You can always deploy a SF cluster through the Azure portal, as explained in this article:
However, when creating a cluster, there are quite a few configurations to take into account, like enabling the internal DNS service or Reverse Proxy service, choosing between Linux/Windows, open/publish your application ports in the load-balancer and most of all (the most complex setup) how to create a secure cluster.
Because of those reasons, we have created a set of ARM templates and scripts so you can create, re-create and configure the SF clusters much faster, as explained below:
Within eShopOnContainers root folder, at the folder [..\deploy\az\servicefabric\WindowsContainers](, you can find the ARM template `servicefabricdeploy.json` and its parameters file (`servicefabricdeploy.parameters.json`) to create a Service Fabric cluster environment for Windows Containers (NOT SECURED CLUSTER).
Within eShopOnContainers root folder, at the folder [..\deploy\az\servicefabric\WindowsContainers](, you can find the ARM template `servicefabricdeploysecured.json` and its parameter file (`servicefabricdeploysecured.parameters.json`) to create a secured Service Fabric cluster environment for Windows Containers (IN THIS CASE, IT IS A SECURED CLUSTER USING A CERTIFICATE).
## Deploy eShopOnServiceFabric with Visual Studio.
Modify the cloud.xml file of each Service Fabric application in PublishProfile directory and set your certificate settings to be able to deploy eshopOnContainers in the secured cluster: