Follow these steps to create a VSTS build for your eShopOnContainers app (iOS)
Note: This document assumes basic knowledge about creating builds and configuring external VSTS connections
Despite the "Get Sources" task there are three tasks more in the build:
Let's discuss each of them.
Add a "Xamarin iOS" task with following configuration:
in "Solution". This solution has been created ex professo for the build.About signing & Provisioning section
In order to deploy your app to a physical device you must sign it using a certificate with a provisioning profile. Refer to this blog post of the Xamarin team for more info.
Basically you have three options for setting the certificate (p12 file) and the provisioning profile:
If you choose option 3, you need to download the certificate and the provisioning profile into the build agent (using a previous build task). Once downloaded two files, you have to specify the location of both in the "Signing & Provisioning Section".
Add a "Copy files" task with following configuration:
in "Source Folder"**/*.ipa
in "Contents"$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
in "Target Folder"This way we copy the generated IPA in the Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory folder (and remove any previous IPA generated by a previous build).
Add a "Publish Build Artifacts" task, with following configuration:
in "Path to publish"drop
in "Artifact Name"Server
in "Artifact Type"