2130 lines
78 KiB
Executable File
2130 lines
78 KiB
Executable File
* Class for the Customizer
* @package Kadence
namespace Kadence;
use Kadence_Control_Builder;
use Kadence_Control_Builder_Tabs;
use Customizer_Sanitize;
use WP_Customize_Control;
use LearnDash_Settings_Section;
use Kadence\WebFont_Loader;
use function Kadence\kadence;
use function add_action;
use function get_template_part;
use function add_filter;
use function wp_enqueue_style;
use function get_template_directory;
use function wp_style_add_data;
use function get_theme_file_uri;
use function get_theme_file_path;
use function wp_styles;
use function esc_attr;
use function esc_url;
use function wp_style_is;
use function _doing_it_wrong;
use function wp_print_styles;
use function post_password_required;
use function get_option;
use function comments_open;
use function get_comments_number;
use function apply_filters;
use function add_query_arg;
use function wp_add_inline_style;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Class for Customizer
* @category class
class Theme_Customizer {
* Instance Control.
* @var null
protected static $instance = null;
* Holds theme settings
* @var the theme settings array.
public static $settings = array();
* Panels.
* @var null
private static $panels = null;
* Sections.
* @var null
private static $sections = null;
* Sections added.
* @var array
private static $sections_added = array();
* Panels added.
* @var array
private static $panels_added = array();
* Capability for customizer access.
* @var null
private static $capability = null;
* Context for customizer controls.
* @var null
private static $contexts = array();
* Live Preview Control Data for customizer controls.
* @var null
private static $live_control = array();
* Choices Data for customizer controls.
* @var null
private static $choices = array();
* Holds theme settings array sections.
* @var the theme settings sections.
public static $settings_sections = array(
* Instance Control.
public static function get_instance() {
if ( is_null( self::$instance ) ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
* Constructor function.
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'create_settings_array' ), 1 );
add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'register_controls' ) );
add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'register_settings' ) );
add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'add_controls' ) );
add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'override_defaults' ), 20 );
add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'add_woocommerce_choices' ), 20 );
add_action( 'customize_section_active', array( $this, 'active_footer_widgets' ), 20, 2 );
add_filter( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'convert_beaver_custom_fonts' ), 5 );
add_filter( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_customizer_scripts' ) );
add_action( 'customize_preview_init', array( $this, 'action_enqueue_customize_preview_scripts' ) );
add_filter( 'customizer_widgets_section_args', array( $this, 'customizer_custom_widget_areas' ), 10, 3 );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_kadence_flush_fonts_folder', array( $this, 'ajax_delete_fonts_folder' ) );
* Add a filter that matches beaver builder custom font filter.
public function convert_beaver_custom_fonts() {
$beaver_fonts = apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_add_custom_fonts', array() );
if ( ! empty( $beaver_fonts ) && is_array( $beaver_fonts ) ) {
function( $custom_fonts ) use( $beaver_fonts ) {
foreach ( $beaver_fonts as $font_name => $args ) {
$weights_arg = array();
if ( is_array( $args ) && isset( $args['weights'] ) && is_array( $args['weights'] ) ) {
$weights_arg = $args['weights'];
$font_slug = ( is_array( $args ) && isset( $args['fallback'] ) && ! empty( $args['fallback'] ) ? '"' . $font_name . '", ' . $args['fallback'] : $font_name );
$custom_fonts[ $font_slug ] = array(
'v' => $weights_arg,
return $custom_fonts;
* Reset font folder
* @access public
* @return void
public function ajax_delete_fonts_folder() {
// Check request.
if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'kadence-local-fonts-flush', 'nonce', false ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'invalid_nonce' );
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'invalid_permissions' );
if ( class_exists( '\Kadence\WebFont_Loader' ) ) {
$font_loader = new \Kadence\WebFont_Loader( '' );
$removed = $font_loader->delete_fonts_folder();
if ( ! $removed ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'failed_to_flush' );
wp_send_json_error( 'no_font_loader' );
* Add Woocommerce Cart option to header.
public function add_woocommerce_choices() {
if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) ) {
$options = self::$choices['header_desktop_items'];
$options['cart'] = array(
'name' => esc_html__( 'Cart', 'kadence' ),
'section' => 'kadence_customizer_cart',
self::$choices['header_desktop_items'] = $options;
// Mobile Cart.
$options = self::$choices['header_mobile_items'];
$options['mobile-cart'] = array(
'name' => esc_html__( 'Cart', 'kadence' ),
'section' => 'kadence_customizer_mobile_cart',
self::$choices['header_mobile_items'] = $options;
* Filter footer widget areas.
* @param array $section_args the widget sections args.
* @param string $section_id the widget sections id.
* @param string $sidebar_id the widget area id.
public function customizer_custom_widget_areas( $section_args, $section_id, $sidebar_id ) {
if ( 'footer1' === $sidebar_id || 'footer2' === $sidebar_id || 'footer3' === $sidebar_id || 'footer4' === $sidebar_id || 'footer5' === $sidebar_id || 'footer6' === $sidebar_id ) {
$section_args['panel'] = 'kadence_customizer_footer';
return $section_args;
* Add settings
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the customizer object.
* @return void
public function create_settings_array( $wp_customize ) {
// Load Sanitize Class.
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/class-customizer-sanitize.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
// Load Settings files.
foreach ( self::$settings_sections as $key ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/' . $key . '-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/header-cart-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/header-mobile-cart-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/product-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/product-archive-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/my-account-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/woo-store-notice-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( class_exists( 'SFWD_LMS' ) ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-course-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-groups-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-essays-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-course-archive-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( class_exists( 'LearnDash_Settings_Section' ) ) {
$in_focus_mode = \LearnDash_Settings_Section::get_section_setting( 'LearnDash_Settings_Theme_LD30', 'focus_mode_enabled' );
if ( ! $in_focus_mode ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-lesson-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-topic-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-quiz-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( defined( 'LEARNDASH_COURSE_GRID_VERSION' ) && version_compare( LEARNDASH_COURSE_GRID_VERSION, '2.0.0', '<' ) ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/learndash-grid-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( class_exists( 'LifterLMS' ) ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/lifter-course-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/lifter-course-archive-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/lifter-lesson-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/lifter-quiz-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/lifter-member-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/lifter-member-archive-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/lifter-dashboard-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( class_exists( 'TUTOR\Tutor' ) ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/tutor-course-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/tutor-course-archive-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( class_exists( 'BBPress' ) ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/forum-archive-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/forum-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/topic-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
if ( defined( 'TRIBE_EVENTS_FILE' ) ) {
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/tec-event-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.
require_once get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/options/tec-event-archive-layout-options.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.
