
1144 lines
62 KiB
Executable File

( function( $ ) {
'use strict';
var $window = $( window ),
$document = $( document ),
$body = $( 'body' );
// Site title and description.
wp.customize( 'blogname', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( '.site-title' ).text( to );
} );
} );
wp.customize( 'blogdescription', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( '.site-description' ).text( to );
} );
} );
wp.customize.bind( 'preview-ready', function() {
var defaultTarget = window.parent === window ? null : window.parent;
'.site-header-focus-item .item-customizer-focus, .builder-item-focus .edit-row-action',
function(e) {
var p = $( this ).closest( '.site-header-focus-item' );
var section_id = p.attr( 'data-section' ) || '';
if ( section_id ) {
if ( defaultTarget.wp.customize.section( section_id ) ) {
defaultTarget.wp.customize.section( section_id ).focus();
'.site-footer-focus-item .item-customizer-focus',
function(e) {
var p = $( this ).closest( '.site-footer-focus-item' );
var section_id = p.attr( 'data-section' ) || '';
if ( section_id ) {
if ( defaultTarget.wp.customize.section( section_id ) ) {
defaultTarget.wp.customize.section( section_id ).focus();
} );
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
if ( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari/') != -1 ) {
if ( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1) {
} else {
// Safari doesn't want to render the iframe... This hack at least makes it render although it's not idea because of the flash.
// $body.animate({
// opacity: 0,
// }, 50, function() {
// $body.css( 'display', 'none' );
// $body.css( 'opacity', 1 );
// });
// setTimeout(function(){
// $body.css( 'display', 'block' );
// }, 100);
var hasSelectiveRefresh = (
'undefined' !== typeof wp &&
wp.customize &&
wp.customize.selectiveRefresh &&
wp.customize.widgetsPreview &&
if ( hasSelectiveRefresh ) {
wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.bind('partial-content-rendered', function (placement) {
if ( placement.partial.id === 'header_desktop_items' ) {
if ( typeof window.kadence.initStickyHeader !== "undefined" ) {
} );
var kadenceCustomizer = {
live_css_typography : function( key, rules, newValue ) {
var styleID = 'kadence-customize-preview-css-' + key,
$style = $( '#' + styleID ),
css = '',
media_tablet = '@media screen and (max-width: 1023px)',
media_mobile = '@media screen and (max-width: 499px)',
cssArray = {};
// Create <style> tag if doesn't exist.
if ( 0 === $style.length ) {
$style = $( document.createElement( 'style' ) );
$style.attr( 'id', styleID );
$style.attr( 'type', 'text/css' );
// Append <style> tag to <head>.
$style.appendTo( $( 'head' ) );
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
if ( undefined == rule['property'] || undefined == rule['selector'] ) {
rule['media'] = rule['media'] || 'global';
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue['size'] && 'object' == typeof newValue['size'] && 'family' !== rule['key'] ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue['size']['desktop'] && '' !== newValue['size']['desktop'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['sizeType'] && '' !== newValue['sizeType'] ? newValue['sizeType'] : 'px' );
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['font-size'] = newValue['size']['desktop'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['size']['tablet'] && '' !== newValue['size']['tablet'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ? rule['selector']['tablet'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['sizeType'] && '' !== newValue['sizeType'] ? newValue['sizeType'] : 'px' );
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['font-size'] = newValue['size']['tablet'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['size']['mobile'] && '' !== newValue['size']['mobile'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ? rule['selector']['mobile'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['sizeType'] && '' !== newValue['sizeType'] ? newValue['sizeType'] : 'px' );
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['font-size'] = newValue['size']['mobile'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['lineHeight'] && 'object' == typeof newValue['lineHeight'] && 'family' !== rule['key'] ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue['lineHeight']['desktop'] && '' !== newValue['lineHeight']['desktop'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['lineType'] && '' !== newValue['lineType'] && '-' !== newValue['lineType'] ? newValue['lineType'] : '' );
