- /**
- * @file FaceEngine.h
- * @brief Face detection, analyzing and recognition SDK interfaces, AIO public header.
- * @copyright VisionLabs LLC
- * @date 25.06.2014
- * */
- #pragma once
- /**
- * @mainpage LUNA SDK
- * @section IntroSection Introduction
- * Welcome to the FaceEngine reference manual! This documentations covers all public interfaces and types.
- *
- * \b Advanced \b usage
- * Advanced usage is covered in the Face Engine handbook. Please contact us via e-mail: info@visionlabs.ru
- * if you haven't got one.
- *
- * \b Example \b code
- * Examples located at /examples folder of LUNA SDK package.
- *
- * @section StructureSection Structure
- * LUNA SDK consists of the following modules:
- * \li Detectors: detect faces on images, and find landmarks on it
- * \li Warper: normalize face position, scale and orientation by detection and landmarks.
- * \li Estimators: estimate various properties of images such as blurriness.
- * \li Descriptors: facilities to create and match face templates (aka descriptors).
- * */
- #include <fsdk/IFaceEngineMobile.h>
- namespace fsdk {
- using FaceEngineType = IFaceEngineMobile;
- using FaceEnginePtrType = IFaceEngineMobilePtr;
- }