477 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
477 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
* Kadence\TutorLMS\Component class
* @package kadence
namespace Kadence\TutorLMS;
use Kadence\Kadence_CSS;
use Kadence\Component_Interface;
use Kadence_Blocks_Frontend;
use function Kadence\kadence;
use function add_action;
use function add_filter;
use function have_posts;
use function the_post;
use function is_search;
use function get_template_part;
use function get_post_type;
* Class for adding TutorLMS plugin support.
class Component implements Component_Interface {
* Associative array of Google Fonts to load.
* Do not access this property directly, instead use the `get_google_fonts()` method.
* @var array
protected static $google_fonts = array();
* Gets the unique identifier for the theme component.
* @return string Component slug.
public function get_slug() : string {
return 'tutorlms';
* Adds the action and filter hooks to integrate with WordPress.
public function initialize() {
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'tutorlms_styles' ), 60 );
add_filter( 'kadence_theme_options_defaults', array( $this, 'add_option_defaults' ) );
add_filter( 'kadence_dynamic_css', array( $this, 'dynamic_css' ), 20 );
add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'frontend_gfonts' ), 80 );
add_filter( 'body_class', array( $this, 'filter_body_classes' ) );
// Courses.
// Outer Wrap.
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/before/wrap', array( $this, 'output_course_content_wrapper' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/after/wrap', array( $this, 'output_course_content_wrapper_end' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/enrolled/before/wrap', array( $this, 'output_course_content_wrapper_enrolled' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/enrolled/after/wrap', array( $this, 'output_course_content_wrapper_end' ) );
// Inner.
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/before/inner-wrap', array( $this, 'output_inner_content_wrapper' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/after/inner-wrap', array( $this, 'output_inner_content_wrapper_end' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/enrolled/before/inner-wrap', array( $this, 'output_inner_content_wrapper_enrolled' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/single/enrolled/after/inner-wrap', array( $this, 'output_inner_content_wrapper_end' ), 80 );
// Pages.
add_action( 'tutor_dashboard/before/wrap', array( $this, 'output_content_wrapper' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_dashboard/after/wrap', array( $this, 'output_content_wrapper_end' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_student/before/wrap', array( $this, 'output_content_wrapper' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_student/after/wrap', array( $this, 'output_content_wrapper_end' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/archive/before/wrap', array( $this, 'output_content_wrapper' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_course/archive/after/wrap', array( $this, 'output_content_wrapper_end' ) );
* Outputs the above header tutor lead.
public function header_lead_enrolled() {
get_template_part( 'tutor/single/course/enrolled/above-lead-info' );
* Outputs the tutor lead.
public function header_lead() {
if ( defined( 'TUTOR_VERSION' ) && version_compare( TUTOR_VERSION, '2.0.0' ) >= 0 ) {
$is_enrolled = tutor_utils()->is_enrolled();
( isset( $is_enrolled ) && $is_enrolled ) ? tutor_course_enrolled_lead_info() : tutor_course_lead_info();
// remove normal Lead template.
add_filter( 'should_tutor_load_template', array( $this, 'remove_lead_template' ), 10, 3 );
} else {
get_template_part( 'tutor/single/course/lead-info' );
* Removes the content.
* @param bool $load if the template should load.
* @param string $template the name of the template.
* @param array $variables for the template.
public function remove_lead_template( $load, $template, $variables ) {
if ( 'single.course.enrolled.lead-info' === $template || 'single.course.lead-info' === $template ) {
$load = false;
return $load;
* Adds theme output Inner Wrapper.
public function output_inner_content_wrapper_enrolled() {
echo '<div class="entry content-bg single-entry"><div class="entry-content-wrap">';
if ( 'above' === kadence()->option( 'courses_title_layout' ) ) {
// remove normal Lead template.
add_filter( 'should_tutor_load_template', array( $this, 'remove_lead_template' ), 10, 3 );
// Add content lead template.
if ( defined( 'TUTOR_VERSION' ) && ! ( version_compare( TUTOR_VERSION, '2.0.0' ) >= 0 ) ) {
get_template_part( 'tutor/single/course/enrolled/content-lead-info' );
* Adds theme output Inner Wrapper.
public function output_inner_content_wrapper() {
echo '<div class="entry content-bg single-entry"><div class="entry-content-wrap">';
if ( 'above' === kadence()->option( 'courses_title_layout' ) ) {
// remove normal Lead template.
add_filter( 'should_tutor_load_template', array( $this, 'remove_lead_template' ), 10, 3 );
// Add content lead template.