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['line-height'] = newValue['lineHeight']['desktop'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['lineHeight']['tablet'] && '' !== newValue['lineHeight']['tablet'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ? rule['selector']['tablet'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['lineType'] && '' !== newValue['lineType'] && '-' !== newValue['lineType'] ? newValue['lineType'] : '' );
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['line-height'] = newValue['lineHeight']['tablet'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['lineHeight']['mobile'] && '' !== newValue['lineHeight']['mobile'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ? rule['selector']['mobile'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['lineType'] && '' !== newValue['lineType'] && '-' !== newValue['lineType'] ? newValue['lineType'] : '' );
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['line-height'] = newValue['lineHeight']['mobile'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['letterSpacing'] && 'object' == typeof newValue['letterSpacing'] && 'family' !== rule['key']) {
if ( undefined !== newValue['letterSpacing']['desktop'] && '' !== newValue['letterSpacing']['desktop'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['spacingType'] && '' !== newValue['spacingType'] ? newValue['spacingType'] : '' );
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['letter-spacing'] = newValue['letterSpacing']['desktop'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['letterSpacing']['tablet'] && '' !== newValue['letterSpacing']['tablet'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ? rule['selector']['tablet'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['spacingType'] && '' !== newValue['spacingType'] ? newValue['spacingType'] : '' );
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['letter-spacing'] = newValue['letterSpacing']['tablet'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['letterSpacing']['mobile'] && '' !== newValue['letterSpacing']['mobile'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ? rule['selector']['mobile'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] = {};
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue['spacingType'] && '' !== newValue['spacingType'] ? newValue['spacingType'] : '' );
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['letter-spacing'] = newValue['letterSpacing']['mobile'] + unit;
if ( undefined !== newValue['family'] && '' !== newValue['family'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
if ( undefined !== newValue['google'] && newValue['google'] && typeof (WebFont) !== 'undefined' && WebFont ) {
var link = newValue['family'];
if ( 'family' === rule['key'] && newValue['variant'] ) {
link += ':' + newValue['variant'].toString();
} else if ( newValue['variant'] && '' !== newValue['variant'] ) {
link += ':' + newValue['variant'];
WebFont.load( {google: {families: [link]}} );
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['font-family'] = ( 'inherit' !== newValue['family'] ? newValue['family'] : '' );
if ( undefined !== newValue['style'] && 'family' !== rule['key'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['font-style'] = newValue['style'];
if ( undefined !== newValue['weight'] && 'family' !== rule['key'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['font-weight'] = newValue['weight'];
if ( undefined !== newValue['transform'] && '' !== newValue['transform'] && 'family' !== rule['key'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['text-transform'] = newValue['transform'];
if ( undefined !== newValue['color'] && 'family' !== rule['key'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var color_type = '';
if ( newValue['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['color']
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['color'] = color_type;
} );
// Loop into the sorted array to build CSS string.
_.each( cssArray, function( selectors, media ) {
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += media + '{';
_.each( selectors, function( properties, selector ) {
css += selector + '{';
_.each( properties, function( value, property ) {
css += property + ':' + value + ';';
css += '}';
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += '}';
// Add CSS string to <style> tag.
$style.html( css );
live_css_background : function( key, rules, newValue ) {
var styleID = 'kadence-customize-preview-css-' + key,
$style = $( '#' + styleID ),
css = '',
media_tablet = '@media screen and (max-width: 1023px)',
media_mobile = '@media screen and (max-width: 499px)',
cssArray = {};
// Create <style> tag if doesn't exist.
if ( 0 === $style.length ) {
$style = $( document.createElement( 'style' ) );
$style.attr( 'id', styleID );
$style.attr( 'type', 'text/css' );
// Append <style> tag to <head>.
