CLI. See DC/OS: Installing the CLI for more details.dcos package install marathon-lb
) or web interface. See the DC/OS docs for more information./mnt/share
. See the Azure Container Service documentation for guidance.eShopOnContainers
repository's dcos
images with your registry, then push them.
can do this for you, e.g.:./tagpush.ps1 myregistry.azurecr.io
is on your path.generate-config.ps1
to generate configuration for the eShopOnContainers services. The script requires hostnames for your cluster's agents and your private registry. Your agents' hostname is of the form [dns prefix]agents.[Azure region].cloudapp.azure.com
:./generate-config.ps1 -agentsFqdn mydcosagents.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com -registry myregistry.azurecr.io
CLI to deploy the application:dcos marathon group add eShopOnContainers.json
You can watch the deployment progress in the DC/OS web interface at http://localhost/#/services/.