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Deploying resources using create-resources script

The create-resources script is a basic script to allow easy deployment of one ARM template in one resource group. You can deploy to an existing resource group or to create one.

Deploying to a existing resource group

Just type create-resources path-to-arm-template resourcegroup. Called this way the script will:

  1. Search for path-to-arm-template.json and path-to-arm-template.parameters.json files
  2. If they exist, will deploy them in the resourcegroup specified (that has to exist).

Deploying to a new resource group

Just type create-resources path-to-arm-template resourcegroup -c location. Called this way the script will:

  1. Search for path-to-arm-template.json and path-to-arm-template.parameters.json files
  2. If they exist, will create the resourcegroup specified in the location specified.
  3. Finally will deploy path-to-arm-template.json and path-to-arm-template.parameters.json files in the resourcegroup