$style.appendTo( $( 'head' ) );
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
if ( undefined == rule['property'] || undefined == rule['selector'] ) {
rule['media'] = rule['media'] || 'global';
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var background_type = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['type'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['type'] ? newValue['desktop']['type'] : 'color' );
var color_type = '';
if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['color'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['desktop']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['desktop']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['desktop']['color']
if ( 'image' === background_type ) {
var imageValue = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['image'] && undefined !== newValue['desktop']['image']['url'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['image']['url'] ? 'url(' + newValue['desktop']['image']['url'] + ')' : false );
if ( imageValue ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background-color'] = color_type;
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background-image'] = imageValue;
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background-repeat'] = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['image']['repeat'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['image']['repeat'] ? newValue['desktop']['image']['repeat'] : 'inherit' );
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background-size'] = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['image']['size'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['image']['size'] ? newValue['desktop']['image']['size'] : 'inherit' );
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background-position'] = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['image']['position'] && undefined !== newValue['desktop']['image']['position']['x'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['image']['position']['x'] ? `${ newValue['desktop']['image']['position']['x'] * 100 }% ${ newValue['desktop']['image']['position']['y'] * 100 }%` : 'center' );
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background-attachment'] = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['image']['attachment'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['image']['attachment'] ? newValue['desktop']['image']['attachment'] : 'inherit' );
} else {
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background'] = color_type;
} else if ( 'gradient' === background_type ) {
var gradientValue = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['gradient'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['gradient'] ? newValue['desktop']['gradient'] : false );
if ( '' !== gradientValue ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background'] = gradientValue;
} else {
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background'] = color_type;
if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ? rule['selector']['tablet'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] = {};
var background_type = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['type'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['type'] ? newValue['tablet']['type'] : 'color' );
var color_type = '';
if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['color'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['tablet']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['tablet']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['tablet']['color']
if ( 'image' === background_type ) {
var imageValue = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['image'] && undefined !== newValue['tablet']['image']['url'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['image']['url'] ? 'url(' + newValue['tablet']['image']['url'] + ')' : false );
if ( imageValue ) {
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background-color'] = color_type;
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background-image'] = imageValue;
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background-repeat'] = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['image']['repeat'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['image']['repeat'] ? newValue['tablet']['image']['repeat'] : 'inherit' );
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background-size'] = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['image']['size'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['image']['size'] ? newValue['tablet']['image']['size'] : 'inherit' );
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background-position'] = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['image']['position'] && undefined !== newValue['tablet']['image']['position']['x'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['image']['position']['x'] ? `${ newValue['tablet']['image']['position']['x'] * 100 }% ${ newValue['tablet']['image']['position']['y'] * 100 }%` : 'center' );
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background-attachment'] = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['image']['attachment'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['image']['attachment'] ? newValue['tablet']['image']['attachment'] : 'inherit' );
} else {
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background'] = color_type;
} else if ( 'gradient' === background_type ) {
var gradientValue = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['gradient'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['gradient'] ? newValue['tablet']['gradient'] : false );
if ( '' !== gradientValue ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background'] = gradientValue;
} else {
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ]['background'] = color_type;
if ( undefined !== newValue['mobile'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ? rule['selector']['mobile'] : rule['selector'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] = {};
var background_type = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['type'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['type'] ? newValue['mobile']['type'] : 'color' );
var color_type = '';
if ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['color'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['mobile']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['mobile']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['mobile']['color']
if ( 'image' === background_type ) {
var imageValue = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['image'] && undefined !== newValue['mobile']['image']['url'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['image']['url'] ? 'url(' + newValue['mobile']['image']['url'] + ')' : false );
if ( imageValue ) {
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background-color'] = color_type;
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background-image'] = imageValue;
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background-repeat'] = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['image']['repeat'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['image']['repeat'] ? newValue['mobile']['image']['repeat'] : 'inherit' );
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background-size'] = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['image']['size'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['image']['size'] ? newValue['mobile']['image']['size'] : 'inherit' );
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background-position'] = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['image']['position'] && undefined !== newValue['mobile']['image']['position']['x'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['image']['position']['x'] ? `${ newValue['mobile']['image']['position']['x'] * 100 }% ${ newValue['mobile']['image']['position']['y'] * 100 }%` : 'inherit' );
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background-attachment'] = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['image']['attachment'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['image']['attachment'] ? newValue['mobile']['image']['attachment'] : 'inherit' );
} else {
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background'] = color_type;
} else if ( 'gradient' === background_type ) {
var gradientValue = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['gradient'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['gradient'] ? newValue['mobile']['gradient'] : false );
if ( '' !== gradientValue ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ]['background'] = gradientValue;
} else {
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ]['background'] = color_type;
} );
// Loop into the sorted array to build CSS string.