* Overide default settings
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the customizer object.
* @return void
public function override_defaults( $wp_customize ) {
* Override Settings
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogname' )->transport = 'postMessage';
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogdescription' )->transport = 'postMessage';
* Move Site Identity
$wp_customize->get_control( 'site_icon' )->section = 'kadence_customizer_site_identity';
* Override Controls Priority
$wp_customize->get_control( 'custom_logo' )->priority = 4;
$wp_customize->get_control( 'blogname' )->priority = 7;
$wp_customize->get_control( 'blogdescription' )->priority = 10;
* Override Post Message
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogname' )->transport = 'postMessage';
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogdescription' )->transport = 'postMessage';
$wp_customize->get_setting( 'header_textcolor' )->transport = 'postMessage';
if ( isset( $wp_customize->selective_refresh ) ) {
'selector' => '.site-title',
'render_callback' => function() {
bloginfo( 'name' );
'selector' => '.site-description',
'render_callback' => function() {
bloginfo( 'description' );
'selector' => '.site-branding',
'container_inclusive' => true,
'render_callback' => 'Kadence\site_branding',
if ( ! empty( $opt_name_key = apply_filters( 'kadence_settings_key_custom_mapping', '', 'custom_logo' ) ) ) {
$wp_customize->remove_control( 'custom_logo' );
$id = $opt_name_key . '[custom_logo]';
'type' => 'option',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
'default' => isset( $setting['default'] ) && $control_class !== 'Kadence_Control_Background' ? $setting['default'] : '',
'sanitize_callback' => array( 'Kadence\Customizer_Sanitize', 'kadence_sanitize_option' ),
$control_config = array(
'settings' => $id,
'section' => 'title_tagline',
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
'priority' => 4,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Logo', 'kadence' ),
'mime_type' => 'image',
'active_callback' => '__return_true',
$wp_customize->add_control( new \WP_Customize_Media_Control( $wp_customize, $id, $control_config ) );
'selector' => '.site-branding',
'container_inclusive' => true,
'render_callback' => 'Kadence\site_branding',
$general_tab = array(
'setting' => '__current_tab',
'value' => 'general',
self::$contexts[$id] = $general_tab;
* Add Tab Conditionals
$general_tab = array(
'setting' => '__current_tab',
'value' => 'general',
self::$contexts['custom_logo'] = $general_tab;
self::$contexts['blogname'] = $general_tab;
self::$contexts['blogdescription'] = $general_tab;
$palette_live = array(
'type' => 'palette',
'selector' => ':root',
'property' => 'global-palette',
'pattern' => '$',
'key' => 'palette',
self::$live_control['kadence_global_palette'] = $palette_live;
* Add Controls
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the customizer object.
* @return void
public function register_controls( $wp_customize ) {
$path = get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/custom-controls/';
$react_path = get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/react/';
// Register the custom control type.
require_once $path . 'class-kadence-control-blank.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-color.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-range.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-switch.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-radio-icon.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-multi-radio-icon.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-builder.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-available.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-color-palette.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-background.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-border.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-borders.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-typography.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-title.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-focus-button.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-color-link.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-text.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-textarea.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-measure.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-editor.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-sorter.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-social.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-contact.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-check-icon.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-select.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-row.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-tab.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
require_once $react_path . 'class-kadence-control-shadow.php'; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
* Adds Settings to settings array.
* @param array $new_settings an array of settings.
public static function add_settings( $new_settings ) {
self::$settings = array_merge( $new_settings, self::$settings );
* Get header customizer panels
* @access public
* @return array
public static function get_panels() {
// Define panels.
if ( is_null( self::$panels ) ) {
$panels = array(
'design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Colors & Fonts', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 18,
'header' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 20,
'footer' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 22,
'general' => array(
'title' => __( 'General', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 23,
'all_posts' => array(
'title' => __( 'Posts/Pages Layout', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 24,
if ( class_exists( 'SFWD_LMS' ) ) {
$extra_learn['learndash'] = array(
'title' => __( 'LearnDash', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 25,
$panels = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'LifterLMS' ) ) {
$extra_lifter['lifterlms'] = array(
'title' => __( 'LifterLMS', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 25,
$panels = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'BBPress' ) ) {
$extra_bbpress['bbpress'] = array(
'title' => __( 'bbPress', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 25,
$panels = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'TUTOR\Tutor' ) ) {
$extra_tutor['tutorlms'] = array(
'title' => __( 'TutorLMS', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 25,
$panels = array_merge(
self::$panels = $panels;
// Return panels.
return self::$panels;
* Get Customizer sections
* @access public
* @return array
public static function get_sections() {
// Define sections.