if ( defined( 'TUTOR_VERSION' ) && ! ( version_compare( TUTOR_VERSION, '2.0.0' ) >= 0 ) ) {
get_template_part( 'tutor/single/course/content-lead-info' );
* Adds theme output Inner Wrapper.
public function output_inner_content_wrapper_end() {
echo '</div></div>';
* Adds theme output Wrapper enrolled.
public function output_course_content_wrapper_enrolled() {
kadence()->print_styles( 'kadence-content' );
remove_action( 'kadence_entry_hero', 'Kadence\kadence_entry_header', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'kadence_entry_hero', array( $this, 'header_lead_enrolled' ), 10, 2 );
* Hook for Hero Section
do_action( 'kadence_hero_header' );
echo '<div id="primary" class="content-area"><div class="content-container site-container"><main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">';
* Adds theme output Wrapper.
public function output_course_content_wrapper() {
kadence()->print_styles( 'kadence-content' );
remove_action( 'kadence_entry_hero', 'Kadence\kadence_entry_header', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'kadence_entry_hero', array( $this, 'header_lead' ), 10, 2 );
* Hook for Hero Section
do_action( 'kadence_hero_header' );
echo '<div id="primary" class="content-area"><div class="content-container site-container"><main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">';
* Adds theme end output Wrapper.
public function output_course_content_wrapper_end() {
echo '</main></div></div>';
* Adds theme output Wrapper.
public function output_content_wrapper() {
kadence()->print_styles( 'kadence-content' );
if ( is_archive() ) {
* Hook for Hero Section
do_action( 'kadence_hero_header' );
echo '<div id="primary" class="content-area"><div class="content-container site-container"><main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">';
if ( is_archive() && kadence()->show_in_content_title() ) {
get_template_part( 'template-parts/content/archive_header' );
* Adds theme end output Wrapper.
public function output_content_wrapper_end() {
echo '</main>';
if ( is_archive() ) {
echo '</div></div>';
* Add some css styles for tutorlms
public function tutorlms_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'kadence-tutorlms', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/css/tutorlms.min.css' ), array(), KADENCE_VERSION );
* Add Defaults
* @access public
* @param array $defaults registered option defaults with kadence theme.
* @return array
public function add_option_defaults( $defaults ) {
// Tutor.
$tutor_addons = array(
'courses_title_layout' => 'normal',
'courses_title_inner_layout' => 'standard',
'courses_title_align' => 'left',
'courses_enroll_overlay' => true,
'courses_title_height' => array(
'size' => array(
'mobile' => '',
'tablet' => '',
'desktop' => 375,
'unit' => array(
'mobile' => 'px',
'tablet' => 'px',
'desktop' => 'px',
'courses_title_font' => array(
'size' => array(
'desktop' => '',
'lineHeight' => array(
'desktop' => '',
'family' => 'inherit',
'google' => false,
'weight' => '',
'variant' => '',
'color' => '',
'courses_layout' => 'right',
'courses_content_style' => 'boxed',
'courses_vertical_padding' => 'show',
'courses_archive_title' => true,
'courses_archive_title_layout' => 'above',
'courses_archive_layout' => 'normal',
'courses_archive_sidebar_id' => 'sidebar-primary',
'courses_archive_content_style' => 'unboxed',
'courses_archive_vertical_padding' => 'show',
'courses_archive_title_inner_layout' => 'standard',
'courses_archive_title_elements' => array( 'breadcrumb', 'title' ),
'courses_archive_title_element_title' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'courses_archive_title_element_breadcrumb' => array(
'enabled' => false,
'show_title' => true,
// 'courses_title_elements' => array( 'breadcrumb', 'reviews', 'title', 'meta' ),
// 'courses_title_element_title' => array(
// 'enabled' => true,
// ),
// 'courses_title_element_breadcrumb' => array(
// 'enabled' => false,
// ),
// 'courses_title_element_reviews' => array(
// 'enabled' => true,
// ),
// 'courses_title_element_meta' => array(
// 'id' => 'meta',
// 'enabled' => false,
// 'author' => true,
// 'authorImage' => true,
// 'authorEnableLabel' => true,
// 'authorLabel' => '',
// 'courseLevel' => true,
// 'courseShare' => false,
// ),
// 'header_html2_typography' => array(
// 'size' => array(
// 'desktop' => '',
// ),
// 'lineHeight' => array(
// 'desktop' => '',
// ),
// 'family' => 'inherit',
// 'google' => false,
// 'weight' => '',
// 'variant' => '',
// 'color' => '',
// ),
$defaults = array_merge(
return $defaults;
* Enqueue Frontend Fonts
public function frontend_gfonts() {
if ( empty( self::$google_fonts ) ) {
if ( class_exists( 'Kadence_Blocks_Frontend' ) ) {
$ktblocks_instance = Kadence_Blocks_Frontend::get_instance();