_.each( cssArray, function( selectors, media ) {
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += media + '{';
_.each( selectors, function( properties, selector ) {
css += selector + '{';
_.each( properties, function( value, property ) {
css += property + ':' + value + ';';
css += '}';
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += '}';
// Add CSS string to <style> tag.
$style.html( css );
live_css_border : function( key, rules, newValue ) {
var styleID = 'kadence-customize-preview-css-' + key,
$style = $( '#' + styleID ),
css = '',
media_tablet = '@media screen and (max-width: 1023px)',
media_mobile = '@media screen and (max-width: 499px)',
cssArray = {};
// Create <style> tag if doesn't exist.
if ( 0 === $style.length ) {
$style = $( document.createElement( 'style' ) );
$style.attr( 'id', styleID );
$style.attr( 'type', 'text/css' );
// Append <style> tag to <head>.
$style.appendTo( $( 'head' ) );
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
if ( undefined == rule['property'] || undefined == rule['selector'] ) {
rule['media'] = rule['media'] || 'global';
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
property = ( undefined !== rule['property']['desktop'] ? rule['property']['desktop'] : rule['property'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['style'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['style'] ? newValue['desktop']['style'] : 'undefined' );
if ( 'undefined' !== border_style ) {
var color_type = '';
if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['color'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['desktop']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['desktop']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['desktop']['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' ) + newValue['desktop']['unit'] + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' ) + newValue['desktop']['unit'] + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + 'transparent';
if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet'] && undefined !== newValue['tablet']['width'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['width'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ? rule['selector']['tablet'] : rule['selector'] );
property = ( undefined !== rule['property']['tablet'] ? rule['property']['tablet'] : rule['property'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] = {};
var tablet_border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['style'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['style'] ? newValue['tablet']['style'] : '' );
var desktop_border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['style'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['style'] ? newValue['desktop']['style'] : '' );
var border_style = 'undefined';
if ( '' !== tablet_border_style ) {
border_style = tablet_border_style;
} else if ( '' !== desktop_border_style ) {
border_style = desktop_border_style;
if ( 'undefined' !== border_style ) {
var color_type = '';
var width = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' );
var unit = ( newValue['desktop']['unit'] ? newValue['desktop']['unit'] : 'px' );
if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['color'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['tablet']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['tablet']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['tablet']['color']
} else if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['color'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['desktop']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['desktop']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['desktop']['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ][ property ] = ( '' !== newValue['tablet']['width'] ? newValue['tablet']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['tablet']['unit'] ? newValue['tablet']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ][ property ] = ( '' !== newValue['tablet']['width'] ? newValue['tablet']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['tablet']['unit'] ? newValue['tablet']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + 'transparent';
if ( undefined !== newValue['mobile'] && undefined !== newValue['mobile']['width'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['width'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ? rule['selector']['mobile'] : rule['selector'] );
property = ( undefined !== rule['property']['mobile'] ? rule['property']['mobile'] : rule['property'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] = {};
var mobile_border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['style'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['style'] ? newValue['mobile']['style'] : '' );
var tablet_border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['style'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['style'] ? newValue['tablet']['style'] : '' );
var desktop_border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['style'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['style'] ? newValue['desktop']['style'] : '' );
var border_style = 'undefined';
if ( '' !== mobile_border_style ) {
border_style = mobile_border_style;
} else if ( '' !== tablet_border_style ) {
border_style = tablet_border_style;
} else if ( '' !== desktop_border_style ) {
border_style = desktop_border_style;
if ( 'undefined' !== border_style ) {
var color_type = '';
var deskWidth = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' );
var deskUnit = ( newValue['desktop']['unit'] ? newValue['desktop']['unit'] : 'px' );
var width = ( newValue['tablet'] && newValue['tablet']['width'] ? newValue['tablet']['width'] : deskWidth );
var unit = ( newValue['tablet'] && newValue['tablet']['unit'] ? newValue['tablet']['unit'] : deskUnit );
if ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['color'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['mobile']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['mobile']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['mobile']['color']
} else if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet'] && undefined !== newValue['tablet']['color'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['tablet']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['tablet']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['tablet']['color']
} else if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['color'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['desktop']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['desktop']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['desktop']['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ][ property ] = ( '' !== newValue['mobile']['width'] ? newValue['mobile']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['mobile']['unit'] ? newValue['mobile']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ][ property ] = ( '' !== newValue['mobile']['width'] ? newValue['mobile']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['mobile']['unit'] ? newValue['mobile']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + 'transparent';
if ( undefined !== newValue['style'] ) {
selector = rule['selector'];
property = rule['property'];
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['style'] && '' !== newValue['style'] ? newValue['style'] : 'none' );
//if ( 'none' !== border_style ) {
var color_type = '';
if ( undefined !== newValue['color'] && '' !== newValue['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['width'] ? newValue['width'] : '0' ) + newValue['unit'] + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['width'] ? newValue['width'] : '0' ) + newValue['unit'] + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + 'transparent';
} );
// Loop into the sorted array to build CSS string.
_.each( cssArray, function( selectors, media ) {
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += media + '{';
_.each( selectors, function( properties, selector ) {
css += selector + '{';
_.each( properties, function( value, property ) {
css += property + ':' + value + ';';
css += '}';
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += '}';
// Add CSS string to <style> tag.
$style.html( css );
live_css_boxshadow : function( key, rules, newValue ) {
var styleID = 'kadence-customize-preview-css-' + key,
$style = $( '#' + styleID ),
css = '',
media_tablet = '@media screen and (max-width: 1023px)',
media_mobile = '@media screen and (max-width: 499px)',
cssArray = {};
// Create <style> tag if doesn't exist.
if ( 0 === $style.length ) {
$style = $( document.createElement( 'style' ) );
$style.attr( 'id', styleID );
$style.attr( 'type', 'text/css' );
// Append <style> tag to <head>.
$style.appendTo( $( 'head' ) );
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
if ( undefined == rule['property'] || undefined == rule['selector'] ) {
rule['media'] = rule['media'] || 'global';
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ? rule['selector']['desktop'] : rule['selector'] );
property = ( undefined !== rule['property']['desktop'] ? rule['property']['desktop'] : rule['property'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['style'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['style'] ? newValue['desktop']['style'] : 'undefined' );
if ( 'undefined' !== border_style ) {
var color_type = '';
if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['color'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['desktop']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['desktop']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['desktop']['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' ) + newValue['desktop']['unit'] + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' ) + newValue['desktop']['unit'] + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + 'transparent';
if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ? rule['selector']['tablet'] : rule['selector'] );
property = ( undefined !== rule['property']['tablet'] ? rule['property']['tablet'] : rule['property'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ] = {};
var border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['style'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['style'] ? newValue['tablet']['style'] : newValue['desktop']['style'] );
var border_style_show = ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['style'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['style'] ? newValue['tablet']['style'] : 'undefined' );
if ( 'undefined' !== border_style_show ) {
var color_type = '';
var width = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' );
var unit = ( newValue['desktop']['unit'] ? newValue['desktop']['unit'] : 'px' );
if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet']['color'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['tablet']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['tablet']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['tablet']['color']
} else if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['color'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['desktop']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['desktop']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['desktop']['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['tablet']['width'] ? newValue['tablet']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['tablet']['unit'] ? newValue['tablet']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['tablet']['width'] ? newValue['tablet']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['tablet']['unit'] ? newValue['tablet']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + 'transparent';
if ( undefined !== newValue['mobile'] ) {
selector = ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ? rule['selector']['mobile'] : rule['selector'] );
property = ( undefined !== rule['property']['mobile'] ? rule['property']['mobile'] : rule['property'] );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ] = {};
var border_style = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['style'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['style'] ? newValue['mobile']['style'] : newValue['desktop']['style'] );
var border_style_show = ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['style'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['style'] ? newValue['mobile']['style'] : 'undefined' );
if ( 'undefined' !== border_style_show ) {
var color_type = '';
var deskWidth = ( newValue['desktop']['width'] ? newValue['desktop']['width'] : '0' );
var deskUnit = ( newValue['desktop']['unit'] ? newValue['desktop']['unit'] : 'px' );
var width = ( newValue['tablet'] && newValue['tablet']['width'] ? newValue['tablet']['width'] : deskWidth );
var unit = ( newValue['tablet'] && newValue['tablet']['unit'] ? newValue['tablet']['unit'] : deskUnit );
if ( undefined !== newValue['mobile']['color'] && '' !== newValue['mobile']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['mobile']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['mobile']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['mobile']['color']
} else if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet'] && undefined !== newValue['tablet']['color'] && '' !== newValue['tablet']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['tablet']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['tablet']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['tablet']['color']
} else if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop']['color'] && '' !== newValue['desktop']['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['desktop']['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['desktop']['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['desktop']['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['mobile']['width'] ? newValue['mobile']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['mobile']['unit'] ? newValue['mobile']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ selector ][ property ] = ( newValue['mobile']['width'] ? newValue['mobile']['width'] : width ) + ( newValue['mobile']['unit'] ? newValue['mobile']['unit'] : unit ) + ' ' + border_style + ' ' + 'transparent';
if ( undefined !== newValue['color'] ) {
selector = rule['selector'];
property = rule['property'];
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ] = {};
var inset = ( undefined !== newValue['inset'] && newValue['inset'] ? 'inset' : '' );
//if ( 'none' !== border_style ) {
var color_type = '';
if ( undefined !== newValue['color'] && '' !== newValue['color'] ) {
if ( newValue['color'].includes('palette') ) {
color_type = 'var(--global-' + newValue['color'] + ')';
} else {
color_type = newValue['color']
if ( '' !== color_type ) {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( inset ? inset + ' ' : '' ) + ( newValue['hOffset'] ? newValue['hOffset'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ( newValue['vOffset'] ? newValue['vOffset'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ( newValue['blur'] ? newValue['blur'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ( newValue['spread'] ? newValue['spread'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ' ' + color_type;
} else {
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ selector ][ property ] = ( inset ? inset + ' ' : '' ) + ( newValue['hOffset'] ? newValue['hOffset'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ( newValue['vOffset'] ? newValue['vOffset'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ( newValue['blur'] ? newValue['blur'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ( newValue['spread'] ? newValue['spread'] : '0' ) + 'px ' + ' ' + 'transparent';
} );
// Loop into the sorted array to build CSS string.
_.each( cssArray, function( selectors, media ) {
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += media + '{';
_.each( selectors, function( properties, selector ) {
css += selector + '{';
_.each( properties, function( value, property ) {
css += property + ':' + value + ';';
css += '}';
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += '}';
// Add CSS string to <style> tag.
$style.html( css );
live_css : function( key, rules, newValue ) {
var styleID = 'kadence-customize-preview-css-' + key,
$style = $( '#' + styleID ),
css = '',
media_tablet = '@media screen and (max-width: 1023px)',
media_mobile = '@media screen and (max-width: 499px)',
cssArray = {};
// Create <style> tag if doesn't exist.
if ( 0 === $style.length ) {
$style = $( document.createElement( 'style' ) );
$style.attr( 'id', styleID );
$style.attr( 'type', 'text/css' );
// Append <style> tag to <head>.
$style.appendTo( $( 'head' ) );
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
var formattedValue;
if ( undefined == rule['property'] || undefined == rule['selector'] ) {
rule['media'] = rule['media'] || 'global';
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['key'] && 'measure' === rule['key'] ) {
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue[ 'size' ] && undefined !== newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'] ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'] ) {
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue[ 'unit' ] && undefined !== newValue[ 'unit' ]['desktop'] ? newValue[ 'unit' ]['desktop'] : 'px' );
formattedValue = ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][0] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][0] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][1] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][1] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][2] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][2] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][3] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['desktop'][3] : '0' ) + unit;
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'] ) {
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue[ 'unit' ]['tablet'] ? newValue[ 'unit' ]['tablet'] : '' );
formattedValue = ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][0] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][0] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][1] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][1] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][2] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][2] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][3] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['tablet'][3] : '0' ) + unit;
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'] ) {
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue[ 'unit' ]['mobile'] ? newValue[ 'unit' ]['mobile'] : '' );
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'] + unit );
formattedValue = ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][0] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][0] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][1] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][1] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][2] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][2] : '0' ) + unit + ' ' + ( '' !== newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][3] ? newValue[ 'size' ]['mobile'][3] : '0' ) + unit;
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
} else {
formattedValue = ( newValue[ 'size' ] && '' !== newValue[ 'size' ][0] ? newValue[ 'size' ][0] : '0' ) + ( newValue[ 'unit' ] ? newValue[ 'unit' ] : 'px' ) + ' ' + ( newValue[ 'size' ] && '' !== newValue[ 'size' ][1] ? newValue[ 'size' ][1] : '0' ) + ( newValue[ 'unit' ] ? newValue[ 'unit' ] : 'px' ) + ' ' + ( newValue[ 'size' ] && '' !== newValue[ 'size' ][2] ? newValue[ 'size' ][2] : '0' ) + ( newValue[ 'unit' ] ? newValue[ 'unit' ] : 'px' ) + ' ' + ( newValue[ 'size' ] && '' !== newValue[ 'size' ][3] ? newValue[ 'size' ][3] : '0' ) + ( newValue[ 'unit' ] ? newValue[ 'unit' ] : 'px' );
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', formattedValue );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
} else if ( undefined !== rule['key'] && undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ] ) {
// Fetch the property newValue using the key from setting value.