if ( is_null( self::$sections ) ) {
$sections = array(
'site_identity' => array(
'title' => __( 'Site Identity', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 25,
'general_layout' => array(
'title' => __( 'Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 7,
'sidebar' => array(
'title' => __( 'Sidebar', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 8,
'sidebar_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Sidebar Design', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 8,
'general_colors' => array(
'title' => __( 'Colors', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'design',
'priority' => 9,
'general_buttons' => array(
'title' => __( 'Buttons', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'design',
'priority' => 10,
'general_typography' => array(
'title' => __( 'Typography', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'design',
'priority' => 11,
'general_image' => array(
'title' => __( 'Images', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 11,
'scroll_up' => array(
'title' => __( 'Scroll To Top', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 12,
'scroll_up_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Scroll To Top', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 12,
'general_social' => array(
'title' => __( 'Social Links', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 20,
'general_comments' => array(
'title' => __( 'Comments', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 20,
'general_performance' => array(
'title' => __( 'Performance', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 21,
'breadcrumbs' => array(
'title' => __( 'Breadcrumbs', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 20,
'general_404' => array(
'title' => __( '404 Page Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 20,
'general_404_design' => array(
'title' => __( '404 Page Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'general',
'priority' => 20,
'header_layout' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 8,
'header_builder' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Builder', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 9,
'header_top' => array(
'title' => __( 'Top Row', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 10,
'header_main' => array(
'title' => __( 'Main Row', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 10,
'header_bottom' => array(
'title' => __( 'Bottom Row', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 10,
'header_popup' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Off Canvas', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 10,
'header_popup_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Off Canvas', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 10,
'title_tagline' => array(
'title' => __( 'Site Identity', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'primary_navigation' => array(
'title' => __( 'Primary Navigation', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'secondary_navigation' => array(
'title' => __( 'Secondary Navigation', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'dropdown_navigation' => array(
'title' => __( 'Dropdown Navigation', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'dropdown_navigation_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Dropdown Navigation', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_trigger' => array(
'title' => __( 'Mobile Trigger', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_trigger_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Mobile Trigger', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_navigation' => array(
'title' => __( 'Mobile Navigation', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_button' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Mobile Button', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_button_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Mobile Button', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_html' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Mobile HTML', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_html' => array(
'title' => __( 'HTML Editor', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_html_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'HTML Editor', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'cart' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Cart', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'cart_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Cart Design', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_cart' => array(
'title' => __( 'Mobile Header Cart', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_cart_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Mobile Header Cart', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_button' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Button', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_button_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Button', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_social' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Social', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_social_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Social', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_social' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Social', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'mobile_social_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Social', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_search' => array(
'title' => __( 'Header Search', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'transparent_header' => array(
'title' => __( 'Transparent Header', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'transparent_header_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Transparent Header', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_sticky' => array(
'title' => __( 'Sticky Header', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'header_sticky_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Sticky Header', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 20,
'footer_layout' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 8,
'footer_builder' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Builder', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 9,
'footer_top' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Top', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_top_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Top', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_middle' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Middle', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_middle_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Middle', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_bottom' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Bottom', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_bottom_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Bottom', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_html' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Copyright HTML', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_social' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Social', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_social_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Social', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'footer_navigation' => array(
'title' => __( 'Footer Navigation', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
'page_layout' => array(
'title' => __( 'Page Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'all_posts',
'priority' => 3,
'search' => array(
'title' => __( 'Search Results', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 24,
'search_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Search Results', 'kadence' ),
'priority' => 24,
'post_layout' => array(
'title' => __( 'Single Post Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'all_posts',
'priority' => 7,
'post_layout_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Single Post Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'all_posts',
'priority' => 7,
'post_archive' => array(
'title' => __( 'Archive Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'all_posts',
'priority' => 8,
'post_archive_design' => array(
'title' => __( 'Archive Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'all_posts',
'priority' => 8,
// 'custom_post' => array(
// 'title' => __( 'Custom Post Types', 'kadence' ),
// 'panel' => 'all_posts',
// 'priority' => 24,
// ),
if ( ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, '10.6.2', '>' ) ) || version_compare( substr( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 0, 3 ), '5.8', '>=' ) ) {
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-footer1'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Footer 1 Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-footer2'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Footer 2 Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-footer3'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Footer 3 Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-footer4'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Footer 4 Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-footer5'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Footer 5 Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-footer6'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Footer 6 Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'footer',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-header1'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Header Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-header2'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Widget Area Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'header',
'priority' => 10,
$blocks_extra['sidebar-widgets-product-filter'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Catalog Off Canvas Sidebar Settings', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'woocommerce',
'priority' => 18,
$sections = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) ) {
$extra_woo['woocommerce_product_catalog'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Product Catalog', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'woocommerce',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_woo['woocommerce_product_catalog_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Product Catalog', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'woocommerce',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_woo['product_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Single Product Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'woocommerce',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_woo['product_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Single Product Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'woocommerce',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_woo['account_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'My Account Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'woocommerce',
'priority' => 24,
$extra_woo['woocommerce_store_notice_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Store Notice', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'woocommerce',
'priority' => 10,
$sections = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'SFWD_LMS' ) ) {
