- #pragma once
- #pragma once
- #include <fsdk/IObject.h>
- #include <fsdk/FSDKError.h>
- #include <fsdk/Optional.h>
- #include <fsdk/Types.h>
- namespace fsdk {
- DECLARE_SMARTPTR(IMedicalMaskEstimator);
- #endif
- /**
- * @brief MedicalMask estimator output enum.
- * This enum contains all possible estimation results.
- * */
- enum class MedicalMask {
- Mask = 0, //!< medical mask is on the face
- NoMask, //!< no medical mask on the face
- OccludedFace //!< face is occluded by something
- };
- /**
- * @brief MedicalMask estimator output enum.
- * This enum contains all possible extended estimation results.
- * */
- enum class MedicalMaskExtended {
- Mask = 0, //!< medical mask is on the face
- NoMask, //!< no medical mask on the face
- MaskNotInPlace, //!< mask is not on the right place
- OccludedFace //!< face is occluded by something
- };
- /**
- * @brief MedicalMask estimator output enum.
- * This enum contains all type of DetailedMaskType results.
- * */
- enum class DetailedMaskType {
- CorrectMask = 0, //!< correct mask on the face (mouth and nose are covered correctly)
- MouthCoveredWithMask, //!< mask covers only a mouth
- ClearFace, //!< clear face - no mask on the face
- ClearFaceWithMaskUnderChin, //!< clear face with a mask around of a chin, mask does not cover anything in the face region (from mouth to eyes)
- PartlyCoveredFace, //!< face is covered with not a medical mask or a full mask
- FullMask, //!< face is covered with a full mask (such as balaclava, sky mask, etc.)
- Count
- };
- /**
- * @brief MedicalMask estimator output structure.
- * This structure contains the result of estimation (@see MedicalMask enum)
- * and probability scores for each possible estimation result.
- * Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range.
- * */
- struct MedicalMaskEstimation {
- MedicalMask result; //!< estimation result (@see MedicalMask enum)
- DetailedMaskType maskType; //!< detailed type (@see DetailedMaskType enum)
- // scores
- float maskScore; //!< medical mask is on the face score
- float noMaskScore; //!< no medical mask on the face score
- float occludedFaceScore; //!< face is occluded by something score
- float scores[static_cast<int>(DetailedMaskType::Count)]; //!< detailed estimation scores
- /**
- * @brief Returns score of required detailed mask type.
- * @param [in] type detailed mask type.
- * @see DetailedMaskType for more info.
- * */
- inline float getScore(DetailedMaskType type) const;
- };
- /**
- * @brief MedicalMask estimator output structure.
- * This structure contains the result of estimation (@see MedicalMaskExtended enum)
- * and probability scores for each possible estimation result.
- * Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range.
- * */
- struct MedicalMaskEstimationExtended {
- MedicalMaskExtended result; //!< estimation result (@see MedicalMaskExtended enum)
- // scores
- float maskScore; //!< medical mask is on the face score
- float noMaskScore; //!< no medical mask on the face score
- float maskNotInPlace; //!< mask is not on the right place
- float occludedFaceScore; //!< face is occluded by something score
- };
- /**
- * @brief MedicalMask estimator interface.
- * @note Estimator predicts mask.
- * */
- struct IMedicalMaskEstimator : IRefCounted {
- /**
- * @brief Estimate MedicalMask probabilities.
- * @param [in] warp image with warped face.
- * @param [out] estimation estimation results.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see MedicalMaskEstimation, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError>
- estimate(
- const Image& warp,
- MedicalMaskEstimation& estimation) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Estimate MedicalMask probabilities.
- * @param [in] warp image with warped face.
- * @param [out] estimation estimation results.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see MedicalMaskEstimationExtended, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError>
- estimate(
- const Image& warp,
- MedicalMaskEstimationExtended& estimation) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Estimate MedicalMask probabilities.
- * @param [in] image source image.
- * @param [in] detection detection coordinates in image space.
- * @param [out] estimation estimation results.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see MedicalMaskEstimation, Detection, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError>
- estimate(
- const Image& image,
- const Detection& detection,
- MedicalMaskEstimation& estimation) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Estimate MedicalMask probabilities.
- * @param [in] image source image.
- * @param [in] detection detection coordinates in image space.
- * @param [out] estimation estimation results.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see MedicalMaskEstimationExtended, Detection, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError>
- estimate(
- const Image& image,
- const Detection& detection,
- MedicalMaskEstimationExtended& estimation) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Estimate Medical Mask probabilities.
- * @param [in] warps span of images with warped faces.
- * @param [out] estimations span of estimations.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Span, MedicalMaskEstimation, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * @note all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
- * @note all spans should be equal size.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError> estimate(
- Span<const Image> warps,
- Span<MedicalMaskEstimation> estimations) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Estimate Medical Mask probabilities.
- * @param [in] warps span of images with warped faces.
- * @param [out] estimations span of estimations.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Span, MedicalMaskEstimationExtended, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * @note all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
- * @note all spans should be equal size.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError> estimate(
- Span<const Image> warps,
- Span<MedicalMaskEstimationExtended> estimations) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Estimate Medical Mask probabilities.
- * @param [in] images span of source images.
- * @param [in] detections span of detection coordinates in corresponding source images space.
- * @param [out] estimations span of estimations.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Span, Detection, MedicalMaskEstimation, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * @note all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
- * @note all spans should be equal size.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError> estimate(
- Span<const Image> images,
- Span<const Detection> detections,
- Span<MedicalMaskEstimation> estimations) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Estimate Medical Mask probabilities.
- * @param [in] images span of source images;
- * @param [in] detections span of detection coordinates in corresponding source images space.
- * @param [out] estimations span of estimations;
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Span, Detection, MedicalMaskEstimationExtended, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * @note all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
- * @note all spans should be equal size.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError> estimate(
- Span<const Image> images,
- Span<const Detection> detections,
- Span<MedicalMaskEstimationExtended> estimations) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Validate input of multiple frames in a single function call.
- * @param [in] warps span of images with warped faces.
- * @param [out] errors output span of errors for each image.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Span, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * @note all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
- * @note all spans should be equal size.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError>
- validate(
- Span<const Image> warps,
- Span<Result<FSDKError>> errors) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Validate input of multiple frames in a single function call.
- * @param [in] images span of source images.
- * @param [in] detections span of detection coordinates in corresponding source images space.
- * @param [out] errors output span of errors for each image.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Span, Detection, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
- * @note images format must be R8G8B8, @see Format.
- * @note all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
- * @note all spans should be equal size.
- * */
- virtual Result<FSDKError>
- validate(
- Span<const Image> images,
- Span<const Detection> detections,
- Span<Result<FSDKError>> errors) const noexcept = 0;
- };
- /*
- Implementation details.
- */
- float MedicalMaskEstimation::getScore(DetailedMaskType type) const {
- switch (type) {
- case DetailedMaskType::CorrectMask:
- case DetailedMaskType::MouthCoveredWithMask:
- case DetailedMaskType::ClearFace:
- case DetailedMaskType::ClearFaceWithMaskUnderChin:
- case DetailedMaskType::PartlyCoveredFace:
- case DetailedMaskType::FullMask:
- return scores[static_cast<int>(type)];
- default:
- return 0.f;
- }
- }
- } // namespace fsdk