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue[ rule['key'] ] ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['color'] && '' !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['color'] ) {
var color_type = ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['is_palette'] && '' !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['is_palette'] ? 'var(--global-' + newValue[ rule['key'] ]['is_palette'] + ')' : newValue[ rule['key'] ]['color'] );
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', color_type );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['desktop'] ) {
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue[ 'unit' ]['desktop'] ? newValue[ 'unit' ]['desktop'] : '' );
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', newValue[ rule['key'] ]['desktop'] + unit );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['tablet'] ) {
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue[ 'unit' ]['tablet'] ? newValue[ 'unit' ]['tablet'] : '' );
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', newValue[ rule['key'] ]['tablet'] + unit );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_tablet ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ media_tablet ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ media_tablet ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['mobile'] ) {
var unit = ( undefined !== newValue[ 'unit' ]['mobile'] ? newValue[ 'unit' ]['mobile'] : '' );
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', newValue[ rule['key'] ]['mobile'] + unit );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ media_mobile ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ media_mobile ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ media_mobile ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
} else {
if ( rule['key'] === 'size' ) {
formattedValue = newValue[ rule['key'] ] + ( newValue[ 'unit' ] ? newValue[ 'unit' ] : 'px' );
} else if ( typeof newValue[ rule['key'] ] === 'string' && newValue[ rule['key'] ].includes('palette') ) {
formattedValue = 'var(--global-' + newValue[ rule['key'] ] + ')';
} else {
formattedValue = newValue[ rule['key'] ];
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', formattedValue );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
} else {
// Define new value based on the specified pattern.
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', newValue );
// Define properties.
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ] = {};
if ( undefined == cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] ) cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector' ] ] = {};
cssArray[ rule['media'] ][ rule['selector'] ][ rule['property'] ] = formattedValue;
// Loop into the sorted array to build CSS string.
_.each( cssArray, function( selectors, media ) {
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += media + '{';
_.each( selectors, function( properties, selector ) {
css += selector + '{';
_.each( properties, function( value, property ) {
css += property + ':' + value + ';';
css += '}';
if ( 'global' !== media ) css += '}';
// Add CSS string to <style> tag.
$style.html( css );
live_class : function( key, rules, newValue ) {
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
var formattedValue;
if ( undefined == rule['selector'] ) {
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['key'] && undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ] ) {
// Fetch the property newValue using the key from setting value.