$extra_learn = array();
$extra_learn['sfwd_courses_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_learn['sfwd_courses_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_learn['sfwd_courses_archive_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Archive Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_learn['sfwd_courses_archive_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Archive Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_learn['sfwd_lesson_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Lesson Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_lesson_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Lesson Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_quiz_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Quiz Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_quiz_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Quiz Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_topic_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Topic Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_topic_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Topic Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_groups_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Groups Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_learn['sfwd_groups_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Groups Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_learn['sfwd_essays_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Essay Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_learn['sfwd_essays_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Essay Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_learn['sfwd_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Learn Dash Design', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_grid_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Grid Design', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_learn['sfwd_grid_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Grid Design', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'learndash',
'priority' => 12,
$sections = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'BBPress' ) ) {
$extra_bbpress = array();
$extra_bbpress['topic_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Topic Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'bbpress',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_bbpress['topic_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Topic Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'bbpress',
'priority' => 10,
'type' => 'design-hidden',
$extra_bbpress['forum_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Forum Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'bbpress',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_bbpress['forum_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Forum Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'bbpress',
'priority' => 10,
'type' => 'design-hidden',
$extra_bbpress['forum_archive'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Forum Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'bbpress',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_bbpress['forum_archive_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Forum Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'bbpress',
'priority' => 10,
'type' => 'design-hidden',
$sections = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'LifterLMS' ) ) {
$extra_lifter['course_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_lifter['course_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_lifter['course_archive'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_lifter['course_archive_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_lifter['lesson_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Lesson Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_lifter['lesson_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Lesson Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 12,
$extra_lifter['llms_quiz_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Quiz Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 13,
$extra_lifter['llms_membership_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Membership Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 14,
$extra_lifter['llms_membership_archive'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Membership Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 15,
$extra_lifter['llms_membership_archive_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Membership Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 15,
$extra_lifter['llms_dashboard_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'User Dashboard', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'lifterlms',
'priority' => 16,
$sections = array_merge(
if ( class_exists( 'TUTOR\Tutor' ) ) {
$extra_tutor['courses_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'tutorlms',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_tutor['courses_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'tutorlms',
'priority' => 10,
$extra_tutor['courses_archive_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Archive Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'tutorlms',
'priority' => 11,
$extra_tutor['courses_archive_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Course Archive Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'tutorlms',
'priority' => 11,
$sections = array_merge(
if ( defined( 'TRIBE_EVENTS_FILE' ) ) {
$extra_events['tribe_events_layout'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Single Event Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'tribe_customizer',
'priority' => 80,
$extra_events['tribe_events_layout_design'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Single Event Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'tribe_customizer',
'priority' => 80,
$extra_events['tribe_events_archive'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Events Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'tribe_customizer',
'priority' => 85,
$sections = array_merge(
$post_types = kadence()->get_post_types_objects();
$extras_post_types = array();
$add_extras = false;
foreach ( $post_types as $post_type_item ) {
$post_type_name = $post_type_item->name;
$post_type_label = $post_type_item->label;
$ignore_type = kadence()->get_post_types_to_ignore();
$panel_name = 'all_posts';
$panel_priority = 10;
if ( ! in_array( $post_type_name, $ignore_type, true ) ) {
if ( $post_type_name === 'ld-exam' ) {
$panel_name = 'learndash';
$panel_priority = 40;
$add_extras = true;
$extras_post_types[ $post_type_name . '_layout' ] = array(
'title' => $post_type_label . ' ' . __( 'Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => $panel_name,
'priority' => $panel_priority,
$extras_post_types[ $post_type_name . '_layout_design' ] = array(
'title' => $post_type_label . ' ' . __( 'Layout', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => $panel_name,
'priority' => $panel_priority,
'type' => 'design-hidden',
if ( $post_type_name !== 'ld-exam' ) {
$extras_post_types[ $post_type_name . '_archive' ] = array(
'title' => $post_type_label . ' ' . __( 'Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => $panel_name,
'priority' => $panel_priority,
$extras_post_types[ $post_type_name . '_archive_design' ] = array(
'title' => $post_type_label . ' ' . __( 'Archive', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => $panel_name,
'priority' => $panel_priority,
'type' => 'design-hidden',
if ( $add_extras ) {
$extras_post_types['custom_posts_placeholder'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Custom Post Types', 'kadence' ),
'panel' => 'all_posts',
'priority' => 9,
$final_sections = array_merge(
} else {
$final_sections = $sections;
self::$sections = apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_customizer_sections', $final_sections );
// Return sections.
return self::$sections;
* Get Customizer Capability
* @access public
* @return string
public static function get_capability() {
// Define sections.
if ( is_null( self::$capability ) ) {
self::$capability = apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_customizer_capability', 'manage_options' );
// Return capability.
return self::$capability;
* Add settings
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the customizer object.
* @return void
public function register_settings( $wp_customize ) {
// Iterate over settings.
foreach ( self::$settings as $setting_key => $setting ) {
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && false === $setting['settings'] ) {
// Define Control Class.
if ( isset( $setting['control_type'] ) && ! empty( $setting['control_type'] ) ) {
if ( substr( $setting['control_type'], 0, 8 ) === 'kadence_' ) {
$control_class = 'Kadence_Control_' . ucfirst( str_replace( 'kadence_', '', str_replace( '_control', '', $setting['control_type'] ) ) );
} else {
$control_class = 'WP_Customize_' . ucfirst( $setting['control_type'] ) . '_Control';
} else {
$control_class = 'WP_Customize_Control';
// Define Sanitize Function.
if ( isset( $setting['sanitize'] ) && ! empty( $setting['sanitize'] ) ) {
if ( substr( $setting['sanitize'], 0, 8 ) === 'kadence_' ) {
$sanitize_function = array( 'Kadence\Customizer_Sanitize', $setting['sanitize'] );
} else {
$sanitize_function = $setting['sanitize'];
} else {
$sanitize_function = array( 'Kadence\Customizer_Sanitize', 'kadence_sanitize_option' );
$sanitize_function = '';
if ( 'option' === kadence()->get_option_type() ) {
$setting_key = kadence()->get_option_name() . '[' . $setting_key . ']';
if ( ! empty( $opt_name_key = apply_filters( 'kadence_settings_key_custom_mapping', '', $setting_key ) ) ) {
$id = $opt_name_key . '[' . $setting_key . ']';
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && is_array( $setting['settings'] ) ) {
foreach ( $setting['settings'] as $setting_key => $id ) {
$setting_id = $opt_name_key . '[' . $id . ']';
'type' => 'option',
'default' => kadence()->default( $id ),
'transport' => isset( $setting['transport'] ) ? $setting['transport'] : 'postMessage',
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
'sanitize_callback' => $sanitize_function,
} else {
'type' => 'option',
'transport' => isset( $setting['transport'] ) ? $setting['transport'] : 'postMessage',
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
'default' => isset( $setting['default'] ) && $control_class !== 'Kadence_Control_Background' ? $setting['default'] : '',
'sanitize_callback' => $sanitize_function,
} else {
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && is_array( $setting['settings'] ) ) {
foreach ( $setting['settings'] as $setting_key => $id ) {
if ( 'option' === kadence()->get_option_type() ) {
$id = self::get_option_name() . '[' . $id . ']';
'type' => kadence()->get_option_type(),
'default' => kadence()->default( $id ),
'transport' => isset( $setting['transport'] ) ? $setting['transport'] : 'postMessage',
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
'sanitize_callback' => $sanitize_function,
} else {
'type' => kadence()->get_option_type(),
'transport' => isset( $setting['transport'] ) ? $setting['transport'] : 'postMessage',
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
'default' => isset( $setting['default'] ) && $control_class !== 'Kadence_Control_Background' ? $setting['default'] : '',
'sanitize_callback' => $sanitize_function,
* Maybe add section
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the object.
* @param array $child the child item.
* @return void
public static function maybe_add_section( $wp_customize, $child ) {
// Get sections.
$sections = self::get_sections();
// Check if section is set and exists.
if ( ! empty( $child['section'] ) && isset( $sections[ $child['section'] ] ) ) {
// Reference current section key.
$section_key = $child['section'];
// Check if section was not added yet.
if ( ! in_array( $section_key, self::$sections_added, true ) ) {
// Reference current section.
$section = $sections[ $section_key ];
// Section config.
$section_config = array(
'title' => $section['title'],
'priority' => ( isset( $section['priority'] ) ? $section['priority'] : 10 ),
'type' => ( isset( $section['type'] ) ? $section['type'] : 'default' ),
// Description.
if ( ! empty( $section['description'] ) ) {
$section_config['description'] = $section['description'];
// Maybe add panel.
self::maybe_add_panel( $wp_customize, $section );
// Maybe add section to panel.
if ( ! empty( $section['panel'] ) ) {
if ( 'woocommerce' === $section['panel'] ) {
$section_config['panel'] = $section['panel'];
} elseif ( 'tribe_customizer' === $section['panel'] ) {
$section_config['panel'] = $section['panel'];
} else {
$section_config['panel'] = 'kadence_customizer_' . $section['panel'];
$section_id = 'title_tagline' === $section_key || 'static_front_page' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-product-filter' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-header1' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-header2' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer1' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer2' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer3' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer4' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer5' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer6' === $section_key || 'woocommerce_product_catalog_design' === $section_key || 'woocommerce_product_catalog' === $section_key || 'woocommerce_store_notice' === $section_key || 'woocommerce_store_notice_design' === $section_key ? $section_key : 'kadence_customizer_' . $section_key;
// Undo widgets if using gutenberg plugin or 5.8 beta.
if ( ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, '10.6.2', '>' ) ) || version_compare( substr( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 0, 3 ), '5.8', '>=' ) ) {
if ( 'sidebar-widgets-footer1' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer2' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer3' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer4' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer5' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-footer6' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-header1' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-header2' === $section_key || 'sidebar-widgets-product-filter' === $section_key ) {
$section_id = 'kadence_customizer_' . $section_key;
// Register section.
$wp_customize->add_section( $section_id, $section_config );
// Track which sections were added.
self::$sections_added[] = $section_key;
* Maybe add panel
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the object.
* @param array $child the child item.
* @return void
public static function maybe_add_panel( $wp_customize, $child ) {
// Get panels.
$panels = self::get_panels();
// Check if panel is set and exists.
if ( ! empty( $child['panel'] ) && isset( $panels[ $child['panel'] ] ) ) {
// Reference current panel key.
$panel_key = $child['panel'];
// Check if panel was not added yet.
if ( ! in_array( $panel_key, self::$panels_added, true ) ) {
// Reference current panel.
$panel = $panels[ $panel_key ];
// Panel config.
$panel_config = array(
'title' => $panel['title'],
'priority' => ( isset( $panel['priority'] ) ? $panel['priority'] : 10 ),
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
// Panel description.
if ( ! empty( $panel['description'] ) ) {
$panel_config['description'] = $panel['description'];
// Register panel.
$wp_customize->add_panel( 'kadence_customizer_' . $panel_key, $panel_config );
// Track which panels were added.
self::$panels_added[] = $panel_key;
* Add controls, sections and panels
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the customizer object.
* @return void
public function add_controls( $wp_customize ) {
// Iterate over settings.
foreach ( self::$settings as $setting_key => $setting ) {
// Maybe add section.
self::maybe_add_section( $wp_customize, $setting );
// Maybe add panel.
self::maybe_add_panel( $wp_customize, $setting );
// Maybe add context.
if ( isset( $setting['context'] ) && ! empty( $setting['context'] ) ) {
self::maybe_add_context( $setting_key, $setting );
// Maybe add live changes.
if ( isset( $setting['live_method'] ) && ! empty( $setting['live_method'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && is_array( $setting['settings'] ) ) {
foreach ( $setting['settings'] as $setting_item => $id ) {
self::maybe_add_live( $id, $setting );
} else {
self::maybe_add_live( $setting_key, $setting );
// Maybe add partial.
if ( isset( $setting['partial'] ) && ! empty( $setting['partial'] ) ) {
self::maybe_add_partial( $wp_customize, $setting_key, $setting );
// Maybe add choices.
if ( isset( $setting['choices'] ) && ! empty( $setting['choices'] ) ) {
self::maybe_add_choices( $setting_key, $setting );
// Get control class name (none, color, upload, image).
if ( isset( $setting['control_type'] ) && ! empty( $setting['control_type'] ) ) {
if ( substr( $setting['control_type'], 0, 8 ) === 'kadence_' ) {
$control_class = 'Kadence_Control_' . ucfirst( str_replace( 'kadence_', '', str_replace( '_control', '', $setting['control_type'] ) ) );
} else {
$control_class = 'WP_Customize_' . ucfirst( $setting['control_type'] ) . '_Control';
} else {
$control_class = 'WP_Customize_Control';
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && false === $setting['settings'] ) {
$control_config = array(
'settings' => array(),
'priority' => isset( $setting['priority'] ) ? $setting['priority'] : 10,
} else {
// Control configuration.
$control_config = array(
'settings' => $setting_key,
'capability' => self::get_capability(),
'priority' => isset( $setting['priority'] ) ? $setting['priority'] : 10,
'active_callback' => ( isset( $setting['active_callback'] ) ? array( $this, 'active_callback' ) : '__return_true' ),
// Title.
if ( ! empty( $setting['label'] ) ) {
$control_config['label'] = $setting['label'];
// Description.
if ( ! empty( $setting['description'] ) ) {
$control_config['description'] = $setting['description'];
// Add control to section.
if ( ! empty( $setting['section'] ) ) {
$control_config['section'] = ( 'title_tagline' === $setting['section'] || 'static_front_page' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-product-filter' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-header1' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-header2' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer1' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer2' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer3' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer4' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer5' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer6' === $setting['section'] || 'woocommerce_product_catalog' === $setting['section'] || 'woocommerce_product_catalog_design' === $setting['section'] || 'woocommerce_store_notice' === $setting['section'] || 'woocommerce_store_notice_design' === $setting['section'] ? $setting['section'] : 'kadence_customizer_' . $setting['section'] );
// Undo widgets if using gutenberg plugin or 5.8 beta.
if ( ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, '10.6.2', '>' ) ) || version_compare( substr( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 0, 3 ), '5.8', '>=' ) ) {
if ( 'sidebar-widgets-footer1' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer2' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer3' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer4' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer5' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-footer6' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-header1' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-header2' === $setting['section'] || 'sidebar-widgets-product-filter' === $setting['section'] ) {
$control_config['section'] = 'kadence_customizer_' . $setting['section'];
// Add control to panel.
if ( ! empty( $setting['panel'] ) ) {
if ( 'woocommerce' === $control_config['panel'] ) {
$control_config['panel'] = $setting['panel'];
} elseif ( 'tribe_customizer' === $control_config['panel'] ) {
$control_config['panel'] = $setting['panel'];
} else {
$control_config['panel'] = 'kadence_customizer_' . $setting['panel'];
// Add custom field type.
if ( ! empty( $setting['type'] ) ) {
$control_config['type'] = $setting['type'];
// Add select field options.
if ( ! empty( $setting['choices'] ) ) {
$control_config['choices'] = $setting['choices'];
// Defaults.
if ( ! empty( $setting['default'] ) ) {
$control_config['default'] = $setting['default'];
// Input attributes.
if ( ! empty( $setting['input_attrs'] ) ) {
$control_config['input_attrs'] = $setting['input_attrs'];
// Input attributes.
if ( ! empty( $setting['mime_type'] ) ) {
$control_config['mime_type'] = $setting['mime_type'];
// Builder.
if ( ! empty( $setting['labels'] ) ) {
$control_config['labels'] = $setting['labels'];
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && ! empty( $setting['settings'] ) && is_array( $setting['settings'] ) ) {
$settings_array = array();
foreach ( $setting['settings'] as $s_key => $s_id ) {
$settings_array[ $s_key ] = $s_id;
$control_config['settings'] = $settings_array;
if ( ! empty( $opt_name_key = apply_filters( 'kadence_settings_key_custom_mapping', '', $setting_key ) ) ) {
$setting_key = $opt_name_key . '[' . $setting_key . ']';
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && ! empty( $setting['settings'] ) && is_array( $setting['settings'] ) ) {
$settings_array = array();
foreach ( $setting['settings'] as $s_key => $s_id ) {
$settings_array[ $s_key ] = $opt_name_key . '[' . $s_id . ']';
$control_config['settings'] = $settings_array;
} else {
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && false === $setting['settings'] ) {
$control_config['settings'] = array();
} else {
$control_config['settings'] = $setting_key;
// Add control.
$wp_customize->add_control( new $control_class( $wp_customize, $setting_key, $control_config ) );
* Call back to hide or show field.
* @access public
* @param object $object the customizer object.
public static function active_callback( $object ) {
if ( ! isset( $object->setting->id ) && 'kadence_builder_control' !== $object->type ) {
return true;
if ( 'kadence_builder_control' === $object->type ) {
$id = str_replace( kadence()->get_option_name() . '_', '', $object->id );
} else {
$opt_name = explode( '[', $object->setting->id );
$opt_name = $opt_name[0];
$id = str_replace( $opt_name . '[', '', str_replace( ']', '', $object->setting->id ) );
$settings = self::$settings;
if ( ! isset( $settings[ $id ] ) ) {
return true;
$show = true;
if ( ! isset( $settings[ $id ]['active_callback'][0] ) && 3 === count( $settings[ $id ]['active_callback'] ) ) {
$field_id = $settings[ $id ]['active_callback']['id'];
$compare = $settings[ $id ]['active_callback']['compare'];
$value = $settings[ $id ]['active_callback']['value'];
$field_value = kadence()->option( $field_id );
$show = self::active_callback_compare( $compare, $value, $field_value );
} elseif ( is_array( $settings[ $id ]['active_callback'][0] ) ) {
foreach ( $settings[ $id ]['active_callback'] as $required ) {
$field_id = $required['id'];
$compare = $required['compare'];
$value = $required['value'];
$field_value = kadence()->option( $field_id );
$show = self::active_callback_compare( $compare, $value, $field_value );
if ( ! $show ) {
return false;
return $show;
* Call back to compare.
* @access public
* @param string $compare the compare item.
* @param string $value the first item.
* @param string $field_value the second item.
public static function active_callback_compare( $compare, $value, $field_value ) {
$show = true;
switch ( $compare ) {
case '==':
case '=':
case 'equals':
case 'equal':
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
foreach ( $value as $sub_value ) {
if ( $field_value === $sub_value ) {
$show = true;
} else {
$show = false;
} else {
$show = ( $field_value === $value ) ? true : false;
case '!=':
case 'not equal':
$show = ( $field_value !== $value ) ? true : false;
return $show;
* Get Builder Choices.
* @access public
public static function get_builder_choices() {
return apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_customizer_control_choices', self::$choices );
* Enqueue Customizer scripts
* @access public
* @return void
public function enqueue_customizer_scripts() {
// Make it possible to prevent gutenberg from loading in the customizer for plugins that are using the customizer for other purposes.
if ( isset( $_GET['wpum_email_customizer'] ) || apply_filters( 'prevent_kadence_customizer_scripts', false ) ) {
$palette_presets = '{"basic":[{"color":"#2B6CB0"},{"color":"#215387"},{"color":"#222222"},{"color":"#3B3B3B"},{"color":"#515151"},{"color":"#626262"},{"color":"#E1E1E1"},{"color":"#F7F7F7"},{"color":"#ffffff"}],"palette":[{"color":"#255FDD"},{"color":"#00F2FF"},{"color":"#1A202C"},{"color":"#2D3748"},{"color":"#4A5568"},{"color":"#718096"},{"color":"#EDF2F7"},{"color":"#F7FAFC"},{"color":"#ffffff"}],"first-palette":[{"color":"#3296ff"},{"color":"#003174"},{"color":"#ffffff"},{"color":"#f7fafc"},{"color":"#edf2f7"},{"color":"#cbd2d9"},{"color":"#1A202C"},{"color":"#252c39"},{"color":"#2D3748"}],"orange":[{"color":"#e47b02"},{"color":"#ed8f0c"},{"color":"#1f2933"},{"color":"#3e4c59"},{"color":"#52606d"},{"color":"#7b8794"},{"color":"#f3f4f7"},{"color":"#f9f9fb"},{"color":"#ffffff"}],"third-palette":[{"color":"#E21E51"},{"color":"#4d40ff"},{"color":"#040037"},{"color":"#032075"},{"color":"#514d7c"},{"color":"#666699"},{"color":"#deddeb"},{"color":"#efeff5"},{"color":"#f8f9fa"}],"forth-palette":[{"color":"#E21E51"},{"color":"#4d40ff"},{"color":"#f8f9fa"},{"color":"#efeff5"},{"color":"#deddeb"},{"color":"#c3c2d6"},{"color":"#040037"},{"color":"#221e5b"},{"color":"#514D7C"}],"fifth-palette":[{"color":"#049f82"},{"color":"#008f72"},{"color":"#222222"},{"color":"#353535"},{"color":"#454545"},{"color":"#676767"},{"color":"#eeeeee"},{"color":"#f7f7f7"},{"color":"#ffffff"}],"sixth-palette":[{"color":"#dd6b20"},{"color":"#cf3033"},{"color":"#27241d"},{"color":"#423d33"},{"color":"#504a40"},{"color":"#625d52"},{"color":"#e8e6e1"},{"color":"#faf9f7"},{"color":"#ffffff"}]}';
$fonts = array(
'name' => 'Montserrat & Source Sans Pro',
'hfont' => 'Montserrat',
'bfont' => 'Source Sans Pro',
'hv' => array( '100', '100italic', '200', '200italic', '300', '300italic', 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic', '900', '900italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/montserrat.jpg',
'name' => 'Libre Franklin & Libre Baskerville',
'hfont' => 'Libre Franklin',
'bfont' => 'Libre Baskerville',
'hv' => array( '100', '100italic', '200', '200italic', '300', '300italic', 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic', '900', '900italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/libre.jpg',
'name' => 'Proza Libre & Open Sans',
'hfont' => 'Proza Libre',
'bfont' => 'Open Sans',
'hv' => array( 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/proza.jpg',
'name' => 'Work Sans & Work Sans',
'hfont' => 'Work Sans',
'bfont' => 'Work Sans',
'hv' => array( '100', '100italic', '200', '200italic', '300', '300italic', 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic', '900', '900italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/worksans.jpg',
'name' => 'Josefin Sans & Lato',
'hfont' => 'Josefin Sans',
'bfont' => 'Lato',
'hv' => array( '100', '100italic', '200', '200italic', '300', '300italic', 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/josefin.jpg',
'name' => 'Oswald & Open Sans',
'hfont' => 'Oswald',
'bfont' => 'Open Sans',
'hv' => array( '200', '300', 'regular', '500', '600', '700' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/oswald.jpg',
'name' => 'Nunito & Roboto',
'hfont' => 'Nunito',
'bfont' => 'Roboto',
'hv' => array( '200', '200italic', '300', '300italic', 'regular', 'italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic', '900', '900italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/nunito.jpg',
'name' => 'Rubik & Karla',
'hfont' => 'Rubik',
'bfont' => 'Karla',
'hv' => array( '300', '300italic', 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic', '900', '900italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/rubik.jpg',
'name' => 'Lora & Merriweather',
'hfont' => 'Lora',
'bfont' => 'Merriweather',
'hv' => array( 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/lora.jpg',
'name' => 'Playfair Display & Raleway',
'hfont' => 'Playfair Display',
'bfont' => 'Raleway',
'hv' => array( 'regular', 'italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic', '800', '800italic', '900', '900italic' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/playfair.jpg',
'name' => 'Antic Didone & Raleway',
'hfont' => 'Antic Didone',
'bfont' => 'Raleway',
'hv' =>array( 'regular' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/antic.jpg',
'name' => 'Gilda Display & Raleway',
'hfont' => 'Gilda Display',
'bfont' => 'Raleway',
'hv' => array( 'regular' ),
'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/fonts/gilda.jpg',
$path = get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/customizer/';
$dir_path = get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer/';
wp_enqueue_style( 'kadence-customizer-styles', $path . 'css/kadence-customizer.css', false, KADENCE_VERSION );
if ( is_rtl() ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'kadence-customizer-rtl', $path . 'css/rtl-kadence-customizer.css', false, KADENCE_VERSION );
// Enqueue Customizer script.
