- #pragma once
- #include "IObject.h"
- #include <fsdk/FSDKError.h>
- namespace fsdk {
- #endif
- /**
- * @brief License features.
- */
- enum class LicenseFeature : uint32_t {
- Detection = 1,
- BestShot = 2,
- Attributes = 3,
- Emotions = 4,
- FaceFeatures = 5,
- Liveness = 6,
- Descriptor = 7,
- DescriptorIndex = 8,
- LivenessEngine = 9,
- TrackEngine = 10,
- HumanDetection = 11,
- PPEDetection = 17,
- MobileLiveness = 18,
- MedicalMaskDetection = 19,
- ReIdDescriptor = 20,
- ISOCheck = 21
- };
- /**
- * @brief License objects interface.
- * @note Use License objects to adopt FaceEngine functionality.
- * */
- struct ILicense : IRefCounted {
- /**
- * @brief Checks if the feature with featureId is available in this license.
- * @param [in] feature LicenseFeature type.
- * @return ResultValue with error code and true if feature is available, false if there is no such feature in this
- * license or feature is expired or license was not activated.
- * @see LicenseFeature, ResultValue and FSDKError for details.
- */
- virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, bool> checkFeatureId(LicenseFeature feature) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Checks if current license object is activated and could be used by FaceEngine.
- * @return ResultValue with error code and true if object is activated.
- * @see ResultValue and FSDKError for details.
- * @note License object which was not activated could not be used because all features are disabled by default.
- */
- virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, bool> isActivated() const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Loads license from file.
- * @param [in] path path to the file.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Result and FSDKError for details.
- */
- virtual Result<FSDKError>
- FSDK_DEPRECATED("loadFromFile is deprecated since v.5.5.0,"
- " Use loadFromFile(const char* path, const ISettingsProvider* settings) instead")
- loadFromFile(const char* path) noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Loads license from file.
- * @param [in] path path to the file.
- * @param [in] settings License settings provider.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see ISettingsProvider, Result and FSDKError for details.
- */
- virtual Result<FSDKError> loadFromFile(const char* path, const ISettingsProvider* settings) noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Saves license as raw format to the file. This file could be used in the next run of the application.
- * @param [in] path path to the file.
- * @return Result with error code.
- * @see Result and FSDKError for details.
- */
- virtual Result<FSDKError> saveToFile(const char * path) const noexcept = 0;
- /**
- * @brief Gets license expiration date.
- * @param [in] feature LicenseFeature type.
- * @return ResultValue with error code and uint32_t Unix Timestamp.
- * @see LicenseFeature, ResultValue and FSDKError for details.
- * @note License settings should be set before using this method!
- * @note License should be activated before calling this method!
- */
- virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, uint32_t> getExpirationDate(LicenseFeature feature) const noexcept = 0;
- };
- }