2018-01-17 12:06:37 -08:00

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Kubernetes CI/CD VSTS

For k8s CI/CD pipeline delivery a series of tasks must be created in VSTS to deploy k8s in Azure


  • A Kubernetes cluster. Follow Azure Container Service's walkthrough to create one.
  • A private Docker registry. Follow Azure Container Registry's guide to create one.
  • Optionally, previous steps can be skipped if you run gen-k8s-env.ps1 (or gen-k8s-env-aks.ps1 if you would like to use AKS instead of ACS) script to automatically create the azure environment needed for kubernetes deployment. Azure cli 2.0 must be previously installed installation guide. For example:
./gen-k8s-env -resourceGroupName k8sGroup -location westeurope -registryName k8sregistry -orchestratorName k8s-cluster -dnsName k8s-dns

or using AKS instead of ACS

./gen-k8s-env-aks -resourceGroupName k8sGroup -location westeurope -registryName k8sregistry -dnsName k8s-dns -serviceName k8s-cluster -createAcr true -nodeCount 3 -nodeVMSize Standard_D2_v2
  • An Azure Blob storage. It is needed for storing the kubernetes config file used by the hosted agent to access to Kubernetes cluster. Example:
  • Upload the kubernetes config file to the blob storage previously created. Execute the following command which will download the config file into the directory c:\Users\<User>\.kube\ and then, upload it to your blob storage:

Create the VSTS tasks

  1. Create a Download File task to download the kubernetes binary kubectl to the hosted agent. For example:
  1. Create a Download File task to download the kubernetes config file to the hosted agent. For example:
  1. Create a powershell task to execute the k8s deployment script. For example:
  • Deployment script path
$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/All Microservices/docker-compose/deploy.ps1
  • Deployment script path arguments. Use value:
-deployCI $true -execPath '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/' -kubeconfigPath '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/'  -deployInfrastructure $true -imageTag dev -configFile '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(Build.DefinitionName)/docker-compose/conf_local.yml'
  • deployCI: Must be set to $true. This avoids create images (always are pulled from registry) and compile bits.
  • deployInfrastructure: Can be set to $false if don't want to deploy infrastructure containers (like Redis, rabbit, SQL,...).
  • imageTag: Image tag to pull from k8s.
  • configFile: Configuration file (refer to README.k8s.md for more info). This file is part of the VSTS build output.
  • execPath: path where the k8s binary is stored
  • kubeconfigPath: path where the k8s config file is stored

You can use additional parameters (i.e. pass registry and user/password to use custom registry instead of DockerHub. Plase, refer to README.k8s.md for more info.