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue[ rule['key'] ] ) {
if ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['desktop'] && '' !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['desktop'] ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['pattern']['desktop'] ) {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern']['desktop'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern']['desktop'];
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern'];
if ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ) {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector']['desktop'] );
} else {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] );
formattedValue = device_pattern.replace( '$', newValue[ rule['key'] ]['desktop'] );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['tablet'] && '' !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['tablet'] ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['pattern']['tablet'] ) {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern']['tablet'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern']['tablet'];
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern'];
if ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ) {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector']['tablet'] );
} else {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] );
formattedValue = device_pattern.replace( '$', newValue[ rule['key'] ]['tablet'] );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['mobile'] && '' !== newValue[ rule['key'] ]['mobile'] ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['pattern']['mobile'] ) {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern']['mobile'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern']['mobile'];
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern'];
if ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ) {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector']['mobile'] );
} else {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] );
formattedValue = device_pattern.replace( '$', newValue[ rule['key'] ]['mobile'] );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' ),
items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] ),
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', newValue[ rule['key'] ] );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
} else {
if ( undefined !== newValue['desktop'] && '' !== newValue['desktop'] ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['pattern']['desktop'] ) {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern']['desktop'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern']['desktop'];
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern'];
if ( undefined !== rule['selector']['desktop'] ) {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector']['desktop'] );
} else {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] );
formattedValue = device_pattern.replace( '$', newValue['desktop'] );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue['tablet'] && '' !== newValue['tablet'] ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['pattern']['tablet'] ) {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern']['tablet'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern']['tablet'];
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern'];
if ( undefined !== rule['selector']['tablet'] ) {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector']['tablet'] );
} else {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] );
formattedValue = device_pattern.replace( '$', newValue['tablet'] );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
if ( undefined !== newValue['mobile'] && '' !== newValue['mobile'] ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['pattern']['mobile'] ) {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern']['mobile'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern']['mobile'];
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' );
var device_pattern = rule['pattern'];
if ( undefined !== rule['selector']['mobile'] ) {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector']['mobile'] );
} else {
var items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] );
formattedValue = device_pattern.replace( '$', newValue['mobile'] );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
} else {
var regex = new RegExp( rule['pattern'].replace( '$', '[\\w\\-]+' ), 'i' ),
items = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] ),
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', newValue );
items.forEach(function( item ) {
if ( item.className.match( regex ) ) {
item.className = item.className.replace( regex, formattedValue );
} else {
item.className += ' ' + formattedValue;
live_palette: function( key, rules, newValue ) {
var palette = JSON.parse( newValue );
var active = ( palette && palette['active'] ? palette['active'] : 'palette' );
if ( palette && palette[ active ] ) {
_.each( palette[ active ], function( color ) {
if ( color.slug && color.color ) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--global-' + color.slug, color.color );
} );
live_global: function( key, rules, newValue ) {
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
var formattedValue;
if ( undefined == rule['property'] || undefined == rule['selector'] ) {
rule['media'] = rule['media'] || 'global';
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
if ( 'object' == typeof newValue ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['key'] && undefined !== newValue[ rule['key'] ] ) {
// Fetch the property newValue using the key from setting value.
if ( typeof newValue[ rule['key'] ] === 'string' && newValue[ rule['key'] ].includes('palette') ) {
formattedValue = 'var(--global-' + newValue[ rule['key'] ] + ')';
} else {
formattedValue = newValue[ rule['key'] ];
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', formattedValue );
// Define properties.
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(rule['selector'], formattedValue );
live_html: function( key, rules, newValue ) {
_.each( rules, function( rule ) {
var value = newValue;
if ( undefined == rule['selector'] ) return;
rule['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] || '$';
var elements = document.querySelectorAll( rule['selector'] ),
formattedValue = rule['pattern'].replace( '$', value );
// Change innerHTML on all targeted elements.
elements.forEach(function( element ) {
if ( undefined !== rule['property'] ) {
element.setAttribute( rule['property'], formattedValue );
} else {
element.innerHTML = formattedValue;
if ( kadenceCustomizerPreviewData && kadenceCustomizerPreviewData.liveControl ) {
_.each( kadenceCustomizerPreviewData.liveControl, function( liveControl, key ) {
var eachLiveControl = {};
_.each( liveControl, function( rule ) {
var type = rule['type'];
if ( undefined == eachLiveControl[ type ] ) eachLiveControl[ type ] = [];
eachLiveControl[ type ].push( rule );
wp.customize( key, function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newValue ) {
_.each( eachLiveControl, function( rule, type ) {
var functionName = 'live_'.concat( type );
kadenceCustomizer[ functionName ]( key, rule, newValue );
$( document ).on( 'customize-preview-menu-refreshed', function( e, params ) {
if ( params.wpNavMenuArgs.show_toggles ) {
} )( jQuery );