$google_font_variants = include $dir_path . 'google-font-variants.php';
$editor_dependencies = array(
// Overide Core Text scripts because of naming issues.
wp_enqueue_script( 'customizer-text-widgets', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/text-widgets.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'backbone', 'editor', 'wp-util', 'wp-a11y', 'text-widgets' ), KADENCE_VERSION, false );
wp_enqueue_script( 'kadence-customizer-controls', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/admin/customizer.js', $editor_dependencies, KADENCE_VERSION, true );
wp_enqueue_style( 'kadence-customizer-controls', $path . 'react/build/controls.css', array( 'wp-components' ), KADENCE_VERSION );
'contexts' => self::get_control_contexts(),
'choices' => self::get_builder_choices(),
'palette' => kadence()->get_palette_for_customizer(),
'gfontvars' => $google_font_variants,
'cfontvars' => apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_custom_fonts', array() ),
'palettePresets' => apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_palette_presets', $palette_presets ),
'flushFonts' => wp_create_nonce( 'kadence-local-fonts-flush' ),
'fontPairs' => apply_filters( 'kadence_font_pairs_array', $fonts ),
'source' => apply_filters( 'kadence_settings_extra_source', false ),
'blockWidgets' => ( ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, '10.6.2', '>' ) ) || version_compare( substr( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 0, 3 ), '5.8', '>=' ) ? true : false ),
$css = ':root {
--global-palette1: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette1' ) . ';
--global-palette2: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette2' ) . ';
--global-palette3: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette3' ) . ';
--global-palette4: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette4' ) . ';
--global-palette5: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette5' ) . ';
--global-palette6: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette6' ) . ';
--global-palette7: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette7' ) . ';
--global-palette8: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette8' ) . ';
--global-palette9: ' . kadence()->palette_option( 'palette9' ) . ';
--global-palette-highlight: ' . $this->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'link_color', 'highlight' ) ) . ';
--global-palette-highlight-alt: ' . $this->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'link_color', 'highlight-alt' ) ) . ';
--global-palette-highlight-alt2: ' . $this->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'link_color', 'highlight-alt2' ) ) . ';
--global-palette-btn: ' . $this->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'buttons_color', 'color' ) ) . ';
--global-palette-btn-hover: ' . $this->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'buttons_color', 'hover' ) ) . ';
--global-palette-btn-bg: ' . $this->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'buttons_background', 'color' ) ) . ';
--global-palette-btn-bg-hover: ' . $this->render_color( kadence()->sub_option( 'buttons_background', 'hover' ) ) . ';
--global-base-font: ' . kadence()->sub_option( 'base_font', 'family' ) . ';
--global-heading-font: ' . ( 'inherit' !== kadence()->sub_option( 'heading_font', 'family' ) ? kadence()->sub_option( 'heading_font', 'family' ) : 'var(--global-base-font)' ) . ';
wp_add_inline_style( 'kadence-customizer-controls', wp_strip_all_tags( $css ) );
if ( function_exists( 'wp_set_script_translations' ) ) {
wp_set_script_translations( 'kadence-customizer-controls', 'kadence' );
* Generates the color output.
* @param string $color any color attribute.
* @return string
public function render_color( $color ) {
if ( empty( $color ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! is_array( $color ) && strpos( $color, 'palette' ) !== false ) {
$color = 'var(--global-' . $color . ')';
return $color;
* Enqueues JavaScript to make Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
public function action_enqueue_customize_preview_scripts() {
$path = get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/customizer/';
wp_enqueue_style( 'kadence-customizer-preview', $path . 'css/kadence-customizer-preview.css', false, KADENCE_VERSION );
wp_enqueue_script( 'kadence-webfont-js', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1.6.26/webfont.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.6.26', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'kadence-customizer-preview', $path . 'js/kadence-customizer-preview.min.js', array( 'customize-preview' ), KADENCE_VERSION, true );
'liveControl' => self::get_live_control_data(),
* Get Customizer Control Contexts
* @access public
* @return array
public static function get_control_contexts() {
// Return contexts.
return apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_customizer_control_contexts', self::$contexts );
* Get Customizer Live Control Data
* @access public
* @return array
public static function get_live_control_data() {
// Return contexts.
return apply_filters( 'kadence_theme_customizer_live_control_data', self::$live_control );
* Maybe add Context
* @access public
* @param string $setting_key the item setting key.
* @param array $setting the item setting.
* @return void
public static function maybe_add_context( $setting_key, $setting ) {
if ( isset( $setting['context'] ) && ! empty( $setting['context'] ) ) {
// Add to contexts array.
if ( ! empty( $opt_name_key = apply_filters( 'kadence_settings_key_custom_mapping', '', $setting_key ) ) ) {
$setting_key = $opt_name_key . '[' . $setting_key . ']';
self::$contexts[ $setting_key ] = $setting['context'];
* Maybe add Live Control Data
* @access public
* @param string $setting_key the item setting key.
* @param array $setting the item setting.
* @return void
public static function maybe_add_live( $setting_key, $setting ) {
if ( isset( $setting['live_method'] ) && ! empty( $setting['live_method'] ) ) {
// Add to live_method array.
$setting_id = $setting_key;
if ( ! empty( $opt_name_key = apply_filters( 'kadence_settings_key_custom_mapping', '', $setting_key ) ) ) {
$setting_id = $opt_name_key . '[' . $setting_key . ']';
if ( isset( $setting['settings'] ) && is_array( $setting['settings'] ) ) {
self::$live_control[ $setting_id ] = $setting['live_method'][ $setting_key ];
} else {
self::$live_control[ $setting_id ] = $setting['live_method'];
* Maybe add Partial Control Data
* @access public
* @param object $wp_customize the object.
* @param string $setting_key the item setting key.
* @param array $setting the item setting.
* @return void
public static function maybe_add_partial( $wp_customize, $setting_key, $setting ) {
if ( isset( $setting['partial'] ) && ! empty( $setting['partial'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $wp_customize->selective_refresh ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $opt_name_key = apply_filters( 'kadence_settings_key_custom_mapping', '', $setting_key ) ) ) {
$setting_key = $opt_name_key . '[' . $setting_key . ']';
* Maybe add Choices
* @access public
* @param string $setting_key the item setting key.
* @param array $setting the item setting.
* @return void
public static function maybe_add_choices( $setting_key, $setting ) {
if ( isset( $setting['choices'] ) && ! empty( $setting['choices'] ) ) {
// Add to choices array.
self::$choices[ $setting_key ] = $setting['choices'];
* Show footer widgets as active
* @param bool $active wether the panel is active.
* @param object $section the section object.
public function active_footer_widgets( $active, $section ) {
if ( strpos( $section->id, 'widgets-footer' ) ) {
$active = true;
return $active;