchOptions.h", "_launch_options_8h_source.html", null ],
  33. [ "Log.h", "_log_8h.html", "_log_8h" ],
  34. [ "Optional.h", "_optional_8h_source.html", null ],
  35. [ "Types.h", "_types_8h.html", null ],
  36. [ "Version.h", "_version_8h.html", "_version_8h" ]
  37. ];