foreach ( self::$google_fonts as $key => $font ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $ktblocks_instance::$gfonts ) ) {
$add_font = array(
'fontfamily' => $font['fontfamily'],
'fontvariants' => ( isset( $font['fontvariants'] ) && ! empty( $font['fontvariants'] ) && is_array( $font['fontvariants'] ) ? $font['fontvariants'] : array() ),
'fontsubsets' => ( isset( $font['fontsubsets'] ) && ! empty( $font['fontsubsets'] ) && is_array( $font['fontsubsets'] ) ? $font['fontsubsets'] : array() ),
$ktblocks_instance::$gfonts[ $key ] = $add_font;
} else {
foreach ( $font['fontvariants'] as $variant ) {
if ( ! in_array( $variant, $ktblocks_instance::$gfonts[ $key ]['fontvariants'], true ) ) {
array_push( $ktblocks_instance::$gfonts[ $key ]['fontvariants'], $variant );
} else {
add_filter( 'kadence_theme_google_fonts_array', array( $this, 'filter_in_fonts' ) );
* Filters in pro fronts for output with free.
* @param array $font_array any custom css.
* @return array
public function filter_in_fonts( $font_array ) {
// Enqueue Google Fonts.
foreach ( self::$google_fonts as $key => $font ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $font_array ) ) {
$add_font = array(
'fontfamily' => $font['fontfamily'],
'fontvariants' => ( isset( $font['fontvariants'] ) && ! empty( $font['fontvariants'] ) && is_array( $font['fontvariants'] ) ? $font['fontvariants'] : array() ),
'fontsubsets' => ( isset( $font['fontsubsets'] ) && ! empty( $font['fontsubsets'] ) && is_array( $font['fontsubsets'] ) ? $font['fontsubsets'] : array() ),
$font_array[ $key ] = $add_font;
} else {
foreach ( $font['fontvariants'] as $variant ) {
if ( ! in_array( $variant, $font_array[ $key ]['fontvariants'], true ) ) {
array_push( $font_array[ $key ]['fontvariants'], $variant );
return $font_array;
* Generates the dynamic css based on customizer options.
* @param string $css any custom css.
* @return string
public function dynamic_css( $css ) {
$generated_css = $this->generate_tutor_css();
if ( ! empty( $generated_css ) ) {
$css .= "\n/* Kadence Tutor CSS */\n" . $generated_css;
return $css;
* Generates the dynamic css based on page options.
* @return string
public function generate_tutor_css() {
$css = new Kadence_CSS();
$media_query = array();
$media_query['mobile'] = apply_filters( 'kadence_mobile_media_query', '(max-width: 767px)' );
$media_query['tablet'] = apply_filters( 'kadence_tablet_media_query', '(max-width: 1024px)' );
$media_query['desktop'] = apply_filters( 'kadence_desktop_media_query', '(min-width: 1025px)' );
// Above Course Title.
$css->set_selector( '.courses-hero-section .entry-hero-container-inner' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_background', 'desktop' ), $css );
$css->add_property( 'border-top', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_top_border', 'desktop' ) ) );
$css->add_property( 'border-bottom', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_bottom_border', 'desktop' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.entry-hero.courses-hero-section .entry-header' );
$css->add_property( 'min-height', $css->render_range( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_height' ), 'desktop' ) );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-hero-section .hero-section-overlay' );
$css->add_property( 'background', $css->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_overlay_color', 'color' ) ) );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['tablet'] );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-hero-section .entry-hero-container-inner' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_background', 'tablet' ), $css );
$css->add_property( 'border-top', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_top_border', 'tablet' ) ) );
$css->add_property( 'border-bottom', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_bottom_border', 'tablet' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.entry-hero.courses-hero-section .entry-header' );
$css->add_property( 'min-height', $css->render_range( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_height' ), 'tablet' ) );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['mobile'] );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-hero-section .entry-hero-container-inner' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_background', 'mobile' ), $css );
$css->add_property( 'border-top', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_top_border', 'mobile' ) ) );
$css->add_property( 'border-bottom', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_title_bottom_border', 'mobile' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.entry-hero.courses-hero-section .entry-header' );
$css->add_property( 'min-height', $css->render_range( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_height' ), 'mobile' ) );
// Course Title.
