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Containerized eShop - Identity Service
Sample reference containerized application, cross-platform and microservices architecture. Powered by Microsoft
#Overview This sample runs a microservices oriented application and a .net core Mvc application that consumes this services. You can find more information about how to set up docker in your machine in the global directory solution.
#Considerations This service is a identity provider implemented with identity server 4, to implement this scenario is needed a public authority so to complete this flow in our local docker infrastructure we have to add a entry in our host file (windows) or equivalent in other platforms:
In the root directory of this solution you'll find add-host.ps1 script that does this work for you (requires elevation permission).
#Deploy In the global directory you will find the scripts needed to run and deploy the demo into your local docker infraestructure.
build-image-services-identity.ps1 Build .net applications and docker images: This power shell script that you will find in the root directory of the solution is the responsible of building .net applications and package in a pub folder and use docker commands to build the images needed to run the previously packaged .net applications.
Compose containers in your docker local VM: Finally you have to open your favourite command tool pointing to the root directory of this project where docker-compose.yml file is located and run the command
docker-compose up
#Run Once the deploy process of docker-compose finishes you have to be able to access the services in this urls:
- Identity service: http://localhost:5105
- Identity data (SQL Server): Server=localhost,5433;Database=aspnet-Microsoft.eShopOnContainers;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word