$css->set_selector( '.tutor-single-course-lead-info h1.tutor-course-header-h1, .tutor-course-details-title .tutor-fs-4' );
$css->render_font( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_font' ), $css, 'heading' );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['tablet'] );
$css->set_selector( '.tutor-single-course-lead-info h1.tutor-course-header-h1, .tutor-course-details-title .tutor-fs-4' );
$css->add_property( 'font-size', $css->render_font_size( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_font' ), 'tablet' ) );
$css->add_property( 'line-height', $css->render_font_height( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_font' ), 'tablet' ) );
$css->add_property( 'letter-spacing', $css->render_font_spacing( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_font' ), 'tablet' ) );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['mobile'] );
$css->set_selector( '.tutor-single-course-lead-info h1.tutor-course-header-h1, .tutor-course-details-title .tutor-fs-4' );
$css->add_property( 'font-size', $css->render_font_size( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_font' ), 'mobile' ) );
$css->add_property( 'line-height', $css->render_font_height( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_font' ), 'mobile' ) );
$css->add_property( 'letter-spacing', $css->render_font_spacing( kadence()->option( 'courses_title_font' ), 'mobile' ) );
// Courses Backgrounds.
$css->set_selector( 'body.post-type-archive-courses .site, body.post-type-archive-courses.content-style-unboxed .site' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_content_background', 'desktop' ), $css );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['tablet'] );
$css->set_selector( 'body.post-type-archive-courses .site, body.post-type-archive-courses.content-style-unboxed .site' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_content_background', 'tablet' ), $css );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['mobile'] );
$css->set_selector( 'body.post-type-archive-courses .site, body.post-type-archive-courses.content-style-unboxed .site' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_content_background', 'mobile' ), $css );
// Events Hero Title Area.
$css->set_selector( '.courses-archive-hero-section .entry-hero-container-inner' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_background', 'desktop' ), $css );
$css->add_property( 'border-top', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_top_border', 'desktop' ) ) );
$css->add_property( 'border-bottom', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_bottom_border', 'desktop' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.entry-hero.courses-archive-hero-section .entry-header' );
$css->add_property( 'min-height', $css->render_range( kadence()->option( 'courses_archive_title_height' ), 'desktop' ) );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-archive-hero-section .hero-section-overlay' );
$css->add_property( 'background', $css->render_color_or_gradient( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_overlay_color', 'color' ) ) );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['tablet'] );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-archive-hero-section .entry-hero-container-inner' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_background', 'tablet' ), $css );
$css->add_property( 'border-top', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_top_border', 'tablet' ) ) );
$css->add_property( 'border-bottom', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_bottom_border', 'tablet' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.entry-hero.courses-archive-hero-section .entry-header' );
$css->add_property( 'min-height', $css->render_range( kadence()->option( 'courses_archive_title_height' ), 'tablet' ) );
$css->start_media_query( $media_query['mobile'] );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-archive-hero-section .entry-hero-container-inner' );
$css->render_background( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_background', 'mobile' ), $css );
$css->add_property( 'border-top', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_top_border', 'mobile' ) ) );
$css->add_property( 'border-bottom', $css->render_border( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_bottom_border', 'mobile' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.entry-hero.courses-archive-hero-section .entry-header' );
$css->add_property( 'min-height', $css->render_range( kadence()->option( 'courses_archive_title_height' ), 'mobile' ) );
$css->set_selector( '.wp-site-blocks .courses-archive-title h1' );
$css->add_property( 'color', $css->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_color', 'color' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-archive-title .kadence-breadcrumbs' );
$css->add_property( 'color', $css->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_breadcrumb_color', 'color' ) ) );
$css->set_selector( '.courses-archive-title .kadence-breadcrumbs a:hover' );
$css->add_property( 'color', $css->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'courses_archive_title_breadcrumb_color', 'hover' ) ) );
self::$google_fonts = $css->fonts_output();
return $css->css_output();
* Adds custom classes to indicate whether a sidebar is present to the array of body classes.
* @param array $classes Classes for the body element.
* @return array Filtered body classes.
public function filter_body_classes( array $classes ) : array {
if ( is_singular( 'courses' ) ) {
$classes[] = 'courses-sidebar-overlay-' . ( kadence()->option( 'courses_enroll_overlay' ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
return $classes;